The cannon fodder of fast wear, she chooses to farm

Chapter 9 80 The Best Sister-in-law

Chapter 9

But no matter how delicious bacon and bacon are, you will get tired of eating them for more than half a year, which is not as attractive as fresh pork!

No, even though we didn't have time to make braised pork at night, the family ate an extra bowl of rice on this topic.

Under the influence of Xu's daughter's side-kicking...

Of course, it was more because the eldest daughter-in-law made pants and clothes in her free time and earned enough money for the family to catch up with the monthly salary sent by the eldest son, so she was not as harsh as before.

Although she still didn't give her a good face, three meals a day, rice porridge and steamed bread made her full.

What the girl said makes sense: Only when you are full can you do more work!Raising a mule has to be fed.

No, seeing my daughter take out a stack of the balance of the previous batch of clothes and the deposit for the next batch of orders, Xu's mother was so pleasantly surprised:

"so much?"

"That's right! The style I think, the workmanship of my sister-in-law, not to mention all over the world, all over our little Mingyang County, it must be invincible!"

"Hey, who can't do needlework? It must be my daughter's fault!"

Mother Xu didn't want to praise her daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Xu did not object.

She feels that the current life, compared with the past, is like heaven——

You don't have to go to the village to pick up manure, you don't have to get up early in the dark to chop firewood, and you only need to wash your mother's clothes and sheets.

Less work is not the most important thing, the most important thing is——

She can eat enough!
Ever since my sister-in-law left her a bowl of thick porridge, she has never been hungry again.

A few times I felt full and my stomach was bloated.

And not only can I eat enough, since I earned money for the family, my mother-in-law's scolding has also decreased.

Days like this gave her hope.

Full of joy, my sister-in-law stuffed a big union into her hand.

"Sister-in-law, this is your commission."

"Why do you still have her share?" Xu's mother's face sank, "She is your sister-in-law, shouldn't she help you with some work? What does it look like to take the money! Take it back!"

"Mom, I'm just talking about it. My sister-in-law is doing most of the work. She has worked much harder than me. Of course, my parents have also worked hard, so let's share the money you earn! Here, Dad, this is yours! Take it! Buy cigarettes, stop smoking local cigarettes, buy a pack of filters for a change of taste. This is mother, mother is the hardest among us, not only to housekeeper, take care of the daily life of the family, but also to take care of housework, so that we can live in There are no worries when working and studying, so it should be more.”

Xu Yin kept five yuan for herself, and gave the rest to Xu's mother.

Xu's mother was coaxed into a smile: "Give it all to mother? Or should you keep it yourself?"

"As long as I have enough, why do you need so much money! Besides, we don't have a separate family, so it's my mother who will take care of it."

Xu's mother felt very comfortable when she heard this.

Such a large sum of money, the girl will give it to her if she says it, what does that mean?My daughter is filial!
Xu Yin was relieved to see that her mother no longer struggled with the ten yuan she gave to her sister-in-law.

Originally, she wanted to give it in private, but she was also afraid that if she leaked her words one day, it would be better to make it clear from the beginning than to quarrel with each other at that time.

Anyway, the big head was given to Xu's mother. As the main laborer's sister-in-law, it's okay to share a small head.

Lowering her head, she saw her nephew sitting obediently on the small bench while listening to the adults and playing with the paper frog, Xu Yin frowned and smiled slightly:
"Oh, I forgot about our Doudou. I heard that Doudou has been very good during this time. He helped the master collect firewood, helped the grandma sweep the yard, and competed to wash the dishes after dinner. Such a good child, how could he not?" Rewards! Come on, aunt reward us Doudou with [-] cents!"

"I, I have it too?"

Doudou was stunned, as if she couldn't believe it, and the little claw pointed at herself.

"Of course there are! As long as they make contributions to our family, no matter adults or children, everyone has them!"

Xiaodouding was so happy that he couldn't find the north.

It was completely dark. In order to save electricity and kerosene, everyone went back to their respective rooms to sleep after washing.

In the east room, Xu's mother was holding a thick envelope, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, trying to figure out where to hide it.

In the past, she always took a roll of rubber bands, put them in an iron box, and stuffed them into the hole in the wall next to the bed.

But today, the girl gave me too much money, and the iron box couldn’t fit in the box after it was rolled up, so I just hid it in a hole in the wall and was worried about being bitten by rats, so I wanted to find a suitable iron box.

While looking for it, he chatted with his wife: "Old man, look at how sensible my daughter is! So much money, if you give it to me, I will give it to me. By the way, I also gave you ten yuan. Where did you hide it? Bring it!"

Father Xu: "...that's what my daughter honors me."

"I respect you, you have to leave it to me for safekeeping. Could it be that you really want to buy those filter cigarettes?"

Father Xu blushed: "It's not a big deal to try something new."

"Don't spend your daughter's money on the first try! Earn it yourself if you have the ability!"

"I gave you all the money I earned in the past. When did I see you buy me cigarettes? My daughter treats me better!"

"You old man, you don't want to sleep in bed, do you?"

Father Xu hurriedly begged for mercy.

Xu's mother laughed and scolded him for being old and unscrupulous.

In the East Wing, Mrs. Xu carefully put the ten yuan she had been given into the yellowed cowhide book that looked like a treasure.

It was a prize that the uncle of the natal family won as an advanced laborer in the early years. When she got married, she added makeup to her, saying that she could put cloth tickets, food stamps and so on after taking charge of the house.

It's a pity that there have been no tickets to use, and now I finally have a place to use them.

After closing it, I opened it again and took a look, feeling very happy.

This is the first money she has earned on her own.

Sister-in-law said, there will be more in the future, even more than today, as long as you work hard!
Of course she will do a good job!
This is my sister-in-law trying to provoke her!
"Mom, mom, and mine!"

Xiao Douding stood on tiptoe, wanting to give her the two cents in his hand.

Mrs. Xu laughed: "Your money will be kept by your mother alone. When you need money, ask your mother to get it."

"I don't spend, I want to save. If I save enough, I can buy the most delicious snacks and candy for my aunt. She gave me candy again today!"

"Only for my aunt? Doesn't Mom have one?"

"Yes! Yes! Sister-in-law said, everyone has it!"

"Hahaha, Doudou is so good!"

I could vaguely hear laughter and laughter from the east room and the east chamber.

Xu Yin looked at the top of the yellowed mosquito net, closed her eyes with a smile and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Mother Xu got up and started cooking the meat.

After the busy farming period, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. It didn't change its taste when it was hung in the well last night, but it didn't last long.

Five catties of fat and thin pork belly is far less cost-effective than five catties of fat meat in Xu's mother's opinion.

If she had to spend money to buy it, she would never buy five flowers.

But the meaning of the prize for the daughter is different.

Mother Xu raised the knife and cut the meat into three pieces——

A piece of salted bacon is ready to be salted, adding a meat dish to the double rush in July;

A piece of braised pork at noon to satisfy my daughter's hunger;

The rest of the treaty weighed half a catty, tied it with a straw rope and handed it to the daughter to send her to the grandmother's house in Da'ao Village.

(End of this chapter)

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