"Xu Yin really does what she says, every day from six to ten in the evening."

In the dormitory, three people except Xu Yin sat on their beds and chatted.

Qian Mingyue hesitated for a moment and said, "How about, starting tomorrow, we also..."

Zhao Wenyi raised her hands in surrender: "Please spare me! Get up at six o'clock... no! It's six o'clock to leave the house, it's too early, I can't get up!"

"Then make a compromise. Don't skip the eighth class." Qian Mingyue said, "We can't do what Xu Yin is like, so let's try not to skip class."


So, in the classroom of the eighth class of the food department, a strange team of four appeared-four fat, swallow and thin girls, each with their own strengths, occupy the middle seat in the first row every day. The teacher said on the stage, the four People listen carefully, and sometimes write hard to take notes.

Although there were three girls who would take turns to yawn when the teacher turned around to write on the blackboard or put on a powerpoint, they still insisted on not lying down to sleep.Another girl listened carefully to the class the whole time, and her concentration made other students look sideways.

"What happened to dormitory 503 recently? Have you set up a student profile?"

Girls from the same department but in different dormitories, the most frequent topic of conversation recently is the eye-catching behavior in the dormitory next door.

"Who knows! I heard that Xu Yin is the most exaggerated. She goes out at six o'clock in the morning and comes back after the lights are turned off at night. She said that she was studying in the library. Do you believe it?"

"Is she really planning to enter the entertainment industry after graduation? So set yourself up as a schoolmaster early?"


"It's not just about being a tyrant, I'm afraid I want to create a pure little fairy girl who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world!"


There were many similar rumors, not only the Department of Food Science and Technology, but also foreign departments. When they shared public classes with the School of Economics and Management, the three of Qian Mingyue received gazes from all directions and felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

"Xu Yin, there are many people in the public class, why don't we sit in the back row?"

Xu Yin lowered her head and turned the pages of the book without raising her head and said, "I think this row is very good, where you can listen to the class without distractions. If you want to go to the back row, feel free."


They wanted to be free, but they were afraid that after they were free, they would never have the chance to eat the fruits and snacks sent by her brother.

Forget it, retreat to the back row at this time, which is also attracting attention, it is better to sit in the first row, it is also convenient to rush out after class.

If you don't hurry up for the three or four classes in the morning, you won't be able to choose any good dishes when it's your turn, not to mention the long queue in the cafeteria.

Perhaps after experiencing the spectators of 200 people in the open class, Qian Mingyue and the three went all out to attend two classes, and found that it was nothing more than that. No matter what class they took after that, there was no more psychological burden.

After more times, not only the students, but also the teachers will remember them.

Before each class, I will greet them with a smile: "Four golden flowers are good!"


The other girls in the food department felt that they were being robbed of the limelight, but they also followed Xu Yin and grabbed the front row seats.The number of students who came to the eighth class in the morning also increased day by day, and they were no longer in the sluggish state of two or three kittens.

It can be said that Xu Yin brought her sisters in the same dormitory, and set off a trend of introversion in the food department.

But she didn't notice it herself, and she still ran around the classroom, library, cafeteria, and dormitory from six to ten in the morning, living a regular four-point-one-line life every day.

On the weekend before Christmas, Xu Yin went home.

She went home every half a month, but Jiang Zhaoyu didn't go back for two months. Father Xu called her and said:
"Your brother's lunar birthday is coming up, and it happens to be Christmas this year. The store participated in the 'Hutong Food Festival' event, and I definitely won't be able to leave that day. Come back this week if you both have nothing to do, and celebrate your brother's birthday in advance."

"it is good."

Xu Yin thought about receiving two transfers from Jiang Zhaoyu and a supplementary card, so she couldn't just prepare nothing for her birthday.

On the day I got home, I went to the retro video store that musicians like to patronize.

In addition to retro vinyl records, there are several classic vinyl record players here.

She picked out a log-colored retro record player and left it in the store after paying for it. She planned to go upstairs to the bookstore to buy a roll of wrapping paper, and check out any reference books worth buying.

As a result, after buying the book and wrapping paper, I came back to meet the store manager with a guilty apology:
"I'm really sorry. The record player you bought was bought by someone else. This one is all in one color, and this one is the only one in log color. Can you look at other colors? Our mistake, I give you Apply for the best price."

After listening to the store manager's explanation, Xu Yin knew that after she left, the store manager received an urgent call and went to the back warehouse temporarily. Inquiry, I showed it to him, and then he was bought by the other party.

This brand is the ceiling of the record player industry. The products launched in each series have different color numbers. If one is sold, there will be a shortage of one, so the price is naturally very considerable.

Xu Yin upholds the principle that the gift must be sent to the heart of the other party, so let it be more expensive, and strive to get a scholarship at the beginning of this semester to make up for the amount transferred by Jiang Zhaoyu.

At this point, she insisted on refusing to accept it. Finally, she chose a metallic copper-colored record player. She didn't ask the store manager to give a discount, but asked her to send a few retro vinyl records that Jiang Zhaoyu might be interested in. She took out the packaging After asking the clerk to help pack it, I went home holding the gift box.

For today's birthday meal, Dad Xu specially went to the seafood market for a morning market and bought a batch of high-quality seafood.

In the casserole was stewed pheasants raised by Shannong, and the goji berry thrown on the chicken soup was given to Father Xu by Xu Yin when he came back last time to make tea.

But Xu's father saw that the quality of the goji berry was so good, he was not willing to eat it by himself, and threw a few when making soup for the two children.

"Yinyin is back? Are you hungry? There are shortbreads on the table. Didn't our store participate in the Christmas 'Hutong Food Festival' event, a souvenir from the organizer."

Xu Yin was really hungry, took a piece, and watched Xu's father prepare the dishes while eating: "Dad, I happen to have no class on Christmas day, so go to the store to help you."

"No, Dad is busy. You can go around if you want. Then the whole alley will be full of food stalls, and it will be very lively."

"Is it also available in previous years?"

"Yes! Did you forget? Last year you took your classmates to the store to eat, and you didn't tell Dad in advance, which made you wait for a long time. Are you going this year? Dad will reserve a table for you."

Xu Yin shook her head: "No need this year, everyone has to prepare for the final exam."

"Well, the store is indeed very busy on Christmas Day. After the exam, you bring them to the store, and Dad will prepare a table of good food for you."

Dad Xu prepared the dishes, looked at the time, and it was almost eleven o'clock: "Ask where your brother is, I'm going to start the fire."

Xu Yin sent a message to Jiang Zhaoyu as she said.

Jiang Zhaoyu recorded a demo in the studio in the morning, and now he just returned to the apartment, ready to change clothes and set off, received a question from his sister, and quickly replied: [I'll be right back. ]

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