Chapter 998

As soon as Xu Yin presented the investment plan, the leaders of the town government were ecstatic.

The county leaders rushed over after receiving the news, shook Xu Yin's hand, and kept thanking her.

Although she set up a factory in Hongmuchang Town, Hongmuchang Town is under the jurisdiction of Hong'an County, and Hongmuchang Town is developed, which of course counts as the performance of the county.

The county leader stated on the spot: As long as this investment project is implemented, the county is willing to give her the green light all the way.

"Thank you for your support."

"Should! It should!"

With the promise of the leader of Hong'an County, Xu Yin is not polite: he chose a piece of land with the best development prospects in Hongmuchang Town.

Of course, this land is still a wasteland that no one cares about, and the land price is very cheap.But in a few years, the highway connecting the north and the south and crossing multiple provinces will pass here.

It's no wonder that after she got the address of her hometown, she always felt that Hong'an County Hongmuchang Town was very familiar. It turned out to be the future logistics distribution center.

At the same time as the land was purchased, a recruitment notice was posted, and executives were recruited first. After recruiting satisfactory executives, he/she was responsible for recruiting workers and bidding.

The town sent someone to help, that is, Liu Yan who received Xu Yin at the beginning.

"Mr. Xu, do you have a suitable candidate in mind?"

Xu Yin flipped through the resumes of the applicants who had signed up in the past few days. Some of these people were introduced by the county leaders, and they couldn't escape the attention of relatives and friends.

She thought for a while and said, "Well, I won't conduct the interviews one by one. I will hold a public meeting directly. I will ask a few questions at the meeting and see how these people perform. You can post a notice later, so that Everyone will gather at the cafeteria of the Redwood Hotel at [-]:[-] am this Sunday, and then I will talk to the proprietress of the hotel and ask her to rent the cafeteria for half a day."

Liu Yan went to notify the applicants one by one according to the landline phone number left on the resume.

When the appointed time came, Xu Yin called up the system panel and found the random skill [Collective Barrage Wall], and there were 2 remaining available, each time 5 minutes.

After waiting for the interviewers to arrive, she invites everyone to take their seats.

She sat on the temporary rostrum and glanced around at a glance. The people who came to apply for the general manager and deputy manager of the factory said that there were not many, and there were not many.Presumably the county leaders did the publicity for her, most of them were in suits and leather shoes, coming prepared.

She bent her eyebrows and smiled: "It seems that everyone is ready, so let's start. I invite everyone here today, for no other reason, just to hear everyone's voice."

When she asked the first question, she clicked to use [Collective Barrage Wall], and the 5-minute countdown began.

"I've seen everyone's resumes, and they all have many years of management experience in large factories. Isn't it a little overkill to come to my newly opened small factory?"

The twenty or so applicants in the audience seem to be thinking, but Xu Yin has already seen the voice of the heart above their heads, and the bullet screens are lit up——

{Knowing that you are overqualified, why don’t you hurry up and ask me to be the general manager! }
{This is not nonsense!If it weren't for the good treatment, who would want to come to such a small factory with unknown prospects. }
{Hope my uncle didn't lie to me, this factory has a bright future. }
{I heard that this is a factory invested by a Taiwanese businessman. The big boss will not stay in the factory often in the future. If I become the general manager, wouldn't it be up to me to decide? }
{My resumes are all fake, fooling you so-called high-achieving students. I haven't graduated from junior high school, so I don't have experience in managing large factories. }
{I'm fed up with the family's partiality, I want to do something, let them open their eyes to see that the Shen family has more than one capable grandson! }
{Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, who said that a small factory is not as good as a big factory?I prefer a thriving and vibrant small factory to a large factory that is intriguing! }

Looking at the bullet screens one by one, Xu Yin almost couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

The forest is really big, and there are all kinds of birds.

If you don't read their hearts, who would know that their appearance of talents is covered with such vivid thoughts?
At this time, someone stood up and began to show loyalty, saying a lot of high-sounding words.

Xu Yin's face was meticulous, she seemed to be listening carefully, and she nodded in agreement from time to time, but in fact, she crossed out the interviewers who obviously took her for a fool and used the new factory she was going to open as a springboard.

Then I asked a few more questions, and used the last 5 minutes of [Collective Barrage Wall]. In the end, there were only five people left, so she thought about it.

After the interview, she left the five comrades behind.

"At present, I have a good impression of you all, but it is limited to your written resume and verbal expression. In this way, your probationary period will start from now, and the factory recruitment and bidding will be handed over to you. I will inspect you from it working ability and business strength.”

The five people looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that the new boss was a bit out of line, not to mention that they were not regular employees, even if they were, such an important project should be handed over to them directly?
Xu Yin said yes, she really did, she didn't have so much time to take care of recruitment and infrastructure.

She took out a set of design drawings of the industrial park, covering the factory area, living area, and leisure activity area, but the first building was not the factory building, but the staff dormitory.

"You can discuss and allocate the work that you are good at. I will put the start-up capital with Liu Yan. If you need it, you can ask her to spend it with the approval slip. I will check the account later."

The staff dormitory she designed not only has an ordinary dormitory for several people, but also suites.

The smallest suite is 120 square meters, with a separate bathroom and kitchen; the larger ones have two bedrooms and one living room of sixty or seventy square meters, three bedrooms and one living room of eighty or ninety square meters, and even three bedrooms and two living rooms of [-] square meters, which are marked for middle and high schools. Equipped by management.

This kind of staff dormitory is more beautiful than the popular commercial housing in the city.

At this time, domestic commercial housing transactions were just in their infancy. House prices, which were as cheap as cabbage prices in future generations, were unattainable for ordinary people today. How could houses in the city be affordable?
The five interviewees who were shortlisted for the probationary period saw the treatment of the middle and high-level employees, and the few apprehensions disappeared, and they rushed to express their opinions that they must do a good job.

After receiving the authorization from Mr. Xu, we had a small meeting, and then we got busy.

They figured it out. This young female boss, who didn't know whether she was a foreign businessman or a Taiwanese businessman, knew it in her heart. Watching her short public interview, and eliminating those interviewers with high-sightedness and low-handedness, background and incompetence, was enough to see her ability.

Working under the hands of capable people, sooner or later they will fly in the sky one day.

I heard that there are wealthy businessmen in Hongmuchang Town who come to set up factories and come to work in this factory. After the probationary period, if they perform well, they can live in a small suite when they are promoted to team leader, middle-level suites can live in middle-level suites, and high-level ones can live in large suites; Ten years, even if you don’t work in the factory in the future, you still have the priority to rent and purchase the right; after 20 years of work, the house will belong to the individual.

As soon as the news was released, not only people in the local county rushed to find out the truth, but also people from other places came to ask if it was true after hearing about it.What are you waiting for!Sign up now!

What does it matter if Hongmuchang Town is not a city?As long as the common people have a house to live in and can earn a living, where can they not do it?

(End of this chapter)

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