Chapter 990

Xu Yin took advantage of the busy farming season, and the farm was resting and resting for a while, and there was Willai on the ranch watching over everything. ran again.

King salmon, black gold abalone, oysters, mussels, paddle crabs, langoustine... buy fresh ones, and don't know when you will get them next time.

Most of them are stored in the system warehouse, and a basket is left outside, which can be cooked and eaten at home during the winter, and some will be given to the townspeople who have made friends to taste.

In addition, she also stocked up some unique fruits and vegetables passing through towns.

Apples, kiwi fruits, and blueberries can be found everywhere in Cook Town. She bought some and tried them, but she didn't stock up when she saw that the taste was almost the same. Other uncommon fruits and vegetables were picked fresh and stocked up a lot.

The harvest is gratifying, but the money is also spent like water.

According to this method of flowering, by next spring, she will have to sell another box of gold bars to make ends meet.

But every time she went to a small seaside town, she couldn't help but go forward to buy it when she saw the fresh seafood caught by fishing boats.

After shopping and buying all the way, when I returned to Cooktown, the sky was full of snow particles.

"Master, if you don't come back, my father will go out to find you."

When Willai heard that she was back, he rushed to the door excitedly and stuffed a basket of apples for her:
"The fresh ones are left in this basket. Last year's apple cider vinegar sold well. This year, my father took all the apples at home to the brewery to make vinegar."

Apple cider vinegar?
Xu Yin's heart skipped a beat. The six apple trees next to the holiday hut, whether it's in full fruit season or because they have been watered several times by the lake water containing spiritual mist, this year's harvest is really gratifying—the six trees harvested thousands of catties of apples.

By next year, the newly planted apple trees on the east bank will also begin to bear fruit, and I can't finish eating them.

With such a good taste, I am reluctant to sell it to the purchaser, so it is better to process it into apple cider vinegar. It is good to drink by yourself or keep it as a gift. Apple cider vinegar is beautiful.

"Is the processing fee expensive?"

"It's not expensive to brew more." Willai said, "So my father took all the apples he harvested this year to make vinegar, which is more cost-effective than selling them directly to buyers."

Xu Yin knew it all: "Then I'll make some apple cider vinegar next time."

"If you want to brew it, you can do it now. The salesperson of the vinegar factory is still at my house."

Hearing this, Xu Yin followed him to the mayor's house and brought a basket of seafood.

"Shawn is back?" The mayor saw her and poured her a glass of juice with a few milliliters of apple cider vinegar, "Did Willy tell you? The food factory in North Island sent a salesman to look for you a few days ago." , you are not here, so I left a call."

"food factory?"

Xu Yin was puzzled when she heard this.

Haven't all the food pre-ordered by the food factory been delivered?The food payment has also been settled.

"Oh, look at my memory!" Willai tapped his head, "I forgot about business."


The mayor glared at the rough young son, turned to Xu Yin and said, "Since the food factory is looking for you, there must be something wrong. You can go to my study and call back. I gave the brat the phone number."

"Yes, yes, yes! Here I am." Wei Lai took out the note with the phone number from his trouser pocket, and handed it to Xu Yin.

Xu Yin took the note, but was not in a hurry to answer the phone, and asked the mayor about the apple cider vinegar first.

Hearing that she also wanted to make apple cider vinegar, the mayor laughed heartily: "What's the problem? I still have a batch of apples to make vinegar. The vinegar factory will send a car to weigh them on the spot. Bring the apples to my house and brew them together, so that the processing fee can be saved.”

The catties of Xu Yinniang are not many, so they can be processed in a vinegar factory alone, and the processing fee will be much more expensive.

After thanking the mayor, Xu Yin first borrowed his phone to call the food factory.

"Ms. Sean? Are you back from going out?"

The person who answered the phone was the purchasing manager of the food factory. After saying hello to Xu Yin, he transferred the call to the factory director's office. It was the factory director who was really looking for her.

The export trade volume of the food factory this year not only did not fall, but also increased.

The total turnover has surpassed several other food companies that are larger than their factories. This trend is beyond the expectation of the factory manager.

But recently, he has heard that several other food factories are having technicians work on new products that their own factories are launching.

Food, how should I put it, the formula is important, but it is not a panacea. As long as you have a thick skin and shamelessly learn from other people's products, you can also produce similar products.

"Ms. Xiao En, it's not that I don't have confidence in the products of our factory, but...these are established companies with a larger scale than our factory and a better brand than our factory. When the same product is launched, customers are likely to choose it first. They even think that ours is a counterfeit. This year we won the novelty, and we fought a turnaround. I am afraid it will be difficult to continue the trade volume next year. I contact you to ask if you have other dim sum recipes Is it a child? I will still exchange the amount of grain purchased, and the amount can be larger. This time I plan to increase the production line and strive for the shortest possible time to open up foreign trade sales, lest they have time to imitate."

Xu Yin: This is a taste of sweetness, and you came to ask her for advice?
Of course she has food recipes.

Take the amount of grain purchases in exchange, right?also!After the provincial year, I will worry about buyers running out of sales.

This time, Xu Yin simply thought of a few food recipes that can consume a large amount of wheat flour, potatoes, and oats——

Frozen semi-finished pizza, frozen semi-finished French fries, frozen milky oatmeal buns.

One prescription is exchanged for 3000 tons of purchases, and the three prescriptions total 9000 tons, which will be cashed out in three years.

Three years later, when the food factory purchases grain, under the premise of the same price and quality, Cook Town Farm will be given priority.

For Cook Town, the annual grain output of all farms is not 3000 tons, but it doesn't matter, you can ask the farms in the next town to purchase.The farm in the next town is eager for them to buy it.

And the food factory made up its mind this time to make an instant hit, trying to get their factory's signboard out and let the domestic and foreign markets know-these products are their factory's signboard!To prevent those established companies from following behind them to pick up cheap ones.

Since it is a matter of mutual benefit for both parties, there is nothing to hesitate.The food factory sent someone to sign an agreement with Xu Yin and get the formula as soon as possible.

On Xu Yin's side, she also told the mayor about the future grain sales in Cook Town.

The mayor was shocked: "In the first three years, 3000 tons a year? Doesn't it mean that there is no need to change careers?"

Originally, he planned to make an agreement with several other farms to raise Angus beef cattle in the coming year.

Xu Yin: "...Uh, if you're sure you want to change careers, I'll ask the farm purchases in the next town as well."


The mayor was confused.

To be honest, his family has always been running a farm. Who would want to change careers if they are safe and sound?Is it because of the downturn in the farm, this year, thanks to Sean, it can be sold at the normal price, what about next year?What if it falls in your hand?Seeing that Sean's Angus beef cattle are well raised, and he works diligently to run the ranch, and the benefits are not worse than those of the farm, he decided to change careers.

(End of this chapter)

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