Chapter 969

OK!Then go up.

But he didn't get the price because she provided all kinds of wild vegetables to the table at home, but because the unit price of the wool she sheared was a few yuan higher than that of old George.

The extra money earned should be returned to her through salary.

Therefore, when the salary was paid this month, Xu Yin found that the envelope containing the money was more bulging than before.

Mrs. Hunter winked at her, and she knew.

Going back to my small single room, I opened the envelope, and saw the salary slip attached to the banknote at a glance. Sure enough, the salary has increased.

Xu Yin frowned and smiled, her intuition was correct—the Hunter family is friendly and lovely.

Mrs. Hunter not only asked her husband to raise Xu Yin's wages, but also asked the cook to make honey water for Xu Yin every day, and filled the jug for her to drink.

A farmer in Cook Town raised bees in the mountains, and the nectar he collected was all natural, and the taste was much better than honey from later generations.

Xu Yin planned to go to the farmer to buy some when there was a food party in the town, stock up a few cans, and save it for later drinking.

On this day, she carried a bamboo basket for picking wild vegetables, a satchel on her back, and prepared to drive sheep to graze as usual with honey water, goat milk cakes, and cheese cakes. The postman in the town delivered a letter.

Mrs. Hunter took it apart and looked at it for a few times, then called to her with a smile:
"Sean, it's from Oliva. He and Lucas have been panning for gold in West Bay for a month. Recently, I heard that Kawarau Canyon has built a world-class bungee jumping center, which will open at the end of the month. I'm worried that no one will dare to jump. The officials even issued a reward of [-] New Zealand dollars - as long as bungee jumpers do a few stretches during the bungee jump on the opening day, they can receive this bounty, and both he and Lucas intend to sign up."

After reading the contents of the letter, Mrs. Hunt sighed: "These two children are so courageous! I feel terrified just hearing his description in the letter. It seems that this bungee jumping is a project that only young people dare to play. Sean, do you think Want to see them bungee jumping? By the way, visit the canyon, Kawarau Canyon is quite beautiful in summer. If you want to go, I will ask Hunter to book a bus ticket for you when he goes to town."

Xu Yin heard the words and was eager to try:
See two strong guys bungee jumping?
What's the point of that!
Or don't go, just jump once by yourself.

Ten thousand dollars!

It's just that she left, who will take care of the flock?
"If you want to go, don't worry, there's still Old George. At this time of the year, he is the one who grazes." Mrs. Hunt laughed heartily, "After you came, he felt a lot more relaxed. Let him herd the sheep for a few days. , can you not be happy?"

Old George: "..."

Whether I like it or not is not up to me, the little old man.

However, what Mrs. Hunter said was true. If Sean hadn't been recruited at the beginning, he would definitely not be as relaxed as he is now.

Therefore, Old George agreed very readily: "Go, go! Take advantage of the good summer weather and go to the canyon to play for a few days. The sheep have me! When you are not here, these are my jobs. I am not bragging , old man, I have spared more sheep than you have eaten, and you are actually worried that I can't deal with this group of guys who like to stick their hooves?"

Xu Yin laughed: "Thank you! I'll bring you some southern specialties then."

"Speaking of the specialties in the south, if it's convenient, please help me bring some tobacco leaves."

Xu Yin readily agreed.

Since she came here, the farthest place she has been to is Christchurch. She is still a little excited when she thinks of traveling far and seeing different scenery from this place.

Even though I have been to New Zealand when I traveled around the world with Comrade Xiaojin, and stayed in many famous tourist towns, but now it is still 1988, and it is different after all.

Mrs. Hunter is very thoughtful. Although Sean is strong, he can easily lift a sheep weighing two to three hundred catties with one hand, and he can knock down several burly men by himself, but he is a girl after all. Cook It takes more than nine hours by car from the town to Queenstown, and it is inevitable that one person will be lonely.

So, she helped Xu Yin make an appointment with two companions——

One is Wei Lai, the youngest son of the mayor's family. He is two years younger than Xu Yin, but he is 1.8 meters tall like his father. He is a lively and cheerful young man;
The other is Ira, the eldest granddaughter of William Sr., who is the same age as Willai. She usually lives in Christchurch with her parents and comes to the ranch for summer vacation.

Both wanted to go bungee jumping.

In the past, I only heard that adventurers would use an elastic rope to jump from a high altitude. Such a dangerous challenge, but now there is a platform in the South Island where you can experience it for a fee.

I would never dare to let them jump by themselves, but I really want to see how others dance.

The mayor and William Sr. are also very supportive of this.

When they were young, they went out to practice at the age of fourteen or fifteen. Today's children, who have not been out of the city at the age of sixteen or seventeen, have become flowers in the greenhouse. It is time for them to go out to broaden their horizons and gain insights.

After the agreement was made, Mr. Hunter bought three long-distance bus tickets to Queenstown in the south when he went to the town to send a letter.

The distance between Cooktown and Queenstown is [-] kilometers. Because some road conditions are not very good, it takes more than nine hours to drive. That is to say, we start in the morning and arrive in the evening.

Ask her to say that it is much more convenient to go by motorcycle than by car.

But Mrs. Hunter helped her make appointments with her friends, so she didn't refuse.

The three of them set off together.

Mrs. Hunter stuffed a lot of food into Xu Yin's schoolbag.

The long-distance bus will refuel and rest in Kelin Town, after all, the driver also needs to eat.

But the food at the gas station is more expensive. Mrs. Hunter was worried that she would not be willing to buy it, so she asked the cook to bake some goat's milk cakes, cheese pastries, and milk-flavored steamed buns improved with Xu Yin's help.

The drinker filled her with two kettles: one of honey water and one of dandelion tea.

There are also several apples stuffed.

Mrs. Hunt is a firm believer in the proverb "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", and all apple trees are planted in front of her house.

It's apple harvest season, and these days, ranchers get their share of one a day.Sometimes Xu Yin is divided into two.Mrs. Hunter always said that she was too thin and needed to make up more.

It's the same when I come out this time. If the schoolbag doesn't have so much space, I want to stuff more for her.

Wei Lai has a lively personality. As soon as he got in the car, he opened his schoolbag and showed Xu Yin the food his mother had prepared for him when he got into the car:

"Salmon roe cheese rolls, a total of three baked, one for each of us at noon. If not enough, there will be sliced ​​ham sandwiched with oatmeal bread."

Xu Yin has tasted the local ham, which is not as fragrant as Jinhua ham, but it has its own unique flavor, and it is usually eaten raw, cut into thin slices, and eaten with side dishes such as lettuce and guacamole. The taste is quite good of.

However, this is because the conditions of the mayor's house are relatively good, and most people only change their taste a little during the festival.

Yila also carried a heavy bag of food, including dried mutton, goat milk cake, ginger yogurt cake, and a lot of fruit.

Everyone's school bag, food alone takes up more than half of the space.

Fortunately, summer clothes are relatively thin, otherwise they wouldn't fit.

The three of them looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

It feels like a primary school student going on a spring outing.

(End of this chapter)

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