Chapter 973

On this trip to the south, not only did he get a reward of [-] New Zealand dollars, but he also got an extra money from print advertisements, which was easy to spend.

In addition to wool products such as cashmere shawls, wool scarves, woolen sweaters, wool blankets, and cashmere threads, I also bought several cans of high-quality sheep oil.

I also bought deep-sea fish oil, sheep placenta, honey, propolis, and spirulina, and even bought several cans of bovine colostrum.

In the South Island of New Zealand in the late 80s, there seems to be an unwritten rule that most of the pastures in the central part of the South Island raise sheep, while the south mostly raise cattle, especially Angus cattle. It seems that only the southern pastures are currently breeding.

On the streets of Queenstown, beef and dairy products can be seen everywhere.

In addition to bovine colostrum, I also bought milk powder, beef jerky, dried beef, and a few bags of high-quality beef bone powder for calcium supplementation.

Although the other people did not have as much money as Xu Yin, they rarely came to the south to play, and they did not know when they would come next time, so they picked up a lot of local specialties and bought a lot.

It will be New Year's Day soon, although she hasn't gotten used to celebrating New Year's Day in summer, but it is her first New Year's Day here, and she just made some extra money, so she can't celebrate it too much, and give everyone who is friendly to her a warm welcome Picked out a gift.

While Xu Yin was shopping happily, a pickpocket recognized her.

In the past two days, local newspapers in New Zealand have reported on the grand occasion of the opening day of the bungee jumping center. Xu Yin's graceful bungee jumping photos have appeared on the front pages of some local newspapers in the morning and evening. Of course, the pickpockets don't want to let this fat sheep go. Along the way, seeing the speed at which she spent money, she twitched in distress, worried that if she continued to spend like this, even if she succeeded, there would not be much left.

So, he couldn't wait to get to a crowded place before doing it. In a shop selling handicrafts, he took out a dagger and was about to scratch Xu Yin's army green canvas schoolbag when he felt a sharp pain in his wrist.



Xu Yin directly grasped the person and broke the bone.

The tool for committing the crime fell to the ground with a bang, which startled the others.

Afterwards, the pickpocket was taken away by the police.

Wei Lai looked at Xu Yin with admiration: "Xiao En, Chinese Kung Fu is really amazing! Can you really teach me when you go back?"

The shopkeeper showed admiration: "So it's Huaxia Kungfu? No wonder it's so powerful!"

He took the initiative to give Xu Yinxiang a [-]% discount on the Maori carved wooden comb.

He also said with a smile: "Huaxia Kungfu is so powerful, you can go to the horse spear competition."

"Immediate spear competition? Oh, I know that!" Wei Lai babbled, "Isn't it an immediate spear competition? Is there any prize money?"

Xu Yin almost laughed out loud.

Good brother, you asked a question that my sister cares about.

Knowing that there are only trophies and no bonuses, Willai didn't ask any more questions.

On the long-distance bus back to Cooktown, he winked at Xu Yin: "Master, do I count as a roundworm in your stomach? I can tell that you are not that interested in games without prize money."

"???" Xu Yin said, "What are you calling me?"

"Master, didn't you promise to teach me Huaxia Kung Fu and locomotive drifting? That is my teacher, don't you Huaxia call you teacher, master?"

Xu Yin: "..."

I was sloppy!
But men, there are very few people who are not interested in martial arts and motorcycles.

Oliva and Lucas were also ready to move, and shamelessly called Xu Yin "Master".

Xu Yin: "..."

Okay, let's go out for a while and take in three black-haired, brown-eyed, tall and burly apprentices.

Her legs and feet skills are actually not complicated. One is the most practical self-defense fighting technique for women, and the other is some simple martial arts moves that do not require internal strength, but have permanent supernatural power bonuses and lightness skills, which are particularly mysterious.

If they want to learn, then teach them.

Xu Yin looked at Yila: "Are you also together?"

Her self-defense technique is actually more suitable for little girls to learn.

Ira looked surprised: "Can I learn it too?"

"Of course!"

A group of people returned to Cook Town with a full harvest.

The residents of the town had seen from the newspaper that the three of Xu Yin participated in the bungee jumping, and they were happy that they had won the reward.

Mrs. Hunter admired the photos brought back by Xu Yin, and finally asked: "Sean, can you give me one? I want to frame it and hang it on the living room wall. It must be cool."

"of course can."

Xu Yin let her choose.

Mrs. Hunter chose one, and returned the rest to Xu Yin, who received the system warehouse.

For her, this is also a very meaningful souvenir to keep for later recollection.

Next, start distributing New Year gifts to everyone:

Mr. Hunter was given a pair of tall tendon-soled rain boots and a solid wooden umbrella with a curved handle.

I heard that there is a lot of rain here in winter, and the grass absorbs water and it is easy to wet the shoes. Mr. Hunter often has to run around the town. It is much more convenient to have a pair of high-pass rain boots on rainy days.

Give Mrs. Hunter a can of sheep oil, a bottle of sheep placenta, and a jar of bovine colostrum, all of which are famous specialties in Queenstown.

Give old George a solid wood pipe carved by a Maori and a bundle of dry tobacco.

Give the cook a pair of lamb wool-lined oven mitts.

Others are the special snacks of Queenstown and surrounding villages, including dried fruit, dried fish, shrimp-flavored cakes, beef crisps, milk pastries, etc.

Oliva and Lucas also brought gifts to everyone.

On New Year's Eve, everyone gathered together, listened to Oliva's story about the thrilling process of bungee jumping, tasted the special snacks in the south, and laughed constantly.

Oliva and Lucas came back a month earlier than in previous years, and the work of grazing, cleaning the sheepfold, and bathing the sheep returned to their hands.

Xu Yin was transferred to the warehouse by Mr. Hunter, and together with Old George, they rolled the dried and trimmed wool into bundles for easy loading.

The warehouse was not very ventilated, and it was hot and sweaty after a while. Mrs. Hunter was kind-hearted and worried about their heatstroke, so she only let them work for half a day in the morning, and no work was arranged in the afternoon. Old George was mowing the lawn, and Xu Yin was in charge of cleaning.

She is efficient, sweeping the work can be done an hour before the sun sets, so she has a lot of free time in the afternoon, so she simply found all the parts and improved the electric hair remover.

After the scene simulation is turned on, everything can be done with half the effort.

In just a few afternoons, the prototype came out.

"Shawn, what are you up to?"

Seeing that she had been hiding in the dormitory for nothing recently, Mrs. Hunter asked with concern:
"Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"I'm fine, thank you Mrs. Hunter for your concern." Xu Yin showed the semi-finished product to Mrs. Hunter, "I always feel that the shearing speed is not fast enough, and I want to improve the electric wool clippers before winter comes."

Although Mrs. Hunter was surprised that she understood this, she didn't take it to heart. After all, in her opinion, it is so simple to improve electric products.

However, she praised her without hesitation, and said to her husband in the evening: "Sean knows a lot! Do you know what she is busy with these afternoons? She is studying wool clippers and says she wants to make them Improve it so that it doesn't heat up so quickly."

Mr. Hunter twitched his mouth: "I just gave her a salary increase."

Don't coax him to pay out again.

Mrs. Hunter gave him an angry and funny look: "Go to sleep!"


(End of this chapter)

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