Chapter 636 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (8)

Because the yacht was blown up, everyone didn't have much drinking water. On the first day, they could barely make do, but on the second day, many people couldn't take it anymore.

"Old Fang, do you still have water?"

"No more. I was so thirsty last night that I drank it in the last gulp."

"What about you, Xiaolu?"

"I'm gone too."

"Oh, it's too uncomfortable to have no water to drink. What to do next! There are no planes flying over us, who would know that we are trapped in this ghost place!"

"Last night, I heard from Sister Yin that coconut water can quench my thirst. I'm going to find a coconut tree. Do you want to go?"

"Really? Then why bother! Go find it now!"

Xiaolu came to ask Xu Yin: "Sister, let's go to the coconut tree together, what else can we use? We can bring it back if we can."

Before taking a nap last night, Xu Yin looked through the existing skill books and found a "Field Self-Help Manual", but a large section was written about survival in the northern desert, wilderness, and deep mountains and old forests, and only a small section was about islands Survive.

Fortunately, although the content is short, every word is precise and useful.


Following the method taught in the skill book, she spent three to five minutes making a simple water filter.

Cut off the bottom of the mineral water bottle after drinking water, and spread the cloth strips torn from the pure cotton clothes, fine sand, coarse sand and stones, and finally two superimposed cloth strips.

"When you encounter a flowing water source, scoop some up here. The water that drips out after unscrewing the bottle cap is filtered and can be drunk directly. If you are worried, bring it back and boil it before drinking. But we don't have a pot now. , so we have to find coconut first, the coconut shell can be used as a bowl or a pot.”

Xiaolu wrote them down one by one, and ran back to his colleague excitedly with the filter in his hand: "Sister Yin is really amazing, she made me such a drinking water filter in just a few words, it's so practical what!"

"But what's the use of this without water light!"

"So we have to find coconuts first. Sister Yin said that the coconut shell can be used as a pot and a bowl. When the time comes, we can put the collected water in the coconut shell and boil it before drinking, so we won't be afraid of getting sick."

"So, the coconut is full of treasures! It's my fault that I didn't cherish it before, but now I need it, but it doesn't want to come out to see me! Coconut! Coconut! Where are you?"

"Save some saliva! Still not thirsty enough?"

"...It's true."

"Let's go! Go find coconuts!"

A group of people in Xiaolu set off to find the coconut tree, and Tang Yitian and the three male guests walked in another direction, probably to find the water source.

Xiao Ke awkwardly walked in front of Xu Yin, lowered her head, and said in a low voice like a mosquito, "Xu Yin, thank you yesterday."

Xu Yin waved her hand: "You're welcome."

"I also want to apologize for my poor treatment of you earlier."

"Okay, I'll take it."


Is that all right?
Didn't embarrass her at all?

Xiao Ke couldn't help looking up at Xu Yin, only to realize that she wasn't looking at her at all, but was picking up the plastic bags that everyone threw on the ground.

"Are you doing hygiene? Let me do it! This is too outrageous, throwing away the trash after eating!" Xiao Ke walked over to help pick it up together.

"Everyone didn't throw it away on purpose. I asked them to put the plastic bags they don't need here. I'll find out if there are any usable ones."

"What's the use? Isn't it just white trash?" Xiao Ke was puzzled.

"The temperature varies greatly on the island, especially after the sun rises, the temperature will rise very quickly. You can get a little water by tying plastic bags to tree trunks or wrapping them on branches."

"Transpiration?" Lu Chenjin came over at this moment and answered.

Every time Xu Yin saw him, she felt indescribably happy, and smiled at him: "That's right, maybe we can use this water to cook a bowl of noodles tonight."

Hearing the words "boiled noodles", Xiao Ke realized that she was drooling. She covered her face in disbelief. How did she get to this point?

If someone had said to her two days ago: Cherish the food and water in front of you, you will worry about them soon... She would not believe it even if she was killed.

When did you worry about food and water?Never can eat or have no appetite.

But right now, I have to believe it.

Seeing her standing there blankly, Xu Yin stuffed a few plastic bags for her: "Find a tree and tie it, and you should be able to collect water at noon. Remember to bring a bottle to collect the water. Continue to tie it up after collecting it." When I go back, I can still collect a crop in the afternoon. As long as the bag is not broken, it can be used all the time.”

"Okay." Xiao Ke nodded vigorously.

Seeing that her lips were dry and peeling, Xu Yin took out the half bottle of mineral water left over from yesterday, and poured a bottle cap for her: "There's not much water, so you can't drink it open, it can only moisten your mouth."

Xiao Ke was really thirsty and wanted to refuse in his heart, but he stretched out his hand obediently, thanked with sobs, took the cap of the bottle, and swallowed it for a while before slowly swallowing it.

"Don't worry, the method we came up with should be reliable." Xu Yin comforted her.

A broken system dog is a dog, but the skills and skill books produced are still very reliable so far.

She couldn't sleep last night, thinking about it.

[Prosperous Luck and Disaster] It seems that it has no effect, but maybe it has played its best ability - saved their yacht.

If this skill hadn't been used at the beginning, maybe people and yachts would have capsized and sunk in the typhoon-ravaged area.

It is a blessing in misfortune to be able to gather on this island without a single person.

Thinking about it this way, I am full of confidence.

Isn't it just living on the island like a savage for a while?

She can!

Xu Yin comforted Xiao Ke a few words, and took Lu Chenjin to the other side to tie plastic bags.

Looking at her slender back, Xiao Ke was moved and emotional.

Just now she wanted to find Tang Yitian to make up, but found that she was washing her face and putting on makeup with a cotton swab dipped in mineral water.

Thinking back to how reluctant she was when I asked her for water yesterday, I didn’t even want to give my good friend a sip of water, but I was willing to use it to wash my face makeup.

Thinking about Xu Yin's actions just now, Xiao Ke suddenly understood the true meaning of the saying "A person should not be judged by his appearance".


When there were only two people left, Xu Yin took out a small tin box from her trouser pocket, and opened it to find a box of handmade mints, which were mixed with spirit dew.

The handmade mints were irregular in shape, so she picked a relatively large one for Lu Chenjin.

"Here, refresh yourself."

"Thank you."

Lu Chenjin took the sugar and threw it into his mouth, and the refreshing mint coolness rushed straight to the Lingtai, as comfortable as if his limbs and bones were soaked in the clear spring water, and they were washed from head to toe.

"This mint is really nice, what brand is it?" he asked.

Xu Yin: "..."

If you give it to you, you can eat it, and ask what brand it is!
"I made it myself." Xu Yin glanced at him jokingly, "Sanwu is purely handmade, are you worried about getting sick from eating?"

Lu Chenjin laughed and said: "That's not what I mean, I just think it's delicious."

"It counts as you know the goods!"

Can it taste bad if it is mixed with a little less spiritual dew?
(End of this chapter)

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