Chapter 896

There was a bonfire next to it, with two cans of animal broth hanging. The soup in the earthenware pot was bubbling and bubbling. I smelled it closely, and it was delicious!But obviously not the smell of grilled fish!
"Could it really be the smell of water beast meat? It's too fragrant! I'm already hungry."

"Oh! It's time for dinner so soon!"

The sun is about to set, but it's not time for dinner.

Xu Yin's first batch of grilled fish was also cooked perfectly.

She set the branches aside and continued to bake a second batch.

She wasn't in a hurry when no one offered to buy them. She took off two and shared them with her family first.

Ariel took a bite and closed his eyes in satisfaction: "Ah! It's so delicious!"


There was a sound of swallowing saliva in unison from the crowd.

A couple came out: "We want to exchange for a grilled fish, can we exchange for anything?"

"What do you want in exchange?"

Luo Feng took out an old gourd he picked up in the mountains: "Is this okay?"

Xu Yin showed no expression, just nodded: "Yes. Ah Chun, give him one."


Ah Chun quickly took off one and handed it to the other party.

The lovers step back and enjoy.

They are gamers, so they naturally know that the grilled fish is edible, and the NPCs think it smells bad and bitter, so they don't know how to deal with it.Therefore, I wonder if the person who grilled the fish is a game player?

But thinking of the pottery and hemostasis powder in the other party's hands, it doesn't feel like a tribe formed by game players. It's only been a few months. How can wealth accumulate so quickly?
Grilled fish entrance, more sure that the other party is not a game player.

Because it's so delicious!

In reality, it is impossible to eat such delicious grilled fish.

"It's like the long-lost ancient blue star cooking technique."

"Well, so you can rest assured."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and their hearts settled down.

Su Mingya met Shang Luofeng's gentle gaze, raised her eyebrows and smiled sweetly at him: "After eating the grilled fish, how about we hunt some more beasts?"

She wants to accumulate a wave of wealth before winter, and win the first place in the wealth list, so that the pressure will be much less after the spring.

Luo Feng looked at her tenderly and said, "No matter what, I will help you get [-] million star coins."

"Together we will."

It was probably because the couple had a delicious meal, and a few people couldn't help but walked out of the crowd, and exchanged a few grilled fish with animal skins, polished wooden utensils, or wild fruits and nuts that are only found in the south.

The onlookers couldn't help licking their chapped lips: "Is it really delicious?"


"Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, much tastier than animal meat!"

Dashan scooped up a spoonful of animal meat soup for those who bought grilled fish: "Anyone who buys grilled water animal meat will get a bowl of animal meat soup for free."

"Is there still meat soup for you? Then I want one." Someone couldn't hold it anymore.

"I want two!"

"I'll have one too."

"Sorry, I have to wait a while, the roasted water beast meat is gone."

What?there is none left?
When everyone looked at the branch stand, it was really gone.

How long has it been since the first batch of grilled fish was sold out!
Those who didn't buy it all stared at the batch of fish being grilled.

The crowd of onlookers not only did not decrease, but increased.

The people of the central tribe, who hadn't planned to come to the market to trade, also came to watch the excitement.

At this time, Xu Yin knocked open the mud shell of the Beggar Chicken.

The strong fragrance invaded the noses of everyone present like an invasion.

"What is this? Why is it so fragrant!"

"This is more delicious than water beast meat!"

"Is this for sale?"

The couple reappeared.

Xu Yin glanced at them and nodded: "Sell, but the price is more expensive."

"Can this be replaced?"

Luo Feng took out a shell.

Xu Yin was speechless: What does she want a shell for?
Not to mention that shells have not yet become the currency, even if they become the currency, one wants to buy her beggar chicken?
She spit out two words expressionlessly: "No."


Luo Feng and Su Mingya looked at each other, thinking that this NPC has a lot of personality.

But they hid valuable supplies in a hidden cave, and when they came out, they didn't bring much with them.

I had no choice but to take out the gourds I got in exchange for animal meat in the afternoon, this time I took out two: "Can I exchange them like this?"

Xu Yin calculated that a gourd contains about 50-100 seeds, and the seeds of three gourds, which are plump and high-quality, can be planted on almost an acre of land.

It's only one acre!

But let’s make do with it, at least there will be more long-lost vegetables on the dinner table, and the gourd can be used as a water ladle when it is old.

Nodding reluctantly: "All right. Ah Chun, give her a beggar chicken."


The couple stepped back to eat again.

Neither of them knows how to cook, and they can't control the heat well when roasting animal meat, it's burnt black and can't be eaten, and they are tired of eating boiled meat.

"After eating this, let's go hunting beasts."

Otherwise, the value of wealth will not increase but decrease.


"This is delicious!"

Beggar's chicken - the legendary delicacy of the ancient blue star, makes their taste buds excited with one bite.

"Could it be that the prop designer of this game is an admirer of the ancient blue star? There are a lot of ancient blue star delicacies."

"It's true that they've been lost for a long time, so they're just playing tooth-making sacrifices in the game."

"How about we stay here for a few more days?"

"Stop hunting fierce beasts?" Luo Feng petted the tip of her nose, "Who said just now that we need to accumulate another wave of wealth before winter? Don't want [-] million star coins?"

Su Mingya laughed coquettishly: "Okay! Just go! Eat quickly! If you don't eat any more, you'll be cold."

"it is good."

Seeing that they were eating so deliciously, the others were afraid that they would run out of them when they wanted to buy them like grilled fish, so they rushed forward and said:
"I want one!"

"Can I get another one?"

"Can I exchange this?"


When the beggar chicken is sold out, the second wave of grilled fish will be ready.

Another burst of looting.

Those who have no supplies to exchange can only squat beside them and swallow their saliva while smelling the fragrance.

When there were only a few beggar chickens left, Xu Yin decisively stopped: "I want to eat it and come back tomorrow."

The rest are not for sale, they haven't eaten yet.

In the time of one meal, so many supplies were brought in, the rattan basket was too full to hold it.

Dashan and the others suppressed the joy in their hearts and did not dare to reveal too much.

In fact, who is not jealous or envious?
But also limited to envy.

Think about the leader of a certain tribe who was kicked into a cripple by Xu Yin at noon, and if he wants to end up with him, just try to steal it.

After a wave of work, sit down to eat, and finish finishing the supplies.

The two tribes are divided, and they can get a lot of things.

There are more than a dozen animal skins alone, two of which are long-haired rabbit skins.

This is just the income of today's labor.

In previous years, they worked so hard to carry so many wild fruits, dried vegetables, animal meat, and stone knives, and they had to be very lucky to exchange for ten ordinary animal skins.

All three gourds belong to Xu's tribe, but Xu Yin promised that after the gourd seedlings are cultivated, he will give a few plants to the Crossing River tribe and teach them how to grow gourds. Next summer, they will be able to eat fresh and tender gourds .

(End of this chapter)

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