Chapter 927 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (23)

Similar complaints also happened on another seven-seater SUV:

"Xu Yin is so nice to us all of a sudden, does she want to ask us to borrow money again?"

"No way? She just paid off the loan and borrowed again? What is she doing?"

"Whatever she is doing, anyway, I won't borrow anything this time. I plan to save money to buy a scooter."

"I don't borrow them either. At worst, I will pay for the cherries I picked."

"Then she won't cry in anger?"

"We made an appointment, no matter what reason she finds, she will never borrow it."

"I'm fine, I'm afraid that Zhao Yihua and the others will take pity on each other..."

"Zhao Yihua is here too? Did you drive here? Who of you has his number, quickly drag him into the group, I'll talk to him."


Almost everyone thought that Xu Yin welcomed them so generously to pick cherries at home for the purpose of borrowing money.

Everyone formed a small group, chatted and discussed along the way, thought out their respective arguments in advance, and agreed that no matter what reasons Xu Yin brought up later, they would never borrow them!Never borrow!
As a result, Xu Yin never mentioned the matter of borrowing money.

Once she picked them up, she led them up the hill to her family's cherry orchard.

"Pick it yourself, pick as much as you want, don't be shy."

Xu Yin gave them a small red plastic basket, and she herself took a large bamboo basket.

Shang Lili helped her get a few small orders of three to five catties, and happened to have nothing else to do today, so she picked cherries with her classmates, and when she sent them out in the afternoon, she went to the town to deliver the courier.

Lu Wenxin was always guarding against what Xu Yin would do, and she was a little absent-minded about picking cherries, but her boyfriend tasted a few first, and found that the taste was really good, so he fed one into his girlfriend's mouth.

Ripe red agate-colored cherries on the branch, thin skin and tender meat, sweet and juicy, delicious!

Seeing Lu Wenxin's bright eyes, Xu Yin smiled.

Every morning, she throws a smear of spiritual mist into her cherry orchard. The effect of the diluted spiritual mist is not so heaven-defying, but the taste is somewhat improved, and the preservation time after picking is longer than that of ordinary cherries.

The same goes for the others. After tasting one, they fell in love with the exquisite, fresh, clean and delicious little cherries. They ate them while picking them.

After reacting, they were a little ashamed:
"Xu Yin, your cherries are so delicious, I accidentally ate too much."

"I weighed two catties just by eating."

"It's going to be a fire tomorrow."

Xu Yin said with a smile: "My mother brought a pot of chrysanthemum tea up. If you are thirsty, drink a bowl. It will relieve your anger."

That being said, everyone was too embarrassed to continue eating. They picked it up and put it in a basket, planning to buy it home.

Zhao Yihua asked: "Xu Yin, you have so many cherry trees in your house, how do you plan to sell them? Have you found a market?"

He is in sales. Although he is not selling fruit but electrical appliances, as a salesman, he can think of a market for everything he looks at.

"Well, I sold some to Anshi, and some are waiting to pick up tourist groups." Xu Yin said while picking, "Small cherries are not as easy to sell as big cherries, mainly because they are too tender and easy to be bruised. Cherry grafting, at this time next year, you can pick big cherries when you come to my house."


Everyone looked at each other with disbelief written in their eyes.

Lu Wenxin weakly asked everyone's aspirations:
"Are you really planning to stay in your hometown to grow cherries and not go back to Anshi?"

"Well, big cities are expensive and stressful, and my parents are only one child, so the cherry orchard will be handed over to me sooner or later. It's better to take it over as soon as possible, so that my parents can relax."


Why is it different from what they thought before they came?
Anyway, it's always good to not ask them to borrow money.

"Xu Yin, my mother knows that I'm here to pick cherries, so let me pick more and give it away, how much is a basket? Don't say give it away, we have already eaten what you gave it."

"Yes, I want to buy it too, Xu Yin, don't be polite to us, such good cherries are not cheap."

Xu Yin smiled: "That's fine, you pick it yourself, I'll give you a discount."

In the end, 15 baskets of them were sold at a discounted retail price of [-] yuan per catty.On average, there are two baskets per person, and one basket weighs almost two catties.

In other words, after spending 60 yuan, not only eating and taking, but also a rather hearty farm meal?
On the way back, it was completely different from the complaints before coming here. Everyone was saying that Xu Yin had changed a lot.

"She seems to have settled down."

"I used to feel that I couldn't talk to her, but today I feel very comfortable."

"It's comfortable to talk about anything with a beautiful woman."

"Fart! Are you comfortable asking you to borrow money?"


"By the way, does Xu Yin have a boyfriend?"

"What? You want to chase her?"

"I would, but she sure doesn't like me."

"That's true. She has a high vision. But maybe the requirements are lowered now."

"Then I'll try it?"

"I advise you not to, I heard that she owes a lot of money to the online loan company, do you want to pay off the debt with her?"

"real or fake?"

"I guess it's true. Online loan companies are very aggressive in collecting debts. She has changed so much, and it's probably because she was frightened by the debt collectors."

"Why do I hear that she has paid it off? The online loan company will let her back if she hasn't paid it off? She even paid back our money, and she must have paid off the online loan company long ago."

"hope so."

In another car, Lu Wenxin laid down the back of the chair and said to her boyfriend, "I took advantage of Xu Yin a lot today. Do you think what she said is true? She plans to inherit the cherry orchard at home and stay with Xiang in the future." Has the city planted cherries?"

"How do I know? Didn't you say that I just need to look at you and your wallet and not be borrowed by her?"

"By the way!" Lu Wenxin patted her forehead, "Did she say that cherry trees will be grafted in the second half of the year? It will cost a lot of money to replace them with big cherries, right? Is she embarrassed to ask us to borrow them? It wasn't like this before Yes, in the past, she went straight to the point with a few sentences, and there were various reasons for borrowing money, but this time she didn't mention a word, maybe she was forced into autism by our previous serial debt collection, and she was too embarrassed to talk to us when she was short of money... "

Her boyfriend: "..."

You say yes.

The more Lu Wenxin thought about it, the more she felt that this was what she thought.

"I see that she has changed a lot. The famous brand on her body is gone, and she doesn't wear any jewelry. Oh yes, Shang Lili said that she sold all her luxury goods. What kind of change do you think will make a woman who wants to stay in Da People who live in the city and chase luxury life are discouraged and return to their hometown to plant cherries? Is there something wrong? The kind that can’t be cured?”


"No! I'd better ask her."

But when she opened the dialog with Xu Yin, she was a little bit embarrassed.

How to ask?
Ask bluntly: "Xu Yin, are you terminally ill?"

If this is true, wouldn't it poke people's hearts?
Finally, she tentatively sent a voice message: "Xu Yin, does your cherry orchard need to be grafted? Does it cost a lot of money? Is the capital turnover enough? If you are tight, tell me."

Her boyfriend: "..."

Before coming here, who swore that he would never lend money to Xu Yin again, even if she begged hard?

(End of this chapter)

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