Chapter 848 Black and red top class scheming stepsister (34)

"Yinyin, mom is back!"

With tears in her eyes, Zhou Meiying stepped forward to hug her daughter.

Xu Yin dodged away, raised her eyes and said to Dad Xu: "Dad, go and do your work, leave this to me."


"I can handle it."

"Boss Xu, when will the food be ready? We are in a hurry."

There were a few tables of customers sitting in the store, and I didn't pay attention to the time just now when I was watching the excitement, but now I saw it, huh! It's 11:30, and I still have things to do later.

"Dad, go quickly! Don't delay the guests' meal."

Xu Yin winked at Xiao Wu and asked him to persuade Father Xu to go to the back kitchen.

Zhou Meiying thought that her daughter was facing her, and was about to come forward to say something with a smile on her face, but Xu Yin glanced at her indifferently, and said in a cold voice:
"Ms. Zhou, you and my dad have been divorced for more than ten years, and you are both married. You have not contacted me in the past ten years, and you don't need to contact me now or in the future."


"This is the shop my dad worked so hard to manage. You are not afraid that I will call the police, so you will continue to block the door and affect our business."

Zhou Meiying was dumbfounded when she heard the words: "Yinyin, why did you talk to your mother? I am your own mother, and I finally came back. If you don't come to me, help me, and persuade your father to remarry me, why do you still say This kind of heartless and unjust words? Did your father teach it? Or some vixen?"

Xu Yin's eyelids rolled up: "If you weren't my own mother, I wouldn't even tell you a word of nonsense, and just call the police."


Zhou Meiying fell backwards angrily.

Seeing that the dead girl really took out her mobile phone and dared to call 110 in front of her, she took a deep breath: "Okay! I'll go! Can't I go?"

She can't go to the police station, it will be troublesome.

I owed a lot of gambling debts in the past few years, and the creditors are still looking for her. For this reason, she didn't even dare to take the plane, train and other means of transportation that required ID verification. This time, she took a long-distance freight car here.

What a good plan—Xu Weidong has made a lot of money over the years, has a house and a car in the capital, and the restaurant business is so good. After remarrying with him, let him come forward to pay off the gambling debts she owes. From now on, I will live with him in a down-to-earth manner.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even think about it, so he refused.

The more Zhou Meiying thought about it, the more annoyed she became. This man, when he married her, said so nicely, why would he treat her well for the rest of his life, as long as he has hands and feet, he would never let her suffer... What about now?I don't even agree with mere remarriage, bah!All the men in the world are virtuous, none of them are good!
Gritting her teeth and cursing bitterly, she accidentally bumped into a person walking towards her.

"Hey big sister!"

The young man who was hit not only didn't mind, but asked with concern:
"What's the matter with you and the owner of that restaurant? I seem to hear you scolding some vixen. Are you two husband and wife? Did he cheat? Sister, let me tell you, I'm in the media business. If you have any grievances You can confide in me, I will help you on the hot search, and let the netizens judge for you. Now that the Internet is developed, some family disputes may not be resolved by the police station, and the justice and enthusiasm of the netizens can help you..."

This young man is an entertainment reporter for a certain newspaper, named Tian Rong, and he relies on some speculative and unrealistic revelations to attract attention and earn traffic.

The colleague who was in the same team as him got a job as the deputy editor-in-chief of the department last year based on a piece of congratulatory news. Now he doesn't need to run the news in the wind and sun. He hides in the air-conditioned room drinking tea and reviewing manuscripts. The income is higher than those of entertainment reporters who are commonly known as "paparazzi".

It is said that it was at the entrance of this restaurant that He Shi and Jiang Zhaoyu squatted down.

One is a popular singer who is at the peak of his debut, and the other is a black and red top streamer who is constantly controversial. If any of these two people are photographed, it is a topic with its own heat, let alone showing up at the same time.

The two were tall and handsome, and the scene of them coming out of the restaurant having a happy conversation caused two groups of fans to scream.

His colleague earned a full year's worth of business by relying on this news, and then successfully took the vacant position of deputy editor.

This made Tian Rong's heart tremble.

He has been to this restaurant before, and the taste of the dishes is indeed extraordinary. If He Shi can come here once, he will come again if it is not complete, so he comes here to stay when he is free.

But several months passed, not to mention He Shi, Jiang Zhaoyu never appeared again.

I can't help but feel a little discouraged. Is his career luck so bad?

Just when Tian Rong was about to retreat, the scene of Zhou Meiying blocking the door of the restaurant with teary eyes entered the scene.

Zhou Meiying is really beautiful, even if she is over forty years old, she still has charm, otherwise she wouldn't have owed so many gambling debts all these years - all thanks to this face.

At first, Tian Rong asked the camera to take a few more glances at her because she was beautiful, but later he realized that it was a family dispute, so he couldn't help but think: there is no entertainment news for now, and it seems that shooting some social news to earn some extra money is not bad, maybe it will become a big hit.

Thinking of this, he became more vigorous in shooting, the camera accidentally caught Xu Yin, and his eyes lit up again: This looks like a mother and daughter, their eyebrows and eyes are so similar.

#Husband derailed wife tears, mother and daughter confront mother cold heart#
look!Eye-catching headlines have been drawn up for them!

Tian Rong looked at Zhou Meiying confidently: "Sister, don't worry! I will definitely help you get justice!"

Ordinary parents have short stories about social disputes, so it is difficult to get on the trending list, and Tian Rong can't buy Zhou Meiying's trending list out of his own pocket, but he rolled his eyes and thought of a way to use the small restaurant in the market that #赫时反待 visited #This topic brings traffic.

Not to mention, he was really brought to success——

He Shi's 5000 million fans are not covered, poked into this topic and found that he was cheated, the fact has nothing to do with their brother Shi, left a comment angrily scolding the media for not being human.

Just like that, you cursed and I satirized, and this family dispute news that no one cares about was brought to the hot search.

Fans waiting for congratulations noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly notified each large group——

"We were careless!"

"Family, don't be fooled!"

"These unscrupulous media want to steal Shige's traffic, so don't let them succeed!"

But it was too late - this news was already in the top three of the hot search list.

A student from University A recognized Xu Yin: "Isn't this the beauty of our college?"

Of course, melons have to eat the first-line ones, and they were immediately forwarded to the campus forum, and soon there were over a hundred comments:
[Isn’t Jiang Yu the flower of your School of Food Engineering? ]
[That's because they kept a low profile and didn't participate in last year's garden flower selection. ]
[The one in the video is her mother, right?At first glance, they are mother and daughter, both of whom are beauties. ]
[Her dad cheated on her mistress?She still favors her father and opposes her mother, tsk!What kind of three views are this! ]
[I remembered, she seems to have been selected for the national scholarship last school year, and she was also included in the first class of the school. ]
[The list is still in the publicity period, such a person is also worthy of a national scholarship?We are not convinced! ]
[Let's all go to the counselor to reflect!Or send an email directly to the principal's mailbox.Is it just good grades?Incorrect three views are also worthy of being called "excellent students"? ]
(End of this chapter)

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