Chapter 878

But reason told him, he can't be so reckless, Huwa is only so young, and he can't let Huwa be so young without a father just because of hatred.

What's more, even if he killed the puppet with his life, what if the Wing Wing tribe came to crush the Xu tribe like besieging the Kuahe tribe?
Daying clenched his fists with both hands, restraining his inner urge to fight the puppet to the death.

Others are more incomprehensible.

Not to mention that the Cross River Tribe has always lived their own lives behind closed doors, never made any alliance with other tribes, and never heard of doing anything to offend other tribes.

Furthermore, if you encounter difficulties and ask the Xu tribe for help, are you sure this is not a joke?

You are a medium-sized tribe with more than a hundred people. Even you can't compete with the Winged tribe. Do you think adding a mini tribe with less than 20 people, old and young, can turn defeat into victory?

Do you have any misunderstanding about our Xu tribe?
The two teenagers who crossed the river to ask for help lowered their heads even lower.

They don't know how reckless this trip is.

The two tribes had never been in contact with each other before, but the first time they came, they asked for help.

But the big witch said that the ray of hope for the Kuahe tribe is the Xu tribe.

Come, there is still hope of life, if you don't come, today's dawn will be the moment when the cross-river tribe will be completely wiped out.

"Please, save us! Any conditions are up to you!"

Dashan and the others looked at each other helplessly: It's not that they refused to save, the question is how?Hitting a stone with an egg is not advisable.

Seeing that the wounds on the two teenagers were still bleeding, Xu Yin asked Dawa to bring a clay pot of warm boiled water and a handful of Panax notoginseng.

"Get up and treat the wound first, otherwise it will be infected."

"It's nothing..." One of the teenagers pursed his lips, "We swam fast and were not bitten by water beasts. These injuries were only scratched by the sharp fins of water beasts."

"That also needs to be dealt with." Xu Yin asked Dashan to wash their wounds with warm water, and apply the rotten Notoginseng leaves after washing.

She took a few steps outside, looked across the dark river, and saw torches vaguely surrounding the tribe across the river.

"It's them! It's the Winged Tribe!"

The boy's voice trembled:

"They're here!"

Yihu walked to Xu Yin's side and let out a low growl towards the other side of the river.

"Sisters, do you want to seek revenge on them?"


"Then take revenge! Rescue and revenge are the same thing."

"Big witch!"

The tribal people were worried.

"I have a measure." Xu Yin turned her head back to the cave to get her own set of bows and arrows, mounted a winged tiger, and said to everyone, including the two young men from the Crossing River Tribe, "Stay here and don't go there. The Winged Tribe Some people don’t know me, so they probably can’t think of our tribe, I’ll go and deal with them and come back.”

Everyone was shocked: Da Wu went alone?
"No, big witch!"

Although they have seen the power of the Great Witch, the Big Witch is a woman after all, and all the members sent by the Wing Wing Tribe are hunting team elites, taller than the Big Eagle, burly and fiercer than the Big Eagle.

"Da Wu, if you decide to go, we will be with you."

"Yes! Let's go together!"

Daying, Dashan, Dahe, Ariel and others all lined up.

Xu Yin had already flown into the air on her wing tiger, and the wind carried her words into everyone's ears:

"Don't swim across the river, don't let yourself get hurt, if you can do it, come."


Then how to cross the river?

They don't have mounts like Mavericks that can soar in the sky.

"I have a solution!" Dahe said happily, "The bamboo that the big witch asked us to cut is not very light and can float on the water? One is too narrow, so we tie them up with vines and lay them across the river, so we can pass ?”

The others turned to look at the long bamboo poles neatly piled up next to them: "Then what are you waiting for! Find the vines!"

The two teenagers from the cross-river tribe looked at the man and beast wrapped in the night after flying across the river, and then looked at the people who were busy making bamboo rafts.What are they here for?
"Hey! Boy! Why are you standing there? Come and help! Your little injury will heal immediately after applying herbs. Don't try to use this injury as an excuse not to work."

"……oh oh."

[Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for leading the tribal people to unlock the hidden mission - "The Primitive Bridge in the History of Human Architecture", and get a wealth value of 500. 】

Holding a bow and arrow, riding a winged tiger, Xu Yin, who was nervous and passionate about the upcoming battle of revenge and saving people: "..."

But she didn't have time to think about it at this time, because she had already seen the members of the Winged Tribe holding torches and looking proud.

This time, 60 people from the Feather Wing Tribe came, all of them were ferocious and warlike young men, each with a spear in his left hand and a stone knife in his right hand, and surrounded the Cross River Tribe.

The leader was their leader puppet, playing with the stone knife in his hand, and slapped the face of the boy who was bound and forced to kneel at his feet a few times. Seeing the boy's painful and cowering expression, he laughed out loud.

Opposite him was Kun from the cross-river tribe's hunting team who was shorter than him.

Seeing his son being tied up in a ball and humiliated by stone knives slapping his face, Kun was so angry that his eyes were red, and he almost lost his mind and stepped forward to rescue him regardless.

He took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly: "Puppet, our tribe has always kept its own order, why do you..."

"No reason! It's just for fun! I heard that you have a mysterious stone in your hand. Let me have a look. I'm happy. It's not impossible to let this kid go."

The implication is that if he is not happy, he can kill this kid on the spot, and he will also crush the Cross River Tribe.

Kun was negotiating on behalf of the Cross River Tribe. It was impossible to offer the mysterious stone immediately to save his son.

"Hahaha! Kun, what qualifications do you think you have to negotiate with me? I am in a good mood today, so I didn't sacrifice your blood to my stone knife as soon as I came here. But obviously, my good mood not only failed to make you understand, but also encouraged It won't work if you lose your self-righteous arrogance!"

As he said that, his face darkened, and he lifted the knife in his hand, and saw that the stone knife was about to pierce Yu's shoulder.

"Do not--"

Kun Yazi wants to split.



A piercing sound roared over, knocking down the stone knife in the puppet's hand, and piercing his palm.

Amidst the roar, the puppet stared at his numb hand in disbelief.

Seeing that there was a bloody hole in the palm of his hand, and blood was bubbling out, he couldn't help but blacken out——

"my hand--"



The others panicked, and hurriedly raised their spears and stone knives, surrounded their leader with their faces facing outward.

Who is it?

It actually pierced through the palm of their leader without a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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