time and space secret love

Chapter 48 Sleeping in the same bed

Chapter 48 Sleeping in the same bed
Two car lights from far to near.

Wu Yaoyang stood up from the desk, and through the rain and fog mottled glass windows, he saw his father's car slowly stop at the gate of the courtyard.

After a while, the voices of his parents came from downstairs, and his mother called him to go downstairs for supper.

He has no appetite, and all he can think about is finding Lin Xuanya in 2021 and asking about the truth of the incident.

"Yangyang, it's time for supper. It's your favorite fish porridge and crystal dumplings."

Having seen the kitchen, Feng Chun was sure that his son hadn't had dinner, so he had the foresight to buy a late-night snack.

Wu Yaoyang opened the door, originally wanting to refuse the supper, but seeing his mother's smiling face, he couldn't bear to refuse.

"Go to bed early after eating."

Father patted Wu Yaoyang on the shoulder, turned his head and went upstairs.

Wu Qiankun walked up the stairs very lightly, and turned his head to look at Feng Chun with warm eyes.

Feng Chun's smiling eyes met her husband's, and her cheeks flushed instantly.

At her junior high school reunion, Wu Qiankun, as a family member, was praised by the classmates as the protagonist, which made her feel proud, but also a little uneasy...

"Mom, you go upstairs to rest, I will pack up after eating."

"You go to bed earlier too."

Feng Chun blushed and went upstairs.

Wu Yaoyang couldn't see the affection of his parents, so he purposely watched TV while sipping porridge to pass the time.

The rain outside the window has stopped, and the dark night sky is only a few neon lights projected by the buildings in the distance.

Lying on the bed, looking at the blood moon stone in his hand, question marks appeared in his brain, and Wu Yaoyang's melancholy expression was so intense that he couldn't get rid of it.

At the same time, Ai Qianqian took off her nightgown, opened the quilt and lay down, picked up the mobile phone next to the bed and slid open the screen, and immediately froze.

"Berry has been crying, I will send her back later."

"Qianqian, I've already figured it out. I don't care who my mother likes, and my mother doesn't care who I like. Even if she suspends my bank card, I will choose the person I like to marry."

Qianzhuang uses Berry's mobile phone to send messages, so something must have happened to Berry at Qianzhuang's!

Calls to Berry's mobile phone did not answer, nor did calls to Qianzhuang.

It was almost eleven o'clock, and it seemed impolite to call Qian Zhuang's mother so late, but she couldn't care less about Berry.

"It's Qianqian, what's the matter so late? Did Qianzhuang go to your house again?"

"Qian Zhuang didn't come, I just wanted to ask Berry if she upset Auntie?"

Qian's mother's displeasure could also be heard on the phone, and Ai Qianqian asked tentatively.It doesn't matter if you ask this question, Mother Qian's displeasure burst out.

What is the family status of the Qian family, what is the family status of Berry's family?

What's more, Berry's parents are divorced. Even if the Qian family doesn't value family status, they won't find a daughter of a divorced family as a wife...

"Good night, auntie!"

Before the other party finished speaking, Ai Qianqian hurriedly hung up the phone.

He couldn't stand Qian Zhuang's mother's words just by making a phone call, let alone Berry being insulted in person.

Tossing and turning, finally fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt the warmth in the palm of my hand, as if there was a warm and fresh breath on my cheek.

She thought that Berry had come back, she had been severely lacking in sleep for the past few days, and she was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open.


Ai Qianqian reached out and hugged the person in front of him, whispering.

"It's all my fault."

The whispers in his ears woke him up, Wu Yaoyang opened his eyes and saw him lying in Ai Qianqian's arms...

(End of this chapter)

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