time and space secret love

Chapter 55 Tell the truth

Chapter 55 Tell the truth
Ai Qianqian looked into Wu Yaoyang's eyes and stabilized his heartbeat, hoping that the other party would not be shocked and faint after hearing the news.

If I heard such terrible news, I would definitely faint from heartache, just like when my mother was pushed out of the emergency room, she was chased by runners and passed out in the corridor of the hospital...

"Is your mother's name Feng Chun?"

Wu Yaoyang nodded, his eyes sank into her eyes.

"I met your mother, she is very elegant..."


A look of anticipation flashed across Wu Yaoyang's face.He knew that if it was good news, Ai Qianqian would not take his emotions into consideration like this.

"That night when I went home and opened the door for you, you were sitting in the yard looking at the moon...I definitely didn't know she was your mother at the time, or I would have told you."


Wu Yaoyang breathed a sigh of relief.

"and then?"

"Your mother is a customer of my father's company, my father asked me to accompany her on a trip, and then she went to the prison to wait for you to come out..."

Her hands were sweaty, she slid her arms and pressed her hands against the wall, and the picture of Feng Chun jumping off the building and falling into a pool of blood appeared before her eyes again, her eyes became painful, and her chest heaved violently.

Ai Qianqian's change made Wu Yaoyang realize the seriousness of the matter.

He let go of Ai Qianqian's hand, and moved his face closer, and he could clearly see the fine pores on the other's face, and the watery eyes under the eyelashes.

Something happened to my mother!A bad feeling strikes.

Silence, grief pounding their hearts.

Someone teased the cat by shaking his hand at the window of a red SUV parked by the side of the road.

Ai Qianqian withdrew his gaze and sniffed, then looked directly into Wu Yaoyang's eyes again.

"Your mother heard that you died in a car accident on the night you were released from prison..."

After finishing speaking in one breath, Ai Qianqian quickly ran away, opened the car door and sat down, her heart was still beating wildly, Wu Yaoyang's eyes and breath seemed to still surround her.


Picking up the big white cat, she looked at the rear mirror of the car. The figure of Wu Yaoyang with his head hanging on the flower wall was like a painting in the car mirror, a sad painting.

Reversing the car at a slow speed, he slowly approached Wu Yaoyang.

Wu Yaoyang walked slowly, her breathing became smoother.

The big white cat returned to Wu Yaoyang's arms and looked even more obedient, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep with the bumps in the car.

"Thank you."

Thank her for telling the truth?

Ai Qianqian turned her face and smiled at Wu Yaoyang, feeling that her smile was very embarrassing.

"I want to see Yankee Village."

"It was demolished and rebuilt in 2010."

"I know."

Lin Xuanya lives in the apartment in front of Yangji Village. There are various shops downstairs, and the subway entrance is not far away.

Even though he was prepared, Wu Yaoyang was still surprised by the tall buildings in front of him.Passing by at that time, Yangji Village was being demolished, and several office buildings on the side of the road looked gray.

"The grandmother's house in Qianzhuang was demolished and divided into [-] houses. There were [-] tables of banquets at the intersection when they moved back here. Everyone in the village is worth tens of millions. Your friend lives here?"

Find something to ease the atmosphere.Ai Qianqian stood beside Wu Yaoyang, looking up at the brand new buildings.

"That's my crime scene."

The direction Wu Yaoyang was looking at was the gorgeous gatehouse at the entrance of the village.

On the way home, Wu Yaoyang remained silent.

The quiet atmosphere allows people to fully rest and think.

Ai Qianqian looked sideways at Wu Yaoyang occasionally, making sure that his expression was calm and a little relieved.

When he got out of the car, he stretched out his finger and poked his arm.

"arrived home!"

Ai Qianqian smiled, Wu Yaoyang opened his eyes, stared blankly at the villa in front of him, then quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Wu Yaoyang moved quickly, and Ai Qianqian still saw the wet tears in the corner of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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