Except for Xu Yin, the other members of the land reclamation team will return to their hometown—Yuanshan County after the autumn harvest.

The three years of hard work here will become a strong stroke in their resumes.After returning home, major factories will give priority to recruiting them.

No, at the end of the year, there will be a batch of factories that want to recruit people, which means that there will be jobs when they go back.

The return date is just around the corner, and the employment problem will be solved. The good news one after another makes these young people more motivated.

Not only the Yuanshan team is full of energy, but other land reclamation teams have also broken their own land reclamation records this year.

By the time of the autumn harvest, the total mu of wasteland reclaimed by the five wasteland reclamation teams in Beiguan had reached [-] mu. In the golden autumn of October, the total amount of grain handed in exceeded [-] tons, which was a beautiful answer to the motherland.

These [-] mu of land, this endless golden field, will be guarded by soldiers transferred to this place in the future.

After the grand handover ceremony of waist drum and yangko, the land reclamation team left Beiguan one after another in the order they came and returned to their hometown.

The demobilized soldiers who took over arrived in batches to build the houses needed for future work and life before winter.

The Beiguan State-run Farm, which will impress people all over the country in the future, has already taken shape.

Before winter, Xu Yin moved into the public house that the farm unified built for the employees' families.

The two rows of houses left by the reclamation team were transformed into the farm's office.In the future, this will be the entrance to the farm, the closest to Hewozitun.Foreign personnel, who come to visit the farm or visit relatives and friends, need to register and wait here.

The living quarters for the employees and their families are located on the border of the fields that have been reclaimed, and are located in the northward extension of the Dahe River.Building houses along the river bank is not only convenient for water collection, but also does not affect future land reclamation.

The flat staff room, when you open the door, you will see the grassy beach in front of the river bank.

There is an open space behind the house, and beyond the open space is the farming area for future work.

Some employees have four or five children in their families, and one public house cannot accommodate them, so a room is built in the open space behind the house for older children; some employees plan to turn the backyard into a vegetable field and plan to grow vegetables in the spring next year.

Xu Yin fell in love with a long strip of land near the river beach in front of the door. The surface is moist and the soil is fertile, so it must be good for growing vegetables.As for the back yard, it's still going to be the same as before - a fence and a chicken coop for the chickens.

It's too far away from the mountain, so I just go there once in a while.Usually, if I want to improve my food openly, I only raise a few chickens and pick up a few eggs to eat besides the fish in the river.

Fortunately, in the past two years, she has put a lot of cold water fish and shrimps from Taoyuan Star into this big river one after another.

These cold-water fish and shrimp are extremely resistant to low temperatures. Even in the freezing winter, if you dig a hole in the ice, the fish you catch are still alive and kicking, and they can be kept in ice water buckets for several days.

It's a pity that their yield is quite low, and after two years of breeding, they are still rarely seen flexibly.Unless you use a large fishing net and salvage like a blanket search, the average person can't catch them.

Xu Yin also used the skill of "catch the big with the small" and the homemade delicious fish food, otherwise she might not have the chance to taste it.

But once you taste them, you will be captivated by their tenderness.

Captain Fu couldn't forget the taste of them. Before leaving, he made a fishing net and went down the river to catch it once, but unfortunately he didn't get anything.

In the end, it was Xu Yin who helped him catch one, so that he would not go back to Yuanshan County with regrets.

Xu Yin caught two of them herself, but she didn't plan to eat them fresh. She rubbed them with coarse salt, dried them in the sun, and sent them together with a cured chicken and a pack of dried mushroom bamboo shoots. The Cheng family.

They don’t plan to go back for Chinese New Year today. The farm has just been established, and there are many things to be busy. The public house has just moved in, and they also need to warm the house and heat the kang. By the way, they use sandpaper to grind the rough walls and stone kang walls to decorate the room. Be sweeter.

After all, this will be their home from now on.If you don’t do it during cat winter, you will have no time when you get busy in spring.

Cheng family.

Cheng's mother was unpacking the package that Cheng's father went to the post office to pick up after get off work. After weighing it, it was very heavy, and she couldn't help muttering:
"Looking at the address, it should be from my son, but didn't I just write a letter back in October? I didn't say that I would send something. What could this be? It's so tightly sewn."

"You'll know if you take it apart." Father Cheng took a sip of water and came over to help.

The couple worked together to open the huge package.


Good for many years!

"Is this a fish?"

"And chicken!"

"So many dried mushrooms and bamboo shoots have been sent? I haven't finished eating last year's!"

"There's a letter here?"

When I opened it, I found that it was not a letter, but a small packet of wild camellia.

"It smells so good!"

"Don't just listen to the smell, look for the letter."

"Yes, yes, here!"

Cheng's father pulled out a letter written by his son from a pile of New Year's goods, the letter was so concise that he almost wanted to beat him up.

"Brat, you only write a few lines on such a large piece of letter paper, you save ink, and half of the trustworthy paper is empty, isn't it a waste!"

Cheng's mother urged him to read, and after he finished reading, she sighed: "You can be satisfied! If it weren't for Yinyin, even if he didn't go home for the New Year, he wouldn't have planned to send it back after so many years."

"That's true." Cheng's father felt the same way, "Our son has a good eye for finding a wife!"

The couple unanimously thought of the Liu family next door.

Lao Liu and Cheng's father were the same age, had three sons, and married three daughters-in-law. As a result, only the old couple was busy in and out of the family during the Chinese New Year. Don't expect the son and daughter-in-law to pay for the New Year's goods, help with the tidying up and clean up. .

Cheng's mother looked at the table full of New Year's goods, and couldn't help worrying about her son and daughter-in-law who were far away in Beiguan: "The two of them probably used up their allowance again. The winter in the north is so cold, how can we do without money!"

Cheng's father laughed: "You must have not listened carefully to the letter I read. Didn't my son say it? Yinyin raised the chickens herself, Yinyin caught the fish from the river, and the mushrooms and bamboo shoots were the two of them on vacation. Sometimes I go shopping in the mountains, and the wild camellias are picked by Yin Yin from the mountains and fried by herself."

Cheng's mother pretended to be angry and punched him: "Oh! Who told you to scold your son for being lazy while reading the letter, and you don't want to write a few more words when you write the letter. I'm not listening!"

After finishing speaking, he laughed happily: "It's a good job to find a wife here!"

"Hush—" Cheng's father raised his index finger at her, "Keep your voice down, the old Liu and his wife will think we are trying to show off!"

Last time, Cheng's mother praised her daughter-in-law for being filial and considerate in front of the old Liu's wife. She spent money and asked someone to get a bottle of medicinal oil. I suffered from low back pain, and I haven't had a recurrence this year.

Old Liu's daughter-in-law's face darkened on the spot, she felt that Cheng's mother was deliberately embarrassing her.Who made her three daughter-in-laws lazier and pickier than the other? Since the daughter-in-law came in, the old couple not only didn't enjoy the blessings, but also had a few more mouths waiting to eat.

Thinking back to this, the couple looked at each other and laughed silently with their mouths pursed.

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