Chapter 74

Yan Kejin raised her eyebrows when her subordinates reported the words and deeds of those exiles.

The princess sent melons once, and there are such unexpected gains?
He has reviewed the biographies of those exiles, and many of them have talents and aspirations, and counselors are competent enough.

But he was exiled for three thousand miles, lingering on his last breath, and lost confidence in life, but now he was inspired to fight by a piece of melon.

It seems that the princess must be rewarded well.

On the other side, Xu Yin asked someone to bring back a basket of melons from the palace, distributed some to the servants in the mansion as welfare, and stored the rest in the cellar to eat slowly.

She also asked Uncle Wang to cut two for the tenant farmers to try, and there were no more, and the total was only half an acre of land.If it is delicious, keep the seeds and grow more next year.

Uncle Wang responded one by one.

The seeds brought by the princess cannot be found locally.They are not that stupid, greedy for a bite, and eat the seeds of high-yield and high-quality products.

After all the melons and fruits were harvested, Wang Bo came to seek Xu Yin's opinion on what to plant next.

"Don't worry, it will take time to plow and fertilize the fields. During this period, I will think about it, and I will send someone to tell you what to plant."

Even if she planted another season of melons, she didn't plan to grow all kinds of melons like before.Watermelons and melons are good, so you can keep them. In addition, ask Yan Kejin to see what kind of melon he likes to eat.

However, before Yan Kejin could choose his favorite melons and fruits, Chenjiazhuang at the foot of the strange mountain, led by the patriarch's son, came pushing a cart of sugar cane.

After the spring plowing was over, they formed a team and went into the mountains to search for sugarcane with the sugarcane map left by the nobleman.

The miasma is heavy in the mountains, and they dare not stay in it for a long time. Every time they go, they take their time and try to enter the deep forest when the miasma is at its weakest, and exit as soon as the miasma starts to spread.

Fortunately, the nobleman left them a few boxes of mosquito repellent incense (mosquito coils), and lit a torch again, nothing happened.

However, the sweet potatoes planted on the hillside and foot of the mountain by the nobleman have grown very well, but the sugar cane has never been found.

All they can repay is a handful of strength, but now they can't even find a crop, which makes them a little discouraged.

On this day, after finishing the farm work all morning, we organized a team to go up the mountain as usual.

It felt like it was going to rain, and the miasma in the mountains was heavier than usual. For safety reasons, the group of people did not go deep, but searched carefully along the valley that was searched two months ago, and picked up some fungi by the way.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Look at that! Is that what the nobleman is looking for?"

The patriarch's son looked up, but it wasn't true. Against the cliff of the valley, a clump of green and yellow plants stood proudly, five meters high from root to head.

Because there are weeds and shrubs as tall as a person growing near it, if you don't look carefully, you may think it is bamboo.

It grows towards the sun, and there is a gurgling clear spring nearby. When you cut it down, you can see that the flesh is white, and when you taste it again, it is sweet and juicy. I think it is the sugarcane that the nobleman said.

After the patriarch's son finished talking about the discovery of the sugarcane, he was annoyed: "If you can be more careful, you should have discovered it two months ago, so why wait until now to send it to the nobleman."

Xu Yin shook her head with a smile: "Two months ago, it might have been young, covered by shrubs and weeds, so it's normal that it's hard to find."

She didn't expect that the sugarcane at this time turned out to be green and yellow, and the height of the plant was five meters. At first glance, it really looked like bamboo, which was somewhat different from what she had painted.

No wonder the people sent out by the prince have not found sugar cane so far. It seems that they have been misled into thinking by her.

With sugarcane, the experimental field has new planting content.

The son of the patriarch brought a cart full of sugar cane.

With the real thing for comparison, it will be much faster to find.

In addition to the clump in the valley, they found a few more clumps from other places before going down the mountain.

Xu Yin's original words were to let them find them and try to look at them by themselves, and pull them over as many as they had planted, and she would accept them all.

But the patriarch thought about it and asked his son to send him over first.

I came here to bring some newly acquired mountain products in the spring to the nobleman, and thank her for the grain seeds and seasonings she left at that time, and helped them through the difficult days when there was no harvest.

Secondly, I want the nobleman to see if what I found is the sugar cane she wanted.In case you find the wrong one, it will be white if you plant it.

Xu Yin readily accepted the cart of sugarcane and gave ten silver coins to the patriarch's son.

Of course, a cart of sugar cane is not so expensive, and it also includes the discovery award.

At first, the patriarch's son refused to accept anything he said, so Xu Yin said it was a deposit for the next batch of sugarcane, so that they could rest assured to plant it, and it didn't matter if they mobilized more people, she would take as much as they planted.

The patriarch's son accepted it gratefully.

Xu Yin did not give money for the mountain goods sent, but returned a corresponding gift.

I know what is most lacking in Chenjiazhuang, besides food, it is cloth and seasoning.

She asked Mammy to lead the people to Chunlan's place to withdraw money, and then called a carriage to take them back.

After the patriarch's son left, Xu Yin began to process the sugar cane.

The seedlings were kept at the head, and two sugarcane stems without insect eyes were picked. They were peeled and cut into small pieces for everyone to taste.

"How does it taste?" Xu Yin asked with a smile.

Chunlan: "It's as sweet as honey!"

Xia Zhu: "It's better than honey! It's sweet but not greasy, and it doesn't stick to your teeth."

Qiushuang: "I didn't expect this thing to look bad, but it tastes so good!"

Dong Xue: "It's delicious! It's so delicious! I really want to have a bite every day."

The nanny held her loose teeth and wrinkled her old face: "Oh, hello! It's just a bit of a waste of teeth. People with bad teeth may not have this blessing."

Xu Yin laughed out loud.

Seeing the maids each holding a piece of sugar cane and eating it happily, Xu Yin smiled, not saying that the purpose of sugar cane is not just to hold and eat as fruit.

Wait until the brown sugar and white sugar are produced, and then give them a big surprise.

Xu Yin asked people to peel off all the sugar cane in the cart, and cut off the heads and roots.

Keep the head and plant it in the experimental field later.

The roots are dried for firewood.

The sugarcane husks are stored first, and then sent to the farm for composting along with the bagasse.

The sugarcane meat is cut into small pieces, and the juice is squeezed with a stone mill.

The squeezed juice is filtered with gauze, and then boiled on a stove.

It needs to be simmered for several hours on a low fire, and the water must be slowly evaporated with constant stirring in the middle.

As the concentration of sugar increases, the color of the syrup becomes darker and darker until it smells of caramel, indicating that it is ready.

Xu Yin asked people to immediately remove the fire and pour it into a mold to cool down. After solidification, the chunky brown sugar was the ancient brown sugar brick.

The ready-made mold is used by the imperial chef to make cakes and snacks. The mouth of the mold is a bit big, so it's okay to borrow it temporarily.

However, Xu Yin thought that if she started a workshop to make sugar in the future, and the sugar produced would be sold to all parts of Nanman and even the Central Plains, such a large model would not be suitable.

Fortunately, there is a carpenter in the mansion, usually there is not so much carpentry work, so let the old carpenter bring a few nimble servants to carve the model together, and there will be a reward after the work is done.

(End of this chapter)

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