Chapter 72

Zhuangzi's harvest this year is much better than in previous years. In addition to the good weather, he also thanked the princess for the retting recipe.

After harvesting and weighing, Uncle Wang grinned.

"The yield of rice per acre is three shi. The fields are so fertile that the three shi are almost overflowing. This is almost a shi more than in previous years. Good! There is hope for such a day!"

Hearing this, Xu Yin twitched the corner of her mouth slightly:
With a yield of three hundred catties per mu, is there hope?For future generations, the farmer uncle is going to cry.

It is still her experimental field, which is a three-acre paddy field, and six types of rice are planted, namely glutinous rice, long-grain fragrant rice, green stem rice, rouge rice, pearl rice and Panjin imperial rice.

Of course, the imperial rice she planted is a high-yield and high-quality variety produced by the system, which has nothing to do with the imperial rice eaten by the current emperor.

So she omitted the word "Yu Mi" and called it "Panjin Rice".

After harvesting, the grains are threshed separately, and the grains are weighed after threshing.

The highest yield is undoubtedly pearl rice, which seems to be very suitable for cultivation in the south, and five stones and a half are harvested from only half an acre.

The second was the rouge rice, which surprised her. The half-acre field was full of five stones.

She remembered that the production of rouge rice in the present world is not very high, it seems that it only produces five or six hundred catties per mu.

She tried planting this time, mainly because she wanted to eat and was hungry.

Unexpectedly, the yield per mu broke the record, and the harvest of half an mu of land reached the output of one mu of later generations.

Knowing that the seeds produced by the system are high-yielding, but she didn't even expect such a high yield.

Look at glutinous rice, long-grain fragrant rice, and Panjin rice. Half an acre of land harvests four stones, four and a half stones, and five stones respectively.

Converted to yield per mu, it is almost between [-] and [-] catties.

It is said that Panjin rice can be raised together with lake crabs, and the principle is the same as rice flower fish: rice protects crabs, crabs eat insect bait, and crab manure fertilizes fields.

Xu Yin thought about trying it next time, and maybe increasing the production a bit.

In contrast, the yield of Bigen rice was the lowest, and only three and a half stones were harvested from half an acre.

However, she felt that the output was low, and Uncle Wang and the others at the side were all dumbfounded.

The harvest of half an acre of field has surpassed their output of one acre of field!
Then what pearl rice and rouge rice doubled!
What is this concept?
After a long while of silly silence, it boiled.

The yield per mu is more than ten stones!
Not to mention the Nanman, the vast Central Plains, have never heard of such a high yield of rice.

Looking at the entire Yanhua, it must be the only one!


Uncle Wang was so excited that tears flickered, he hesitated to speak.

I want to ask if there is any mystery in it, but I am afraid that if I say the wrong thing, it will only make the nobleman unhappy.

Xu Yin smiled: "Do you want to know how such a high yield is grown? In fact, this is not the grain with the highest yield. You will be even more surprised when the sweet potatoes and potatoes are harvested in the autumn."

When the sweet potatoes with a yield of [-] jin per mu and the potatoes with a yield of [-] jin come out, they will be amazed in minutes, and then they will not feel how brilliant the rice with a thousand jin is.

"In the final analysis, it is the seeds." Xu Yin explained to them, "The high yield has a lot to do with the seeds."

"The seeds in my experimental field are bought from Hu merchants at a high price, and the high-yielding species are selected from the best. In addition, the fertilizer retting by the new method of retting is comprehensive in nutrition for the crops, and it is not easy to breed insects. It is a two-pronged approach. This harvest.

But don't worry too much. After screening these high-yield rice, the large and plump ones will be reserved for you to make rice seeds for the next season. If you have more, you can also exchange some for the villages outside.

The rice harvested in the next season will also be selected according to this method and promoted one by one. One day, our Nanman land will be planted with high-yielding seeds.The people of the Nanman will soon be able to eat enough, and will never worry about food again. "

Uncle Wang and the others were very excited when they heard it, as if they had seen the blueprint drawn by Xu Yin.

Immediately afterwards, they knelt down and kowtowed to thank each other.

At this time, everyone felt that the princess must be a fairy sent by God to save them.

Xu Yin's visit this time is not only to see the rice yield per mu and boost morale, she also wants to try the waterwheel.

There is a river in the middle of Zhuangzi, and the river course is relatively open, but it provides her with convenience.

She asked the accompanying carpenters to direct people to install the waterwheel, assemble the scraper and water bucket, and the electric motor was still on the carriage, guarded by the guards, and let them move it down when it was almost done.

In fact, the waterwheel can run without an electric motor, but that requires a rickshaw to carry water. With an electric motor, and a solar electric motor that can store energy and work when there is sunlight, it completely liberates manpower.

The electric motor is equipped with a strong and weak two-speed control switch, which can control the irrigation speed and time at any time.

It took half a day to install the ten-meter-tall waterwheel. Xu Yin didn't go back to the palace at noon and had a light meal in the village.

There is a courtyard for the main family to rest in the village. Flowers and fruit trees are planted in the front and back of the house, and there is an exquisite swing under the pomegranate tree.

It is said to be a light meal, but it is actually quite rich.

Uncle Wang's wife and two daughters-in-law cooked a table of special dishes. The main dishes were stewed chicken with mixed mushrooms, fish in sour soup, fried pork belly, and a few small stir-fries with seasonal vegetables.

Ordinary and extraordinary farm dishes, but with a taste of hometown that imperial chefs cannot make.

After eating, I was a little lazy, so I thought it was stuffy in the room for a nap, so I asked Dongxue to move the recliner to the shade of the trees in the backyard, squinted and took a nap.

Half asleep and half awake, I heard a burst of cheers.

"Mommy, what's going on outside?"

"Princess, the waterwheel you brought is ready to be installed."

Nanny Feng took a look halfway, and was quite shocked by the tall waterwheel erected, and she could not hide her excitement when she spoke.

She had been wondering before: how could the princess like farming?
If this is to be put in the capital, I am afraid it will become the laughing stock of the palace.As a princess, the mistress of the majestic Jinnan Palace, she should...

Nanny Feng thought about the daily life of those prominent and respectable ladies in the capital. It seemed that they guarded the back house and fought openly and secretly with jealous concubines.

But Prince Jinnan's mansion has no concubine so far. Every time the prince returns to the mansion from outside, he will go to the main courtyard to see the princess immediately. The most discussed thing with the princess is farming.

Thinking about it this way, there is nothing wrong with my princess liking farming.

From now on, Nanny Feng no longer tried to persuade the concubine with the style of those noble ladies in Beijing.

Xu Yin heard from Mammy that the waterwheel had been installed, so she couldn't wait to see it.

Uncle Wang and the others were looking around the waterwheel, seeing her coming, they hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Princess, is it still usable?"


Xu Yin taught him how to control the motor and let him press the switch.

Then the waterwheel started running slowly.

Afterwards, the water buckets were filled with river water and raised step by step. After reaching the highest position, the water buckets tilted naturally, pouring water into the aqueduct, and flowing along the aqueduct into the fields that needed to be irrigated.

The whole process does not require manual operation.

The only thing you need to do is turn it on and off, or adjust the speed.

People are freed from carrying water for irrigation, and Quyuanli is also being promoted, so there is more time to reclaim wasteland.

The sharecroppers were once again dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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