Chapter 906 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (2)

"Ding dong!"

"Ding dong!"

Doorbell rang.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

There was a bang on the door.

"Xu Yin, I know you are at home! If you don't want me to call the police, just open the door for me!"

Xu Yin looked down at the luxury brand silky pajamas on her body, quickly changed into the only sports suit in the closet, went out and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was her high school classmate Shang Lili.

When Yuanshen was shopping in the mall with colleagues from the new company at the beginning of the year, he met Shang Lili who worked as a salesperson at the skin care counter.Left and right wanted to act aggressive in front of their new colleagues, so they simply bought it from Shang Lili, and it would be easier to ask her to borrow money later.

Immediately, she overdrawn her credit card and bought a set of five-figure skin care products from Shang Lili, and the two became plastic sisters.

One wanted to borrow money from the other party, and the other thought she had done well after graduating from college, so why not buy a full set of skin care products without blinking an eye?

Afterwards, the original body generously invited Shang Lili to have a Western meal, and a few days later, pretending to be tight, he asked Shang Lili to borrow 3 yuan, claiming that he had recently quit his job and his monthly salary had risen to more than 3 yuan , I can pay her back immediately after the salary is paid.

The online loan was tight, and she really couldn't raise the money to repay the interest, so she had no choice but to bring Shang Lili to her place of residence.

Seeing that she lived in a high-end single apartment, Shang Lili believed in Yuan Shen's words, so she lent her her savings.

"When you borrowed it, didn't you say that it was just your one month's salary? How long has it been since you said that you would pay me back immediately after the salary is paid? If it hadn't been for meeting Liu Yaqian and Xiao Nan yesterday, they both said that you owed them money and didn't pay them back. I was still kept in the dark. I have [-] here, [-] from Liu Yaqian, and [-] from Xiao Nan. I heard that other students were also borrowed by you. What did you do? How did you borrow so much money? You don’t know how to gamble Are you stupid! Is gambling something you can touch? Don’t you be afraid of doom? Forget it, I’m not your mother. I don’t care if you gamble or not. Anyway, you have to pay me back my [-] immediately. That’s me. All the savings are in urgent need now..."

Shang Lili was still at the door, so she hurried up.

There were two other families on the same floor, and they opened the door to take a look when they heard the noise.

In the original body, she would have covered Shang Lili's mouth in a hurry, dragged her into the room, closed the door before speaking, but Xu Yin didn't care, she yawned, and walked lazily into the room: "come in."

"You pay back the money first!"

"I have no money."

"Xu Yin!" Shang Lili stomped her feet angrily, followed her and gritted her teeth, "Then I'm calling the police! I'm really calling the police! You know my monthly basic salary is only 3 yuan, and I've saved the [-] yuan. For several years, our counter business was not very prosperous last month, I didn't get much commission, the basic salary was not enough for food and lodging, and the rent for the second half of the year was still waiting to be paid, I was really in a hurry..."

"Then why don't you take a bag back?"

Xu Yin opened the closet door: "Here, I've already bought these. If you don't mind, pick something of comparable value and go back? Or, wait for me to sell it in the second-hand market before paying you back? I can do it, depending on how convenient it is for you." .”


Shang Lili's first reaction was what the hell is this woman doing!Want to trick her into buying a bag?
"Are you selling high imitations?"

"No, it's genuine." Xu Yin picked up a bag casually, rummaged through the inner pocket, and found out the identity card of the bag.

Fortunately, the original body loves to show off, for fear that others will think that what she carries on the back is a high imitation, and the identity card of the luxury bag is still kept.

Shang Lili used to replace her colleagues at the luxury goods counter. She knew how to verify the authenticity of the identity card through her mobile phone.

Scanning the wide-open cabinet, there is a row of high-end luxury clothing on the upper floor, and a neat row of luxury bags starting at five figures on the lower floor. He opened his mouth jerky: "These... are all real?"



What a bitch!
So much is it worth!I'm afraid I can buy this small bachelor apartment.

Shang Lili looked at Xu Yin several times with complicated eyes, and really couldn't understand the other's brain circuit.

Borrow money to buy luxury goods?Buy so much more!What kind of prodigal girl is this!If it was a child of her family, she would be beaten by her parents with a poker.

"Do your parents know?"

She remembered that Xu Yin's family's economic conditions were not very good. Although she was the only child, her family was from the countryside, and both parents had little education. They used to work for the orchard of the village collective. In recent years, the orchard of the village collective has been contracted by individuals. Yes, Xu Yin's family seems to have built a cherry orchard, but cherries are too seasonal. If there is a few rains during the picking season, [-]% of the harvest this year will be in vain.

Xu Yin shook her head and didn't say much.

"You should choose one with the same value. If you have more, you will get interest, and if you have less, I will make it up to you later."

Shang Lili suppressed the mixed feelings in her heart, people were talking about this point, no matter how aggressively she asked for money, she couldn't open her mouth.

After thinking about it, it's better to get the bag than to get no money.

"Then I'll take it back and put it in a second-hand store. I'll tell you how much it sells for. I don't want any more. If I don't, you have to make up for me?"


Xu Yin responded very readily.

When Shang Lili was choosing, she leaned on the cabinet door and asked thoughtfully, "Do you know someone who collects second-hand luxury goods?"

"I know you! It's my former colleague. She felt that the counter income was low. She came out last year and opened a second-hand luxury store in a shop outside the mall. I will take it to her for consignment, and the price will not be too low."

"Then ask me, does she want all these?"

Xu Yin pointed to the bags, clothes, jewelry, perfume and unopened cosmetics in the drawers.

Shang Lili: "..."

In the end, she didn't even know how she agreed to this woman.

Anyway, when she realized it, Xu Yin was already packing clothes into the suitcase.

"Hey! You can't pretend like this, it will be crushed! I will do it! Mom! This set of Chanel is still new in the season, and it is still selling for [-] at the counter, and it can be worth [-] at the second-hand store. I bought it home and hung it in the closet for a few days, and I lost [-], and my monthly salary is only [-]... Oh, my heart hurts..."

"This dress belongs to the A family? My God! Another five thousand is missing."

"Wow! This pair of rose gold earrings cost [-] to [-] yuan when you bought them? It's over! Second-hand sales can't be sold at a higher price."

"These shoes..."

Amidst Shang Lili's heartbroken cries, all the high-end luxury brands that were brought home by the original body were sorted out.

A total of two large suitcases, two large storage boxes, a small suitcase, and several large bags were packed out.

The large suitcases and organizers contain new clothes and bags of this year or this season, and the bags contain old models from last year.

Unopened perfumes, cosmetics, and skin care products were packed in small suitcases, and jewelry was put into a backpack, which Xu Yin carried on her shoulders.

This backpack is also a high-end product, it is really impossible to find a bag.

The bachelor apartment rented by Yuan is less than [-] square meters, and the rent is [-].
(End of this chapter)

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