Chapter 977

Mrs. Haiqiong poured herself a glass, then sat down in front of the fireplace, and took a couple of sips.

Xu Yin couldn't help but think of the words that the cook babbled in her ear yesterday, thought about it in her heart, and explained: "There is an old saying in my hometown, 'Life is unsatisfactory nine out of ten', that is to say, our whole life , Eighty-nine out of ten things are not completely in line with our wishes. There is also a saying that 'plans are not as fast as changes'. Many things that happen in life do not depend on our will, and it is impossible for us to change every day. You can succeed in everything. As long as you work hard, you don’t need to worry about the result. There is a great poet in my hometown, Li Bai, who once said, “You must be happy when you are happy in life, and don’t let the golden cup be empty to the moon.” The philosopher Nietzsche also said , Every day without dancing is a disappointment to life. It is rare for a person to come to this world, so why leave regrets? Laugh when you want, cry when you want to love, love when you want to love, hate when you want to hate , love yourself first and then love others, don't let others disturb you, don't indulge in the past..."

Xu Yin still wants to say something eloquently, this is just an appetizer, and she hasn't criticized the gambler husband who caused Mrs. Haiqiong's unhappy marriage and psychological trauma.

If you say that all the pain was brought about by that irresponsible man, how can you make a woman pay for it?

Although there is an old saying that "it is better to demolish ten temples than one marriage", but it also depends on whether the marriage is worthwhile, and if it is not worth it, why bother to be trapped in the besieged city.

Choosing to end one's own life will only make loved ones hurt the enemy. Since life and death are not even considered, it is better to refuse to accept it and just do it!
In short, as long as it can dispel the other party's negative and pessimistic world-weariness, let her give a long speech that lasts for an hour.

His mouth was a little thirsty, so he lowered his head and took a sip of his wine. Just as he was about to continue talking, he heard the other party ask hoarsely, "Do you like this place?"


Xu Yin's eyes were blank for a moment, but the other party seemed to be amused by her.

"You have a thorough understanding of life, I think you should like this place."

Hearing this, Xu Yin looked up at the tall roof with stained glass skylights, and looked down at the olive green solid wood floor and matching furniture. She didn't know the structure of the bedroom, but the living room was simple and comfortable. Looking out of the glass window, it is the lake just now.

Who doesn't like such a beautiful view?
She nodded truthfully: "it's very nice here, very suitable for vacation."

Enjoy the flowers in spring and the snow scene in winter. There are different scenery throughout the year.

Mrs. Haiqiong showed a very faint smile, looking towards the direction of the lake, her eyes were distant: "I thought so too, unfortunately..."

She paused, didn't go any further, turned to look at Xu Yin: "You are Xiao En, right? When Mrs. Love came to see me, she mentioned you to me, saying that you are petite but extremely powerful, and treat others The Friendship Society Huaxia Kung Fu represented Cook Town in the Canterbury Regional Competition and took back the pure gold wool shears, which is the pride of Cook Town.”

Xu Yin didn't expect that besides Mrs. Hunter who liked to praise her, the mayor's wife was also promoting her to the outside world. Even Mrs. Haiqiong, who was recuperating at home and had never had a face-to-face photo before, knew about her.

The whole town is proud or something, which sounds inexplicably ashamed.

How can she speak so well.

"Mrs. Love said, do you intend to buy property in Cook Town? Where do you want to buy? Do you like the piece at the foot of the mountain? And here."

She pointed to the lake and its surroundings beyond the window.

Xu Yin's heart skipped a beat.

Isn't the piece at the foot of the mountain Madam Haiqiong's own pasture?

What did she mean by that, could it be that she wanted to sell the pasture?

"You don't have to worry about whether you have enough money." Seeing that she didn't answer, Mrs. Haiqiong said proactively, "You can do me a favor and transfer those lands to your name for free."


Mrs. Haiqiong asked her to help by running away.

In the name of death, escape from her vampire gambler husband.

"As long as I live, I will never be able to avoid his entanglement. He covets the land left by my parents. If I refuse to sell it to help him pay off his gambling debts, he will not divorce me. He says he wants to die. Drag me, make me worry every day, and can't sleep peacefully at night. If that's the case, I won't give it to him even if I die."

Xu Yin thought about it wrongly: "Then you just now... If I were a little slower, as your husband, wouldn't he still have the right to handle your affairs?"

Mrs. Haiqiong looked at her approvingly: "I just want to see if you really know Chinese Kungfu. Oh, Lake Ghana is my dowry. I have been playing since I was a child, and the longest record is 10 minutes of diving at the bottom of the lake."

Xu Yin: "..."

She thought about it: this is not a dodder flower that needs to be untied, isn't it very stupid.

Confirm that Mrs. Haiqiong really wants to sell, and Xu Yin really wants to buy.

Not only can she help Mrs. Haiqiong get rid of her bad marriage, start a new life in a place where no one knows her, but also buy her favorite land at a high market price, Xu Yin immediately agreed to her cooperation.

As for Mrs. Haiqiong's concern about whether her gambler husband would come to make trouble, Xu Yin waved her hand, not caring at all.

"If he dares to come, get ready to go to jail!"

She will not tolerate each other.

Come here to make trouble, put him in a sack first, and then send him to prison for N years, you are welcome.

Mrs. Haiqiong knows that she knows Chinese Kung Fu.

The reason why I asked her for help was that, on the one hand, people in the town praised the child for her warm heart and solid eyes, and on the other hand, she knew Chinese Kungfu, so if that man came to make trouble or destroy her, she would not be caught Bully.

"It's good that you know me about this matter. When people ask, they will say that I sold the ranch and manor to you and then left. You don't know anything else."

Of course, the Death Escape, which was privately entrusted with Xu Yin's help, cannot be disclosed to the outside world, otherwise it would be a waste of planning.

It was still early, and they went to transfer the property rights that afternoon.

Only after getting the property right certificate did Xu Yin know the size of the land under Mrs. Haiqiong's name.

In addition to the 85-hectare pasture at the foot of the mountain, Lake Garner and the surrounding grassy slopes at the top of the mountain, and a 50-hectare farm over the grassy slope to the east are all hers.

Now, they are all under Xu Yin's name.

A moment ago, he felt that the assets he had were enough to eat the land transferred by Mrs. Haiqiong, but now he was not sure.

She thought it was just the pasture at the foot of the mountain and the lake on the mountain, but unexpectedly there was a farm.Although the area is not as large as the ranch, 50 hectares is not small.

Mrs. Haiqiong looked at her tangled expression, and smiled relaxedly: "I said, I can give it to you for free, but I still need your help in the future."

That is required!

Even if she doesn't sell her land, she is willing to help this poor lady who had to "die" to get out of this miserable marriage and be reborn from Nirvana.

In the next few days, Xu Yin would go out on a motorcycle at noon every day, sometimes bringing back a jar of honey, and sometimes a basket of raspberries.

Mrs. Hunt thought she was off to a food festival in another town.

After autumn, food festivals are held in various places. This is not only a traditional custom, but also related to the tax benefits of each town for the next year.

Cooktown's gourmet event is scheduled for two weeks.

"Did you hear that there are a lot of delicious food at the food festival, and you went out without lunch these days?" Mrs. Hunter teased her, "Are you full on the food street?"

Xu Yin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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