Chapter 890

However, the ancient method of oil extraction requires a lot of wooden tools. There is no time now. Late autumn is approaching, and the trade fair is coming soon, followed by the snowy winter. There are many things to prepare.

So she planned to tinker with the oil pressing tools when she had nothing to do in winter, just stock up enough wood in advance, and put the rest away first.

In the end, of these nuts, the acorn is the most versatile.

Sieve out the unwanted thin acorns and leave them for the cubs to shoot with slingshots. The full granules are spread out in the sun to dry, then the shells are removed, impurities are removed, and they are put into a stone mortar to be crushed into powder, rinsed with water, and the precipitate is filtered until rinsed After removing the bitterness, drying it in the sun is the best acorn powder.

Acorn powder can make a lot of food.

Xu Yin taught the fast-working women to spread pancakes with acorn powder and flour.

Coincidentally, the pheasants raised in captivity laid a lot of eggs, let the cubs pick them up with baskets, crack a few eggs into the batter, sprinkle a handful of chopped wild onions and a pinch of salt, and the eggs will be fragrant Tangy chive egg pancakes too.

"smell good!"

"So beautiful!"

"I can't bear to eat it!"

Everyone held the small triangular pancakes in their hands, swallowed, and communicated in a hurry.

When the pancakes are in their mouths, who has time to talk, the delicious food satisfies and enjoys their taste buds in an all-round way.

After eating it, he smashed it again and thought about it for a long time before letting out a sigh of satisfaction: "It's so delicious!"

"This is the best thing I've ever eaten in my life."

Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

After that, he led the women to make acorn tofu with acorn powder.

The acorn noodles without any bitterness are poured into boiling water, stirred constantly, cooled after ripening, and condensed into delicious Q-bomb, soft but chewy acorn tofu.

Xu Yin used fried minced meat and chopped wild onions as condiments, sprinkled with salt, and poured a little bit of butter refined with butter. With the sound of "Zi La", the fragrance wafted away.

Mix the seasoning and serve.

"What is this? It's delicious!"

"Mom, I want more!"

"Father, I still want to eat!"

Compared with pancakes, the cubs seem to prefer acorn tofu.

Xu Yin also likes this dish very much, because it is very refreshing. It would be even better if some vinegar and butter can be replaced with vegetable oil.

Others didn't care at first, and took a sip, which also opened up a new world of taste buds:
"really tasty!"

"It's the best thing I've ever eaten in my life."

"You said that yesterday."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

A few days later...

Just as Xu Yin took out a bag of unground acorns from the cave, the women and kids all gathered around: "Big Wu, what are you doing delicious today?"

"Leave it alone, big witch, tell me what you need to do, and we will come."


Just have something delicious!

Xu Yin couldn't help laughing: "I don't cook food today, I make wine today."

Acorns have high starch content and can be fermented to make wine, and the yield of wine is higher than that of grain.

She is going to try.

When I was digging for Panax notoginseng tubers, I found Polygonum sativa that can be used to make koji. With it, I can make koji and make wine.

Speaking of wine, I don't know if the yellow skin fruit wine brewed before has been brewed.

Calculating the time, it has been more than three months.

"Ah Chun, help me take out the jar in the corner of the storage cave."

"Good witch."

While Xu Yin was crushing the acorns and drying the hard shells, Ah Chun brought the wine jar.

Xu Yin finished her work, washed her hands, and opened the wine jar. Before she could take a closer look, she smelled a faint scent of wine.

Although the aroma of the wine is not strong, it is brewed anyway.

She couldn't help laughing.

The women gathered around: "Big Witch, you made this when you first came here, did you call for wine?"

"Yes! Wine, this is fruit wine made from yellow skin fruit."

It's a pity that I didn't have much confidence at the time, so I tried a little, but not much wine was produced.

But there is still a shallow bowl for each person.

Therefore, that night, Xu's tribe toasted and drank together, singing and dancing to celebrate the brewing of fine wine.

Although I only had this little wine, I didn't drink it to my heart's content, but I am happy!Being able to brew one jar means being able to brew many jars.

No, on the second day, Ah Chun led the women of the gathering team, carrying self-defense bows and arrows, to pick all kinds of wild fruits. As long as they were ripe, they picked all kinds of fruits.

The big witch said, sour is fine, on the contrary, the more sour the wine is, the better it tastes.

So everyone picked very diligently. Bags of wild fruits, whether sweet or sour, as long as they were fresh, were picked back to the tribe.If you can't finish eating, you can pickle it into candied fruit and make wine like olives, which is better than rotten on the branches.

Xu Yin didn't go with them this time, she was thinking about wintering for the breeding animals.

Years ago, chickens, sheep, and slaughtered chickens must be slaughtered, and they planned to have a New Year's Eve dinner, but the population is always so small, and they can't be eaten if they are all slaughtered.

So she was trying to think of a way to build a bamboo shed, cover the roof with dead branches and dry grass to keep warm, and drive them into the shed when it snowed.

Daying came to her: "Da Wu, the trade fair will be in less than a month, what should we bring to the trade this year?"

After hard work in summer and autumn, the tribe has stockpiled a lot of supplies, and there is no shortage of necessities such as salt.

In previous years, they went to trade fairs mainly to exchange salt, but this year there is no such pressure.

But the people wanted to exchange some high-quality long-haired animal skins for the big witch, so they urged the big eagle to ask.

It doesn't matter to Xu Yin, if you want to participate, you can go, anyway, there are a lot of things to trade.

Salt, pottery, dried meat, straw sandals... Oh yes, and the hemostatic powder she made with ground Panax notoginseng tubers, which were divided into miniature clay bottles made by the boys, each about [-] grams.Let Daying and the others look at it and return it for something valuable.

"Big Witch, the magical medicine is too expensive." Daying looked at the bottles of Zhixue Powder, reluctant to give up.

Anyway, the tribe has no shortage of food and salt this year, so bring salt and pottery, enough to exchange for a long-haired animal skin for the big witch.

As for them, those with rough skin and thick flesh are unnecessary.

The caves that were so small in the past have come here, and this year I moved. The caves here are warm in winter and cool in summer, and they are so big. Everyone gathers together and builds a bonfire in the cave to keep warm, and it will not be more difficult than before.

Xu Yin looked at his expression a little funny: "We have better ones. These are the most common hemostatic powders. Take a few bottles to the trade fair and exchange them for something you are interested in."

She also has high-grade hemostatic powder mixed with velvet antler, angelica, black grass root, angelica dahurica and other rooting hemostatic herbs.

But this is for your own tribe.Take it for trading, ordinary hemostatic powder is enough.

Hearing what she said, Daying no longer struggled with heartache, and arranged the transaction.

Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "Daying, I will lead the team to this trade fair, you stay behind, don't go out to hunt in the near future, take everyone to set up the breeding shed, and we will come back as soon as possible."


What?Da Wu wants to go to the trade fair?
(End of this chapter)

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