Chapter 809 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (42)

Just when Cheng's parents and Cheng's mother were worried that their son and daughter-in-law had no money, and that they would have no money to eat when they returned to Beiguan, and planned to write a letter to post money to them, Xu Yin drew a cake for Comrade Xiaojin on the train going north— —

"Don't look at the current Beiguan. When you mention it, you think it is the Great Northern Wilderness, where the wind and snow are raging and the people are sparsely populated. After a few years, it will surely become the envy of everyone. Beida Cang, with black soil and oily flowers, and a pair of chopsticks. All sprouted..."

Cheng Shaojin looked at her and smiled all the way: "My wife's ideals are really full."

Xu Yin: Does this mean that reality is skinny?
With a belief that Comrade Xiaojin must show that the future Beidacang is really fertile, even though the system has not released her the task of this small world for a long time, Xu Yin still devotes herself to the cultivation of the Great Beidahuang trip.

Winter is coming to spring, and the new year's land reclamation task is also pressing the start button with the gradually melting ice and snow.

Just when Xu Yin was gearing up to break through last year's reclamation acres, Captain Fu came to her to discuss raising chickens.

"Captain, do you mean that this year our land reclamation team plans to raise some chickens to improve the food for the team members?"

"That's right." Captain Fu nodded, "You raised a few chickens last year, and none of them died in the new year. They were quite strong, and everyone was envious. I think the foundation we have laid in the past two years is not bad, no If there is a lack of bran and wheat bran to feed the chickens, it is better to catch more chicks to raise them in the name of the reclamation team. Everyone works together, like cooking in rotation, and takes turns cleaning the chicken coop and feeding the chickens. In this way, You don't have to raise it alone anymore, what do you think?"

not so good.

Xu Yinxin said.

She is not optimistic about big pot rice farming.

It’s like cooking on shift during the busy farming season. I often eat unwashed vegetables and unwashed rice—there are insects in the vegetable leaves and gravel in the rice noodles. This is what the team members on duty eat. If you don't care so much, then when it's your turn to cook for the chickens and clean the chicken coop, will you be careful?
Maybe thinking that the next person will clean up the chicken coop, just swipe and pull it casually.

Everyone thinks this way, how dirty and smelly will the chicken coop be?In the height of summer, regardless of the dirty smell, the chicken might get sick.

Even if it is her, the reason why the chickens are healthy and not sick is because the chickens eat a few meals of water mixed with spiritual dew after feeding the chickens.

Xu Yin shook her head: "Captain, raising chickens and cooking are not the same thing. Cooking on duty is delicious and delicious, so you can make do with it, but raising chickens is not enough, because it is easy to get chicken plague. If you really want to raise chickens, you should choose a few people to specialize in it. If you are responsible for raising chickens, you can do things well.”


Captain Fu wavered when he said that a few people would be freed up to raise chickens.

The main task of the reclamation team is to reclaim wasteland. If the main task is delayed because of a few chickens, wouldn't the cart be turned upside down?
I originally wanted to raise a few chickens, and everyone took turns feeding and cleaning the chicken coop, just like cooking during the busy farming season. I was a little tired, but when I had chickens to eat during the Chinese New Year, everyone was willing to accept the hard work.But according to Xu Yin, raising chickens requires dedicated manpower, which seems a bit outweighed by the gains.

Xu Yin didn't plan to raise chickens full-time, but she just set the goal of reclaiming wasteland, and she didn't want to be tied down by raising chickens.

After everyone can have enough to eat, let's put a large-scale chicken farm on the agenda. It's not the time yet.

So she suggested: "Since there is no manpower available, those who want to raise them can raise them themselves, as long as they don't delay going to work. Like me last year, I was a little tired when I came back from work to tidy up the chicken coop, but when the New Year There is chicken to eat, I am so tired."

Captain Fu: "..."

Why did you still take his lines?

But Xu Yin's words touched his heart.

He also thought about cooking on a shift during the busy farming season. Some team members were too tired to move after a busy day, and they were too lazy to cook. The rice was poured into the pot and boiled in the water, and the gravel in the rice was not cleaned; Cooking is too lazy to even wash the pot.Only Xu Yin's female compatriots like to be clean, and the dishes they wash and cook are delicious and hygienic, but we can't let them do everything just because they are hygienic.

Especially Xu Yin, she is an expert in reclaiming wasteland in the team, and the hopes of the whole team are pinned on her.Without her, there would be no achievements in land reclamation in the past two years.

As for the others, they cook like this, let alone raise chickens...

Captain Fu put his hands behind his back, thinking all the way back to his residence.

The team members who were waiting for him to make up his mind gathered around and asked:
"Captain, how do you think about raising chickens? The weather is getting warmer and warmer, and I see that some villagers have already gone to their homes to catch chicken cubs. We can't lag behind."

"Yes, Captain, if you are worried that we won't raise them, why not Xu Yin, you can let her guide you. She has raised a batch of them and has experience."

Captain Fu waved his hand: "I've thought about it, we still don't concentrate on raising chickens, we don't have the energy. Anyone of you who wants to raise chickens can learn from Xu Yin and catch two chickens to raise by yourself. It's up to you if you raise them well or not. Be responsible for yourself. But there is one thing - do not affect the progress of land reclamation! This year is the last year of the land reclamation team in Beiguan, and I have repeatedly emphasized the land reclamation plan to you. Work hard at work and focus on raising chickens, don’t blame me for writing very harshly in your summary report, which will affect future job arrangements.”


In this way, the team members who were a little cautious completely gave up their thoughts.

Compared to the laziness of secretly reclaiming wasteland by raising chickens, of course, the work after returning to Yuanshan County is more important, otherwise why come to the Great Northern Wilderness to suffer?
But let them raise them by themselves. First, they are all young people from the city who don’t know how to raise chickens. Second, they are tired enough to come back from work. Who has the energy to serve chickens every day?

Although the mouthful of chicken during the Chinese New Year made them greedy, but it was just the beginning of the Chinese New Year, and it was far away from the Chinese New Year.

So after muttering and discussing for a while, they all said forget it and let it go.Anyway, the documents have already come down, and they, the group of pioneering youths, will be able to go home by the end of the year.

In the end, Xu Yin was still the only one raising one male, three females and four chickens, and she was the only one who still had the energy to clean the chicken coop, mix the chicken food, and bustle around the fenced yard when she came back from work.

Cheng Shaojin came to accompany her to reclaim the wasteland every public holiday, and took on cleaning the house, clearing up chicken manure, feeding the chickens, etc., and also learned how to cook. Xu Yin came back from work without doing anything, just wash her hands and sit down to eat That's right, he is also the one who rushes to wash the dishes and tidy up the stove after dinner, and he is envious of single girls and boys.

Fortunately, if they persevere, they will be able to go home at the end of the year, otherwise they would all want to find a companion here.

Huang Xiaohong said something in her words: "Then what will Xu Yin do? Should I go back to Yuanshan County with the army, or stay here? After all, she is married, so it's not good to live in two places?"

Everyone was taken aback: That's right, what will Xu Yin do then?
(End of this chapter)

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