Chapter 913 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (9)

However, there was no room for Liu Qiang, so Xu Yin carried two grills to the tricycle by himself.

It is carrying, not moving.

With one left hand and one right hand, she easily carried the grill onto the tricycle.

"Lili, let's go! Go eat supper!"

"Okay! I invite you today."

Shang Lili cleaned the booth, dumped the rubbish into the dustbin, put the broom back in the management office, washed her hands and followed with a smile.

Now she can earn 200 yuan every night, and she is very happy to invite Xu Yin to have a supper.

A bowl of stewed beef noodle soup or chicken porridge costs up to 20 yuan. She was reluctant to buy it before, but now she thinks about it. The money is not saved, but earned.

Liu Qiang looked depressedly at the slender figure pedaling away on the tricycle.

He used to devote himself to selling barbecue, so he never had the opportunity to meet such a beautiful woman, so as soon as his father said it, he came here immediately. If he could really marry such a beautiful and earning woman home, he would be satisfied for the rest of his life.

But I didn't expect that people would ignore him at all, and he could lift the grill with one hand without his help.This woman is not only beautiful, but also so strong.

Seeing him coming back in a daze, Liu Laowu poked his forehead bitterly: "You are stupid, she doesn't want your help, why don't you rush to do it? No matter how capable a woman is, she still needs a man's consideration and comfort. You only get a wife when you are thick, you know?"

"Then I'll try again tomorrow?"

"Nonsense, if we don't try, we will have no business."

The next day, Liu Qiang deliberately dressed up.

In the past, he buried himself in the barbecue and wore old, dusty clothes. He only had the opportunity to wear new clothes when he returned to his hometown during the Chinese New Year.

This time, in order to catch up with the girl he was attracted to, he not only changed into new clothes, but also went to the barber shop to have a hairstyle done.

At six o'clock in the evening, Xu Yin had just arrived at the night market on a tricycle, and Liu Qiang, who had been keeping an eye on her, adjusted her clothes and came over.

"Xu Yin, did you come late today?" Shang Lili arrived earlier than Xu Yin and took a good booth at the old place.

"This weekend, the road was a bit congested, and I had several red lights."

Xu Yin stopped for three rounds, and was about to carry the oven down when she got off, but saw a man with an unfamiliar face rushing up, saying "I'll help you", and stretched out his hand towards her grill.

Xu Yin subconsciously shifted the gear and pushed the person away from the tricycle.

Liu Qiang clutched his chest in pain, took a few steps back uncontrollably, and his face was full of shock: This woman is really strong!
Shang Lili stopped in front of him vigilantly: "What are you doing!"

"I... I... I just want to help you."

"No need, we can handle it ourselves. Please make way, don't affect our stall."

Liu Qiang had no choice but to step aside, looked up at Xu Yin, and saw that she had turned around, just like last night, still carrying an oven in one hand, and easily lifted off the tricycle.

Two grills this big can easily handle, and other things don't need a man's help.

Liu Qiang left the stage sadly, and walked back to the entrance of the East Alley.

While preparing to open the stall, Shang Lili said to Xu Yin: "I don't even know you, so I just come up to say something to help. I think it's for your beauty. You have to be careful."

Xu Yin raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

Shang Lili continued to mutter: "Don't take it seriously. I went back to my hometown for Chinese New Year last year. I heard from my mother that there was a girl in our town who went home from the night shift and disappeared. She hasn't been found yet. The surveillance on the street only took pictures of her. Seeing the back of a man who was following her at the time, don’t you think it’s scary? So she’s pretty, so it’s easy to be spotted by others.”

Having said that, she touched her face, "Thinking about it this way, being ordinary is not without its advantages."

Xu Yin reminded her: "My face is covered with ashes."


Shang Lili treats Xu Yin like she treats the God of Wealth.

If God of Wealth is good, she is good.

"Xu Yin, why don't you buy a bottle of anti-wolf water? You live far away, and you have to cross several roads. You are riding a three-wheeler, not as fast as an electric three-wheeler. If you are caught track……"

"No." Xu Yin lowered her head and said busyly, "I ride very fast."

As long as the police don't stop her and fine her, she can ride a ghost.

This weekend, the night market has significantly more traffic than on weekdays.

Soon, the barbecue stand was surrounded by students who came out to look for food in twos and threes.

The two of them had no time to chat, and focused on receiving customers.

Liu Laowu looked at his deserted barbecue stand depressedly, and when someone passed by, he solicited graciously: "Do you want to eat skewers? Mutton skewers, beef skewers, chicken tenderloin, chicken wings..."

"The barbecue here is not as delicious as the beauty grill."

"This one is cheap, but the food is not very good. I have had diarrhea once before."

"Then let's go directly to the beauty roasting stall to buy it. It's delicious and fresh, and there's free chrysanthemum tea. Let me tell you, didn't I buy skewered rice cakes the day before yesterday, and drank a cup of free chrysanthemum tea. The acne on my face is no longer red, and it is better than the acne cream I used. Today I plan to buy skewered lamb, grilled squid, and drink two cups of chrysanthemum tea. I don’t know if the boss thinks I can drink too much. Hehe .”

"I want to try grilled oysters, and treat myself this weekend."

"That's right, we used to spend a lot of money to eat in the downtown square on weekends, but today we will eat barbecue."

A few girls from the Academy of Fine Arts, chatting on twitter, passed by Liu Laowu's barbecue stand without turning their eyes, and went straight to Xu Yin's barbecue stand.

Liu Laowu's face became even more gloomy with anger, and he passed his anger on to his son: "Didn't I ask you to help me to make my face familiar? What are you doing when you come back! There is no business."

Liu Qiang looked aggrieved: "She is very strong, and she doesn't need my help at all."

"If I don't let you help me, I won't help? You won't take the initiative? Useless things!"

Liu Qiang turned his head and crouched in the corner, sulking.

But Liu Laowu became more and more energetic: "If you were half as clever as I was when I was young, would you still worry about not being able to marry a wife? Why did I earn money in the dark? It was not to marry you. You are so good. The opportunity is in front of you, you don't know how to fight for it, you are like a turtle, you are not convinced when you say you are useless, right? If you don't be more active, you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life..."

Pedestrians who came and went saw that the stall owner and his son seemed to be arguing, even if someone wanted to eat his skewers, they didn't dare to come and buy them, and silently avoided it, preferring to spend more money to satisfy their cravings at the beauty grill stall.

By 07:30, only a quarter of the ingredients Xu Yin brought had been sold, but the Liu family and his son hadn't sold even a bunch.

Liu Laowu was angry and anxious.

"Ah Qiang, Dad scolded you for your own good. Think about it, Dad is only your son, and the bakery business is doing well, so the money you earn will be yours in the future?"

How else can I say that knowing a son is better than a father, and a few words will make the son happy.

"Then I'll try again when the stall closes."

"You have to try, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!"

(End of this chapter)

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