Chapter 986

Mrs. Hunter came with today's paper.

The headline on the front page is the government's new policy of reform - the tariff on grain exports will increase!

"It is said that in the past few years, the export price of grain was much lower than that of beef and mutton, cattle and sheep fur and other products. The government thought that foreign exchange was too low, and decided to increase tariffs to reduce grain cultivation and expand the animal husbandry industry."

Mrs. Hunter sighed.

She only has a pasture, but it is not affected.

Whether the expansion of animal husbandry will affect the purchase price of cattle and sheep is a matter for the future, and it has not been affected in a short time.

But the impact on the farm was greater.

As soon as the policy came out, many farmers cried.

After that, tariffs will increase and grain production will decrease, so what should we do?

Many farmers decided to change careers, and the mayor's family was also having a headache.

Didn't Sean also plant 30 hectares of grain?
"What are your plans for the future?"

Xu Yin: "..."

I'm about to die, my sister just entered the state!

"is this real?"

"Really! New Deal tariffs will start on New Year's Day."


The leaders of this country are really self-willed. The policy is introduced as soon as it is announced, without giving people any mental preparation.

Xu Yin's heart was bleeding.

Her 50-hectare farm!
Even if the 20 hectares of kiwifruit and grapes are not expected to be harvested this year and next, but the 30 hectares of grain she mainly intends to sell for money!

Even if you don't rely on them to make a lot of money, but all kinds of expenses such as workers' wages and seed costs must be recovered, right?

Thinking that in the near future, five or six hundred tons of grain would be piled up in the warehouse and could not be sold, she clutched her chest, her heart ached!
So much so that after Mrs. Hunter left, she didn't bother to use goat's milk to make milk tea and soufflé to reward herself.

The whole barrel of goat milk is put into the warehouse of the system, sitting in front of the window with his chin propped up, looking at the lush pastures outside, flicking their tails and walking comfortably in the sun eating pastures and drinking streams of cattle and sheep, but people are distracted.

In fact, she has a systematic warehouse. If she really can't sell it, she won't rot in the ground or pile up in the warehouse to mold.

After the import and export tariffs are loosened and the price of grain is raised, it can still be sold. In the long run, there will be no loss.

At most, it has been difficult in recent years.

But she still has a pasture, and the Angus beef cattle can bring her a lot of income. She can afford to use the pasture to supplement the short-term loss of the farm!
Thinking about it this way, she was not so anxious at first.

But for a while, he couldn't calm down to do other things, so he simply got on his motorcycle and went to the mayor's house.

The mayor is indeed worried about the increase in export tariffs on grain.

His family has 80 hectares of land, half of which are planted with fruit trees, and the other half are planted with oats and wheat.

The sudden increase in tariffs means that this year's food may be unsalable. After all, there is only such a small population in the country, so how can it be digested internally.

"Shawn is here? You've heard the news, right? Well, if I knew about it earlier, I would stop growing wheat and raise Angus beef instead."

The farmer next door who also came to the mayor to discuss countermeasures had a worried expression on his face: "It's already midsummer, do you really want to watch them rot in the field?"

"Shawn, what do you think?"

Xu Yin: "..."

What can she think?

She has been a new farmer for less than half a year.

Inexplicably, there was a sense of desolation that the new emperor who had just ascended the throne was pulled down from the throne before he was happy enough.

But when she met the mayor's expectant eyes, she couldn't say anything discouraging.

After thinking about it, he said, "I have an idea."

"Speak quickly."


She tried her best to think, let alone, she really came up with an idea that was not a good idea:

"We are going in two steps. The first step is to go to the North Island for sales. There are more companies and workers in the North Island, and the domestic demand for food is greater than that in the South Island. Instead of passively waiting for the purchaser to come to your door, it is better to take the initiative. The purchaser has now become Hong Kong. Bobo, there must be a lot of farmers looking for them. The initiative is in their hands, and the price is up to them. So at this time, the more we can’t find them, we will go directly to the North Island to find a grain and oil company. The new policy is introduced, just Tariffs have been increased, and export pressure has increased, but domestic sales have not been restricted, and the demand for grain by grain and oil companies is still normal."

The mayor and the others looked at each other, which seemed to make sense.

"Then the second step?"

"The second step, we sell it ourselves!" Xu Yin said and laughed, this was an impromptu thought of her, "Didn't we open a mutton restaurant? The reputation of selling roasted whole lamb has already spread to Christchurch, right? But how monotonous it is to sell roasted whole lamb, I suddenly thought of a few snacks in my hometown—food that needs to use wheat flour!"

She thought of crispy pork, fried dumplings, egg pancakes, fried dough twist, sesame biscuits, leek boxes, mutton baked buns...

Just talk and don't make fake moves.

Xu Yin simply rolled up her sleeves, borrowed the kitchen of the mayor's house, and cooked a table of delicacies for everyone present, consisting of wheat flour, mutton and other ingredients that Cook Town lacked most.

Everyone was in a daze.

Are you discussing how to deal with the New Deal?Why are you eating around the table?

Needless to say, Sean's craftsmanship is really good!
"These are all delicacies from your hometown? I didn't expect that Chinese people would have so many pastries."

"This little crispy meat is really good! Is the goat meat in it? It's fragrant and numb, and the pepper is in it?"

Xu Yin nodded.

The small crispy pork was originally supposed to be flour-wrapped pork, but what makes the locals raise sheep instead of pigs? Put some pepper and salt to cover up the smell of lamb, and it tastes delicious.

But when the Angus cattle breeding scales up in the future, they can also be wrapped in strips of beef and fried.

"This sesame biscuit is so delicious! There are layers and layers, and the inside is sprinkled with salt and pepper, right? Take a bite, it's crispy and crispy, and it's more delicious than pizza!"

"I like this twist, it's beautiful and delicious."

"This one called Youdunzi is also delicious. There is also a box of chives. Why is it called a box? Isn't this a dumpling?"

Xu Yin: "...cough, that's not the point. The point is, do you think the mutton restaurant also sells these snacks, will the business be improved?"

Everyone nodded while eating: "That's for sure."

"But Sean, no matter how good the mutton restaurant's business is, it doesn't need so much wheat flour. Five tons of wheat flour consumed a year is too much."

"Yes, what about oatmeal and potatoes?"


Returning to this question, the delicious food in his hand is no longer delicious, and the mayor and others are a little bit hard to eat.

"The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge." Xu Yin said, "Now that the crops are almost ripe, it's useless to complain about others. It's better to wait until the harvest is over and take them to Beidao to try their luck."

The others couldn't think of a better way, so they decided to do what Xu Yin said.

First of all, Huaxia food made of wheat flour will be launched in the mutton restaurant, and it will sell a little bit.

Maybe it is the same as the roasted whole lamb, and the fame spread to Christchurch can also attract tourists to come and buy it?

With this way out, the sense of despondency in everyone has dissipated a lot.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Yin made several trips to Christchurch, got a truck driver's license, and bought a second-hand truck.

(End of this chapter)

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