Chapter 622 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (46)

It gets dark early in winter, and Xu Yin failed to rush back to Pingcheng from Linxian County that day. It was early in the morning of the second day of junior high school, and the leader of the farm personally sent her back.

Of course, the other party mainly wanted to have a good chat with the head of the field, about the exchange and learning of biogas technology - hoping to borrow Xu Yin two days a week to guide them in building a biogas digester.

Farm Manager Qi didn't expect to be related to the farm under the Lin County Agricultural Bureau, so he couldn't help being flattered.

Until he led the other party to visit his own farm, and saw the envious light in the other party's eyes, as well as the admiration from time to time:
"Hey! Your place is so clean! If you don't know it in advance, who can tell it's a breeding farm! Is this a pigsty? Damn it! It's cleaner than my office! The pigs living in your farm are so happy!"

The head of the whole farm couldn't help but feel a sense of heroism that Lao Tzu's farm is the best in the world.

He also heard the other party say: "Old Qi, do you want to buy ewes? I know someone who can get the best quality ewes. I'll get you as many as you want. I don't want money, you just need to buy ewes." Lend Comrade Xiao Xu to me for two days a week until the biogas digester is completed..."

Field Chief: "..."

Anything so cheap?

Send Xiao Xu out to guide for two days, and you can get a batch of free high-quality ewes?Goat milk just around the corner?
What's so hard about this!
The head of the whole field almost agreed on the spot.

This year, he originally planned to release Xu Yin from the pig farm so that she would no longer be responsible for the specific pig pens, but to assist the farm manager in overall management and planning of the entire farm, so it would not affect the two days to go to Lin County to give guidance. her job.

But this matter involved Xu Yin, and the head of the field did not agree, but called Xu Yin over to ask for her opinion.

Xu Yin doesn't care, where does she work?
Anyway, she has already gained experience in building a biogas digester.

Besides, people have said that she is just to guide, and she doesn't need to do it herself, just demonstrate it.

The other party will also drive to pick her up at the appointed time, which is like the treatment of a senior engineer!

Xu Yin readily accepted.

In this way, at the beginning of the new year, she became a busy person in two cities - Pingcheng and Linxian running at both ends.

Seven days a week, four days in Pingcheng, two days in Linxian, and one day off.

When the boyfriend is also taking a break, the two will go shopping together in department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives to buy supplies for the wedding room.

If Sheng Yujin was on a business trip or couldn't make it to the same day to rest, Xu Yin would not be disappointed. She would go to the surrounding villages and towns to shop for some local specialties and enrich the system warehouse.

You can't just take it out every time and don't stock it in.Hoarding goods is not called for nothing!
The scale of the Linxian farm is large, so not only must the biogas digesters be built large, but two must be built.

Fortunately, Xu Yin had the previous experience, and this time the plan she designed was both reasonable and efficient. During the interval between guidance, she also helped treat a few pigs and chickens, earning a few energy points.

Before the arrival of Labor Day, she designed, planned, and directed the construction of the biogas digester to be ventilated smoothly, the whole site was powered on, and she also designed a hot shower room for them.

It may not be necessary in summer, but winter is definitely a welfare item praised by the employees in the field.

On the day when Xu Yin finished her technical guidance and was about to return to Pingcheng, all the staff came to see her off.

The farm manager also asked the secretary to purchase a batch of special products from Lin County, but Xu Yin refused to accept them, so he asked the driver to take them and give them to Xu Yin at the Pingcheng Farm.

"Xiao Xu! Although the work has come to an end, we will always welcome you! Whenever you are free, come back anytime, and treat this place as your home! Come home often!"

Xu Yin said with a smile: "Thank you everyone! I will! Remember to clean up the biogas residues regularly, every two months in hot weather, and three months in cold weather. This is related to safe production, so we must pay attention to it. The cleaned up dregs are good for topdressing, so don't waste them."

The head of the field nodded solemnly: "You have told us countless times, and everyone has kept it in mind. In the second half of the year, we will also plant a batch of fruit trees in the field, which is on par with your field!"


Back in Pingcheng, Xu Yin didn't go back to the farm right away, but went home on the way, brought back two bottles of health-preserving wine for her father, and took out a box of special products from Lin County.The others were all put into the system warehouse by her.

Mother Xu curled her lips, but didn't say anything.

I heard from the third child that the fourth child is doing well now, and was hired by a breeding farm in Lin County as a technical instructor.

This kind of opportunity is very rare. In the future, you will be promoted and your salary will be raised. These are all resumes.

Why didn't such a good thing fall on the second child?
Xu's mother, who was planning for her son wholeheartedly, felt uneasy again.

Xu Yincai didn't have time to talk to her, and chatted with Xu's father about work matters. She didn't eat dinner, so she left home because her boyfriend came to pick her up for dinner at his grandparents' house.

Xu Aiguo sent her to the intersection.

"Fourth child, Xiao Sheng looks good to me. If you two recognize each other, it's better to get married as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble after a long time."

Xu Yin smiled: "Father, a marriage that can cause troubles means that it is not reliable, and it will not go far after marriage. But I know what you said."

Xu Aiguo nodded, sent his daughter away, and walked home with a bottle of wine and a bag of small braised vegetables that went with the wine from his son-in-law.

The neighbor next door saw me when I entered the door: "Hey, Lao Xu, are you buying wine?"

"I didn't buy it, it was given to me by the partner of the fourth child."

"The object of the fourth child? Just that tall and handsome young man? I have long seen that he is a good young man, a good-looking talent, and he is quite capable. Hey, there are also stewed vegetables? He also bought it? This is the sign of the state-owned restaurant. Braised vegetables, the price is not cheap!"

Xu Aiguo happily heard the envy of his neighbors, and entered the house with wine and stewed vegetables.

Xu's mother heard that these things were given by the wife of the fourth child, so she said sourly: "This kid really has the same virtue as the fourth child. He only knows how to buy things for you, and he doesn't worry about my mother-in-law at all."

Xu Aiguo took a sip of his wine slowly, and ate with a piece of stewed vegetables: "Who told you to always criticize the fourth child? Does it make people feel better? You want your son-in-law to respect you, and treat the fourth child better in the future. Don't worry about it." There are only the second child and the fifth child in the house. The second child married his wife and forgot his mother. You think about him all the time, what about him? His wife took all the good things to her mother’s house. How good are you? "


Xu Yin was shocked at the fact that her boyfriend rode a bicycle across half of the city to pick her up, but now she accepts it well - she is used to it.

"I'll take the ride later." She jumped into the back seat and said while tugging at the hem of his clothes.

Sheng Yujin turned her head and winked at her: "Did you underestimate me? Is your partner so weak? This way can't take you? Then how can I take you and the child?"

Xu Yin punched him on the back: "Isn't it a trick to urge the marriage?"

"Haha! Did you hear it?" Sheng Yujin fondled her hair, "Sit tight!"

Turning around, pedaling her bicycle vigorously, driving her through the busy streets and alleys of the 60s, the plain city...

(End of this chapter)

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