Chapter 956 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (52)

In fact, they were also very emotional: they just came here to buy some cherries, but they didn't expect to buy so many cherries, and some of them didn't even taste the taste.

But something that can make Xiao Zhang nod and praise, and actively want to buy, must be a good thing!You won't lose money if you buy it!
"Our company has contracted two hilltops in Xiangcheng. Is Ms. Xu interested in cooperating?" Zhang Huaijin threw out an olive branch before leaving, "Before I came, I wanted to talk to Ms. Xu about a cooperation project on organic fertilizers, but I have tried Xu I have a new direction for the fruits planted by Ms. Let’s cooperate to build an ecological orchard! I will take the mountain and capital as shares, Ms. Xu will provide technology, and you don’t have to worry about the follow-up sales. You will get four and six. Give the country [-]%, so I have two more shares on the surface."

Xu Yin looked at the business card he handed over: "..."

She said that when she went downstairs and saw him for the first time, she had a feeling of déjà vu for some reason. The co-author was Comrade Xiaojin from her family.

But, is Comrade Xiaojin in this small world a bit of a prodigal?
She doesn't need to care about anything, as long as she leads people to compost and graft, she will take [-]% of the shares?He invests in land, money, and sales, and only takes [-]%?
"Aren't you a R&D engineer of Luheng?"

She suddenly remembered that when the leader of the Culture and Tourism Bureau introduced him, he said that Lvheng's best-selling organic fertilizer came from his research results.Some people in the VIP group called him "Zhang Gong".

Are today's engineers so capable?Holding the iron rice bowl controlled by the state, can you still take over the project?
"Yes." Zhang Huaijin replied with a calm smile, "It is precisely because of my interest in organic fertilizer research that I started this company."


Good guy!
He said for a long time, Green Hengbio is his industry?
Zhang Huaijin saw that she seemed to be moved, and threw another olive branch: "My two hills are not far from your home, they are in Wangjing Village, and they were originally used for organic fertilizer experiments. The research institute and staff dormitory at the foot of the hill are both Once it’s finished, if we cooperate, I can share a building with you, and you can rent it out or open your own restaurant.”

After they finished picking the fruits, it was time for dinner. They had a cheeky lunch at Xu Yin's house at noon. Xu's father roasted a leg of lamb and half a lamb chop for them. prosperous.

Xu's father was so praised that he had some ideas, but then he thought that there were no tourists in his village, and no one patronized when he opened it, so he felt a little regretful while talking.

According to Zhang Huaijin's proposal, not only will she get [-]% of the technology shares, but she can also get the right to use a facade building?

She is familiar with the area of ​​Wangjing Village, which is very close to the town. Fruit buyers who come and go often stay and eat there, and it is much more lively than Qianjin Village.

If her father is interested, it would be a good idea to open a mutton restaurant there, build a roasting kiln, go there to roast by himself in his free time, chat with the buyers and tourists in the past, and talk about the family, and relax the mind and body naturally.It's busy season and you can hire someone. Anyway, the seasoning formula is in her hands, and others can't steal it if they want to.

"Okay! I promise!"

Zhang Huaijin stretched out her hand with a smile: "Then, happy cooperation!"

Xu Yin shook hands: "Happy cooperation!"


Not many people knew about the cooperation between Xu Yin and Luheng Biological Company at the beginning, except for his own family, only a few village cadres knew about it.

And they only know the general idea, and they don't know the specific content of the cooperation. They only know that Lvheng Company has contracted two hilltops in Wangjing Village and plans to build an ecological orchard. The organic fertilizer applied in the orchard is a newly developed product of Lvheng Company. , Xu Yin was hired by Luheng Company as a technical consultant, responsible for fruit tree grafting.

It wasn't until after the busy season that a young daughter-in-law in the village went back to her natal home in Wangjing Village, and when she came back, everyone knew that Xu Mingkang opened a mutton restaurant at the foot of the Lvheng Orchard, specializing in roast lamb chops, roast lamb legs, and occasionally roast whole lamb. It is also for sale. It has been open for several days, and the business is said to be very prosperous. Every day, diners from afar come to him to order roast lamb.

After the villagers heard about it, someone went to check it out and found out that it was true.

"It's at the intersection of the three-way road coming out of the Lvheng Ecological Orchard. Several houses have been newly built there, all of which are from Lvheng. The mutton restaurant opened by Mingkang is on the side of the road, and the queue is very long. If one sells, the business will be very good."

To be honest, Xu's father did not expect the business of the mutton restaurant to be so good.

At the beginning, he just thought that the storefront was free and no rent was required. My daughter asked her friend to buy cheap and good tender sheep, thinking that after the cherries were picked, the work in the field would be less busy, and the watermelon was still a few days away from ripening. , I want to sell roast mutton itchingly, even if I only sell it two days a week to earn money for medicine and wine for my old father.

So I found a plasterer, decorated the facade, and built one according to the roasting kiln at home. When the roasting kiln was ready to use, the large freezer he bought and the imported beef and mutton arrived. He picked a day and put two skewers. Firecrackers opened.

I thought that the business might not be very good on the first day, but I was lucky enough to meet the Lvheng Orchard to receive the delegation.

Smelling the aroma of roasted lamb, the experts of the inspection team didn't want to go to other places to eat at noon, so they asked Father Xu to send two roasted whole lambs there. , Roast leg of lamb.

These people have become repeat customers of Xu's Mutton Restaurant.

Within three days, you have to queue up to buy mutton at Father Xu's store.

We haven't started taking delivery orders yet, which shows how prosperous the business is.

The villagers were all incredulous: "Although it is close to the town, the price of mutton is not cheap. Why are there so many people rushing to buy it? I think there are queues every day."

"It's delicious. It's not like you haven't eaten it before. Besides the people in the town, there are also people who drive over from the city to buy it."

"How much can Mingkang earn in a day?"

"It must be a lot. I heard that there is no money for the facade. Not only the facade, but also the upper two floors and the cellar below are free to live in. There is no rent. It is the welfare of Mingkang's family from Luheng Company. Mingkang's daughter is not in Luheng. Is Hengguoyuan a technical consultant? I heard that her technology is so good. Lvheng was worried that she would be poached by competitors, so he promised a building. As long as she is in Lvheng, she will use that building for free and open a store. , rental is fine. Lvheng company is really generous!"

"So, I understand that Uncle Kang is relying on Yinyin's blessing?"

"No! The rent can save a lot of money! And when it first opened, the customers who came to buy roast lamb were said to be introduced by the boss of Lvheng, and they were all rich people! When they bought it, they bought a whole roast lamb. "

"Hey! Mingkang's family is really up!"

"How many times have you said this? His family has already woken up!"

"Hahaha! I'm so envious!"

"What are you envious of? Isn't your family close to the water first? Did you ask Yinyin to help you marry it? By this time next year, you will be able to grin!"

"Oh, I knew that my fruit tree had been grafted by Tuo Yinyin. Now she is going to Lvheng Orchard, so I don't think she has time to help."

I can't help but feel a little worried after envying.

(End of this chapter)

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