Chapter 993

Food, food, and milk are collected very quickly.

Firstly, she stocked up a lot, and secondly, New Zealand is already rich in these, so you can say as much as you want;

The hard part is things like inflatable boats, inflatable life jackets, tents, etc.

There were not many ready-to-buy items on the market. Xu Yin drove a large truck to several towns and bought all the existing items, including ponchos, rain boots, flashlights, clothing, shoes and socks, and so on.

When all the materials were assembled, it was found that the amount was too large, and ordinary consignment could not go. Fortunately, overseas Chinese in New Zealand were also organizing donations at this time, and the donated materials could go through special channels, so she contacted the president of the Overseas Chinese Association, but because she was not an overseas Chinese , unable to join the Overseas Chinese Association, only affiliated.

Affiliation is just affiliation, as long as the materials can be transported back to the motherland smoothly, and the pressure on the disaster-stricken area can be relieved, other things don't matter.

Only then did the materials be successfully transported back to the motherland in the form of donations.

After this batch of materials arrived in the disaster area, they were immediately transported to the front line of emergency rescue and disaster relief.

All kinds of urgently needed medical supplies, canned mashed potatoes, oatmeal rice pudding, compressed biscuits, instant oatmeal, snacks made of various wheat flour, boxed milk, high-calcium milk tablets, beef and mutton jerky, drinking water, energy-supplementing chocolate bars...

In addition, there are inflatable boats and rubber boats of different colors, life jackets of different styles and a complete set of clothing, raincoats and rain boots, protective masks, tents and so on.

The pressure on the frontline of disaster relief was relieved at once.

"Is this all donated by one person? So much?"

The receiving volunteers were stunned when they saw the list of supplies.

The staff responsible for the delivery said: "I heard it was sent from abroad."

"So you're an overseas Chinese?"

"This time overseas Chinese have indeed contributed a lot, but it is said that this batch of supplies was donated by a Taiwan compatriot."

"Taiwan compatriots are welcome! Family!"

As a Taiwan compatriot, Xu Yin's children's shoes are worrying at the moment.

After changing her visa, she planned to fly directly to the mainland, but found out that she did not have a Taiwan compatriot certificate.In this day and age, I don't know if it is possible to apply on the spot after entering the country. If not, it is useless to go.

After much deliberation, I decided to fly to Taiwan Island first, and I needed to apply for a new visa for New Zealand. After returning home, I asked my original mother to see if it was possible to transfer her household registration back to my original father in mainland China.It's best if you can. If you can't, just apply for a Taiwan Compatriot Permit, which will be convenient for going back and forth in the future.

The system hasn't bitten her so far, which shows that the fate of cannon fodder has not been 100% reversed, and she should try to return to Taiwan as little as possible.

Going back this time, she has done what she needs to do. For the rest of her life, she plans to raise cattle and sheep in New Zealand and plant fruit trees. After saving enough money, she can go back to mainland China to invest in one or two small industries, and help the motherland earn foreign exchange. Isn’t it good?

After contemplating, Xu Yin carried the leather suitcase she had brought, a canvas backpack, a high ponytail, a white shirt with a lotus leaf collar, jeans with straps, and light sneakers, and neatly boarded the Flights to Taiwan Island.

She has no plans to return home.

The original body came out to study, how much money can the school girl have to dress herself up?

Zhou Lan went to work for a day and came home with a tired face. As soon as she arrived at the door of the unit building, the old lady on the first floor said to her with a smile: "Xiao Zhou, I haven't seen your daughter for several years, and she looks more and more beautiful." Yes. Is she studying or going to work now? I don’t usually see her."

"My daughter?"

"Yes, your family is Yinyin."

The dead girl is back?

Zhou Lan was so angry that she rushed up to the fourth floor in three steps and two steps at a time. The door of the house was half closed. The youngest son was sitting on the sofa, holding a piece of chocolate bread and eating deliciously.

"What about your sister?"

Xu Yin was packing her belongings in the cramped cubicle.

For some personal things like letters and photos, she packs them into boxes and temporarily receives them in the system warehouse, and burns them all at once when she gets old.

Nothing else was moved, and the bed was not made.

In the past four years, Yuanshen's mother probably hasn't been in this room... Oh, she must have been in, the desk and several drawers have been turned into a mess.

As for the others, what the original body was like when he left, is still the same now, the bed sheet has long been covered with a thick layer of dust.

She didn't plan to live at home anyway, so she came here this time mainly to borrow the household registration booklet.

Hearing the movement outside, she turned around and walked out of the cubicle with her backpack in her hand.

"Damn girl! Do you remember coming back? You didn't say a word when you left, and you didn't say hello in advance when you came back. How can you treat this place as your home? Do you treat it like a hotel?"

The more Zhou Lan spoke, the angrier she became. She raised her hand and yelled at Xu Yin's left cheek.

Xu Yin grabbed the wrist halfway.

"Mom." Xu Yin looked at her indifferently, "I want to transfer my household registration back to my father's."

"What? Are you crazy?" Zhou Lan stared at her incredulously, "It took me so much energy to put your household registration under your Uncle Gu's name, what are you going crazy about? Do you know, Qian It's not that easy to move back after returning to the mainland, your Uncle Gu allows you to move once, but he won't allow you to move a second time."

"I've thought about all of this. Don't worry, after moving back this time, I won't come back if nothing happens. Without my dragging you down, you must be able to live more easily in this house."


Zhou Lan choked, unable to speak.

If she didn't have the oil bottle of her daughter, of course she would have a more relaxed life in this family, and her back would be straighter. At least she wouldn't be disgusted by her in-laws, saying that she brought a oil bottle for her second marriage.

If my daughter had said this ten years ago, she would have been happy.But now that the dead girl is an adult, she doesn't have to rely on the family to support her, which in turn can help the family reduce the burden, but she has to go back to the mainland.

Zhou Lan looked sullen: "You think it's beautiful. After studying abroad, it's time to work. You want to go back to your father. Why? You only want to be filial to him, not your mother?"

Xu Yin smiled: "Mom, don't worry, when you can't do it anymore, I will definitely send you pension money, and I will not hold back what is due to me."


Zhou Lan always felt that this dead girl had been studying abroad for four years and became more difficult than before.

In the past, she was proud and proud, but she still listened to what she said as a mother; now the whole oil gourd is not slippery, and it is not oily or salty.This made her scolding, and not scolding, and she was very aggrieved.

Xu Yin didn't care about Cheap Mom's psychological activities.

A woman who can run away when her ex-husband is poor will always love herself most, followed by her current husband and youngest son. Maybe there is a place in her heart for her daughter, but not much.

For the sake of having raised the original body for several years, Xu Yin is willing to give her a pension, but as I said just now, she will not take what is due to her, and don't ask her for what is not due to her.

"Mom, I'll borrow the household register for a few days, and I'll send it back when I'm done."

Xu Yin got the household registration booklet, picked up the suitcase and left immediately.

Zhou Lan chased him out: "It's getting dark, where are you going?"

"I have my own arrangements." Xu Yin looked back at her, "I'm an adult."

After finishing speaking, Deng Deng went downstairs and disappeared in an instant.

Zhou Lan was so angry that she almost threw the spatula: "Damn girl! I owe you in my previous life!"

After thinking about it, it's fine to move her household registration, but if she stays here, she will have to take care of her life's affairs in the future, so let her poor father worry about it now.

(End of this chapter)

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