Chapter 638 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (10)

"Unfortunately there is no salt."

Lu Chenjin glanced at the sea, thoughtful in his eyes:
"If you really can't leave in a short time, do you have to cook some salt?"

Xu Yin gave him a look of approval: "I'll discuss it with the director later, and I'll give you a job."

She would rather build a house and boil salt, but she has no way to do both.

In that room, Xiao Ke stood under the tree tied with plastic bags, and took turns checking whether there were any small water droplets in each bag.


After the temperature rose, she found that crystal clear water droplets had gradually condensed in the bag, and excitedly waved to Director Cheng who passed by to share the good news:
"Cheng Dao! Cheng Dao! Xu Yin's method really works! The water is really collected."

Cheng Dao went back to the shack to visit the captain and the deputy captain. He didn't know how their injuries were. He was also very happy when he heard the news: "Okay! Thank you for your hard work. You can drink two more sips later."

Xiao Ke happily responded, and after the director left, he always felt that there was something wrong with the style of painting.

After a while, he thumped his head: since when did drinking more saliva become a reward?

However, seeing the small drops of water accumulated in the plastic bag, she couldn't help swallowing again.

Helplessly, the mouth was so dry that he couldn't even secrete much saliva, it was completely dry throat.

"Xiao Xiao."

Tang Yitian came back, very embarrassed.

Xiao Ke froze for a moment: "What's wrong with you?"

"I fell down." Tang Yitian was crying, and was supported by Gu Yihang to sit beside the tree trunk, "Xiao Xiao, what are you doing with the bottle?"

"I'm collecting water." Xiao Ke focused on the work at hand, and didn't care about the morning and swore to never talk to her again.

Tang Yitian watched in amazement as Xiao Ke poured the water in the plastic bag into the mineral water bottle drop by drop, and then tied it back to the tree, suddenly realized: "You are so smart! Then we will have water to drink, right?"

Hearing her say "we", Xiao Ke felt a little uncomfortable in his heart: "This is the method Xu Yin came up with. I just help her look at it and collect it. How to allocate it will have to wait for her to come back and see how she arranges it. .”

"Can I have a sip first? Just a sip. I'm so thirsty, I haven't had any water since morning, I haven't found any coconuts, and I fell down..." Tang Yitian became more and more aggrieved as she spoke.

Since she encountered a super typhoon yesterday, she has regretted accepting Director Cheng's variety show.

If you don’t answer, you’re either eating fruit while blowing the air conditioner at home, or playing relaxing and fun games on some indoor program to earn announcement fees.

Why be like this, tired and thirsty, and still in a mess.

Xiao Ke pursed her lips: "I'm sorry Tiantian, I'm actually thirsty too, but there's nothing I can do about it, it's not my property, and I have no right to make decisions."

My heart said that I have the right to make decisions, and I don’t want to give you a drink. Use the water to wash your face makeup, and now you deserve it if you are thirsty!
Seeing Tang Yitian's aggrieved look, Gu Yihang was so distressed that he stepped forward and said, "Isn't it just a plastic bag, let's take one first to quench Tiantian's thirst, and I'll go find one and give it back to you later."

After speaking, he stepped forward to untie the bag, but was stopped by Xiao Ke.

"Brother Hang, you can't do this."

"I said you are stubborn! Don't you know how to work around? Xu Yin is not here, you can drink if you are thirsty, can't you tie it up after drinking?"

"No!" Xiao Ke opened his hands to stop him, "Since you have a plastic bag, you can find a tree and tie it to a tree yourself, don't touch the one here!"


"Xiao Ke!"

Xu Yin is back.

Seeing her breaking up with Gu Yihang and his group from afar, she threw a bunch of fish and crabs in her hand to the path that arrived at the base camp almost at the same time, and ran to Xiao Ke in three steps at a time, "What's wrong?"

"Xu Yin, you're back!" Seeing her, Xiao Ke's eyes suddenly turned red, "They want to drink water from your plastic bag, but I won't let them."

Xu Yin glanced at Gu Yihang and the others: "Want to drink? Find a way for yourself! What? You can't help but want to grab other people's things in just one day? Is your human nature so unbearable to the test?"


Gu Yihang didn't expect to be caught by her on the spot, and his face turned green and pale.

"Xu Yin." Tang Yitian endured the discomfort and stood up, explaining softly, "Don't blame Brother Hang, I was so thirsty that he asked Xiao Xiao to discuss it."

"Is he discussing it?" Xiao Ke said angrily, "I won't let it go, but he insisted on taking it. What's the difference between Ming Qiang and Ming Qiang?"

Tang Yitian knew she was wrong, and tugged on Gu Yihang's sleeve: "Brother Hang, forget it, I'm not thirsty anymore, let's go back."

Gu Yihang gave Xu Yin a ruthless look: "Are you taking revenge on me? Just because I rejected you before? What? You want to use this little water to manipulate me? It's ridiculous!"

Xu Yin: "..."

You are thinking too much buddy.

Lu Chenjin also came to her side at this time, and looked at her with a particularly meaningful look.It seems to be asking: Is this your vision?

Xu Yin: "..."

You are thinking too much buddy!no dear!
"Sister Yin!"

Xiaolu hugged two coconuts with hairy sides, and ran over excitedly, dragging the string of fish and crabs she threw.

"Sister, where did you catch the fish? Do you have a fishing rod?"

"Fish? Wow! There are also crabs!" Xiao Ke, who was still angry at first, saw the seafood, his eyes lit up immediately, "Can we catch fish here? Great! Xu Yin, are you going to catch it later? I Go with you, and you will teach me how to catch. Catch more, so that we will not be short of food? God! My wish now is really so simple!"

Xu Yin said with a smile: "Everyone is the same. Different periods have different pursuits. Look, I also dug up oysters. Xiaolu found your coconuts in time. Give me the shells later, and I will cook seafood soup for you guys." .”

"I'm going to open coconuts now. I know there is a Swiss Army knife on Lao Fang's key chain. He used to be stingy and didn't let me play with it. Now I will tempt him with coconuts to see if he is a baby army knife or a coveted coconut. Hehehe ..."

Xiaolu went to Fang PD to borrow a saber, Xu Yin carried the fish and crabs under the shade of a tree, put on disposable gloves, and handled them quickly.

Fish scales, viscera, and gills of crabs were found in a place to dig a hole and buried.

In the future, this will be the place for retting natural fertilizers.

She thought that since the system allowed her to farm on this deserted island, the time would not be short, and if she had the opportunity, she should quietly sow some vegetable and fruit seeds, otherwise it would be unbearable to eat seafood all the time.

But she suspects that the soil on the island may be all saline-alkali soil, which means that the salinity near the coast is higher, and the center of the island is slightly better.

She was doing two things at once, while processing the fish, she logged into the system warehouse and sorted out several seeds suitable for saline-alkali land: watermelon, pineapple, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, cabbage, radish, ice grass, celery, garlic, sunflower... and found Several salt-alkali-tolerant food crops: cassava, taro, and seawater rice.

Fortunately, there are still many types of seeds suitable for saline-alkali land.

(End of this chapter)

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