Chapter 875

Although the crossbow they tried out is still far from the crossbow of later generations, it is more like a continuous shooting bow than a crossbow, but this is progress, isn't it?

Xu Yin gave them a thumbs up without hesitation: "You are the best!"

Although Dashan and the others didn't understand what "stick" meant, but looking at Dawu's smiling face, he seemed to be praising them.

They scratched their heads one by one, showing shy smiles, which formed a huge contrast with their burly bodies and strong chest muscles.

With bows and crossbows, the safety factor of the tribe has improved a lot, and the hunting team went hunting with new equipment, which made the tribe more at ease.

The kneading pottery that Xu Yin promised to teach everyone is finally on the agenda.

It's just that the current conditions are not enough to build a ceramic kiln, so we can only try to fire a firewood kiln first.

Fortunately, the clay suitable for kneading pottery was found on the river beach not far from the tribe.

The river was like a sharp sword, splitting the two mountains, accumulating the melted snow water and groundwater on the top of the Cangmang Mountain, and rushing down the terrain.

The section of the river that flows through Xu’s tribe is not deep, but it’s not shallow either. People who can’t swim will definitely not be able to cross the river, and those who can swim will not dare to cross the river unless they have to, because there are food The ferocious water beast of man.

Another tribe is stationed on the opposite bank, which is the tribe of crossing the river mentioned earlier.

For them, the big river hiding ferocious water beasts is like a natural protective barrier.They live along the river with the Xu tribe, but they don't disturb each other.

Xu Yin originally wanted to see if there were any edible fish in the river. Meat would always make her tired. After getting closer, she found that there were indeed fish in the river, but most of them were piranhas with sharp teeth.

No, when she was thinking about how to deal with piranhas and catch edible fish, she accidentally discovered that the soft yellow-brown mud on the river bank was clay that was very suitable for low-temperature firing.

She knows how to pinch pottery and burn pottery, so what are you waiting for?
She led the female compatriots in the collection team, dug two baskets of clay back, spread it out in the sun to dry, then smashed it, sieved it, and kneaded it with water.

Knead it into long strips and roll it up, and then fill the gaps at the joints, and the prototype of the pottery will come out.

"Big Wu, is this all right? Is it that simple?"

"Da Wu, can it be used after drying?"

The women didn't expect kneading pottery to be so easy. They also said that only the great witches of the Guangming tribe could do it. Didn't they learn it?It's not difficult at all!
Xu Yin smiled and shook her head: "This is just one of the steps, and the key steps are yet to come."

The real test of one's skills is firing pottery.

She used local materials, dead branches, wood and dried grass, and built an open kiln on the open space in front of the tribe.

On the firewood pile, several fire-resistant wooden segments are set up in a criss-cross pattern, and the kneaded raw pottery is arranged on the wooden frame in order of size.

Take kindling and light the firewood pile, and the blazing flames will wrap the pottery. When one-third of the firewood is left, use two long pokers to hold the pottery and turn them over so that they are placed upside down on the firewood pile. .

Until the pottery changes color, dry grass is continuously covered on the pottery. After the dry grass is burned out, a thick layer of plant ash is formed on the pottery, which is helpful for heat preservation and carburization.

After the ashes are cooled, remove the pottery, clean off the black charcoal on the surface, and clean it up before using it.

The tribal people who witnessed this process held their breath nervously from the time the fire was burning to ashes.

Is this really possible?
Wouldn't pottery burn?

Pottery wouldn't be burned to a pile of ashes, would it?
As the black charcoal peeled off and the dirt was washed away, revealing a bright color different from that of raw pottery, the people raised their arms and cheered, and danced around Xu Yin, a tribal group dance that was only performed during sacrifices in the past.

Xu Yin obtained 500 wealth points.

She raised her eyebrows, the reward for leading the tribal people to burn pottery is not found in a salt mine, could it be because of the low-temperature pottery?Too low-tech?
The tribal people will never forget this day——

Their great witch led them to make beautiful pottery, and with pottery, they no longer needed to cook in heavy stone pots.

Pottery is not only much lighter than stone pots, but also has more uses than stone pots. It can not only cook, but also store water and food without mold and decay.

The wise people also put forward an idea: "Da Wu, can we use the same method to burn the lids of pottery? To prevent the rats from stealing our food."

Xu Yin smiled and said, "Of course, you can burn whatever you want."

The consequence of this sentence is-

The salt cave was soon filled with a pile of pottery of all kinds: big and small, tall and short, covered and uncovered, with patterns and without patterns...

Bare buttocks, cats and dogs dislike the age of youngsters are no longer around the wooden fence, teasing the pheasants inside, are fascinated by kneading pottery.

Anyway, it's not a dangerous game, and it can be used after cooking well, so parents can let them play.

Xu Yin watched the cubs sitting under the big tree and kneading pottery with the clay, their small expressions were quite focused, and the corners of their lips were raised. The allure of the clay to children is really unchanged from time immemorial.

In this way, a batch of pottery is burned every few days, and it is stored in the cave if it is not used up.

All the stone tools for storing salt were replaced by covered clay pots.

Whether it's salt or pottery, they're tribal treasures that need to be cared for, they'll help them trade in what they want, and they'll be darlings at fairs.

Ariel's father, who guards the cave, feels that the responsibility on his shoulders is heavier, and he wishes he had to sleep and guard the cave 24 hours a day.

Since Xu Yin came, the people of Xu's tribe have been immersed in all kinds of busyness, tired and happy.

On the day when Daying's cub is full moon, Xu Yin proposes to celebrate.

At this time, there was no full moon yet, and even though Daying's daughter-in-law had stitches after giving birth, she only rested for five days.

Women at this time are strong and can really hold up half the sky. If it is not for the bleeding and stitches, they will not rest for five days, and many of them will go to the ground on the day after giving birth.

Seeing that she was recovering quickly, Xu Yin removed the stitches for her on the fifth day, and then she drove the big eagle to the hunting team. She also joined the weaving team. Still the main force.

Xu Yin felt that it was necessary to hold a party for women comrades with such a high level of awareness to reward them.

The Yihu hunted a sheep, and the Eagles surrounded a bison.

The barbecue is booming!
Mutton, beef, potato slices, garlic sprouts and other meat and vegetable dishes are grilled on the stone slabs; delicious beef brisket and potatoes are stewed in large clay pots; a circle of black potatoes with skins are buried beside the campfire.

The adults chatted while grilling vegetables.

The cubs were bouncing around and playing games.

When the last swipe of clouds faded into the twilight, Xu Yin took the lead and took the lead to hold up the newly fired pottery cup, replace the wine with notoginseng flower tea, and announced with a smile on her eyes:

"Today is the day when our little tiger baby was born with a full moon. We have a day off and it's lively and lively."

"From now on, all the children of our tribe will have a day off on the day of the full moon to celebrate the birth of new life and wish them healthy growth."

"Long live the great witch!"

The people laughed heartily, followed Xu Yin to raise the pottery cups, and drank happily.

(End of this chapter)

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