Chapter 951 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (47)

Xu Yin didn't understand, so she asked, there is not much arable land in the mountains, and the rice output is very small, otherwise people would feel poor if they didn't talk about the mountains before, and they needed to carry mountain goods down to exchange for rice noodles, but why are the special delicacies in the village all related to rice? ?
Grandma Zhang said with a smile: "Because I was too poor to afford food in the past, I cherished some rice, and gradually made more pastries by changing patterns. Now that life is rich, rice noodles can be eaten at will. Buy, what else do you want to eat? Grandma will make it for you."

Xu Yin: "..."

No matter how delicious it is, you can’t eat so much, and it’s all carbohydrates. If you eat it for four or five days in a row, you won’t gain three catties?
Xu Yin quickly pulled the two cousins ​​to her side, wanting to get fat together.

However, the two cousins ​​rebelled collectively——

Eldest cousin: "Sister, I eat these made by grandma every day. You rarely come here, so you are welcome to eat them all!"

Little cousin: "Sister, I want to eat lamb skewers, I don't want cakes."

After finishing speaking, one big and one small held hands, stepped over the threshold, and ran to the eaves of Father Xu's teaching room, where they sat in rows and waited for the kebabs.

Xu's father originally planned to teach his brother-in-law how to cook whole lamb, but considering the purchasing power and convenience of tourists, he thought beef and mutton skewers were more suitable.

After finishing the grill on the first day, Father Xu began to teach. If you can learn how to skewer kebabs, you can skewer all kinds of vegetables, and you can master everything.

Zhang’s family has lit up the tree of cooking skills. Whether it is Zhang’s grandma, or Xu’s mother, Zhang Li’s siblings, they are all good at cooking. With the lessons taught by Xu’s father and the seasoning prepared by Xu Yin, Zhang Li Under the guidance of my brother-in-law, the first time I started, I attracted the neighbors.

"Ali, what delicious food are you cooking? Why is it so delicious!"

The air is filled with the aroma of various spices such as cumin, fragrant leaves, and peppercorns, which entice people's taste buds.

"Is this kebab? It's much more delicious than the ones sold in the city!"

"Ali, are you planning to set up a stall?"

"Yes! Try it!"

Zhang Li distributed the first batch of grilled mutton skewers to neighbors.

"Daddy, I want to eat too!"

"Daddy, I'm hungry!"


Xu Yin quietly handed a piece of bean paste glutinous rice cake to her little cousin.

Grandma is too polite, she made a big box, and she ate for a long time before finishing the small half box.

The little cousin turned his head: "I don't want glutinous rice cakes, I want meat skewers! Delicious meat skewers!"


In the next few days, children's howls could be heard from time to time in the village:
"I want to eat kebabs! The kebabs from Kaneko's house!"

He ran out without giving food, holding two coins in his hand: "Father Jin, I'll buy a kebab."

Zhang Li: "..."

two dollars?The cost can't be recovered, okay?

But in any case, his barbecue skills have been successfully lit up and successfully graduated!

It was time for Xu Yin's family to go back.

Grandma Zhang can put something in the bag and ask her to take it back.

My aunt is also very enthusiastic. Seeing that she likes to eat chestnut rice in bamboo tubes, she baked two baskets early in the morning, and added a luxurious version of diced ham, diced bamboo shoots, and diced mushrooms.It won't be bad if you put it in the refrigerator for a year, and you can take it out and steam it in the pot anytime you want to eat.

The elder aunt returned home this time, taught her man the business of grilling skewers, and also helped to buy beef and mutton and secret seasonings. Such a big favor, a few rice in bamboo tubes are nothing!
"Yin Yin." Zhang Li moved the items from his mother and daughter-in-law to the niece's car one by one, "Uncle's skewers are open here, and I entrust you to buy the meat and seasonings. It's okay to give them away once every half a month, right? Uncle will pay for gas money and errand fees."

Zhang Li plans to go to the city to buy a large-capacity freezer after the first month of the month and come back to see how the previous sales volume is before deciding on the purchase volume.

Xu Yin said no problem, as for gas money and running errands, forget it, it is not bad to come to the mountain village once in half a month, and buy some fresh mountain products regularly.

This time she took half of the camellia oil, mushrooms, and nuts back home, hoarded half, and kept the rest at home for food and as gifts.

The pastries made by grandma and the bamboo rice steamed by aunt were also taken to the system warehouse while they were hot.Even after a long time, it is still hot to eat.

Chen Jiao received the camellia seed oil, mushrooms, and nuts pressed by ancient recipes, and agreed to save a batch of beef and mutton for Uncle Xu Yin without saying a word.

Anyway, her restaurant consumes a lot of grassland beef and mutton, so ordering a few hundred catties more every month is not a problem, but it can help her share some transportation costs.

As for the seasoning, Xu Yin used to have a small world specializing in spices. She stocked up a lot of various spices and could never use them up in a few lifetimes. If she wanted to grind as much as she wanted, the automatic grinder was very convenient.

I won't tell my uncle the recipe, if someone coaxes her to learn it, not to mention the business will be affected, it will be the result of her own labor.

Helping to solve the difficulties of her grandmother's family, Xu Yin put her energy back into her orchard.

After the beginning of spring, the grafted branches sprouted buds one after another, and Xu Yin began to top-dress the fruit trees.

The ecological fertilizer she piled has no smell, except for the cherry trees on the mountain, the peach, apricot, and pear trees in the side yard, the vines next to the chicken coop in the backyard, and the grapefruit trees on both sides of the road in front of the door.

After two top dressings, the cherry trees bloomed!

The peach and apricot trees in the side yard are also blooming one after another.

The villagers were puzzled, thinking that if they met the Mingkang couple, they must ask which brand of fertilizer they bought, and the fertilizer grew too fast.Thinking about the cherry trees in their family, there are only a few sporadic flower buds, but Mingkang's family has fully bloomed and bloomed vigorously.

Early flowering means early fruit, early fruit means early money!Maybe it can be sold at a high price!

Otherwise, why build a greenhouse if conditions permit?It's not that I want to make a time difference to make more money.

Everyone is very itchy.

It's just that I haven't met the Mingkang couple for a few days, so I couldn't help looking for them:
"Mingkang, what have you been up to lately?"

"Cai Tao, you haven't been up the mountain recently? I haven't seen you for several days."

Xu's father and Xu's mother looked at each other wonderingly: "What do you want us to do? We are busy digging the watermelon fields at the foot of the back mountain. We really haven't been out much recently, and the cherry orchards are all busy."

"Watermelon field? Is it the one at the foot of the back mountain? The village head uncle said, you contracted that piece of land? It doesn't look very fertile at first glance. Can watermelon be harvested?"

"Yinyin said yes."


Forget it, they didn't come to listen to the couple bragging about their daughter.

"Mingkang, we came here to ask you, which brand of fertilizer did your family buy? It hasn't been long since you topped the fertilizer, and it's blooming, and it's blooming very vigorously, which makes us itchy."

"Fertilizer? We didn't buy fertilizer, Yinyin piled it up by himself."


When the village head asked her about the ecological fertilizer, Xu Yin was not surprised.

She bought this ecological retting method from the system mall. The production process is simple, fast, non-stinky, and the conversion rate is extremely high.

This is the most affordable and useful system product she can buy with energy points.

(End of this chapter)

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