time and space secret love

Chapter 59 Restless

Chapter 59 Restless
After Lin Xuanya sang five songs, she walked off the small stage, and soon four hot girls in sailor suits and miniskirts came on stage.

Lin Xuanya and the four young hot girls paused when they passed by, and turned to look at their youthful figure on the stage, with a look of loneliness in their eyes.

"Ready to go."

"it is good."

Wu Yaoyang got up and followed Ai Qianqian to leave.

"Are you two leaving so early?"

Berry subconsciously looked at the bar, she wanted to wait for Qian Zhuang to get off work.

"You play for a while, and carpool with Qian Zhuang."

Ai Qianqian shook the car keys in his hand, and found that Lin Xuanya had changed clothes and came out, and immediately dragged Wu Yaoyang towards the outside of the bar.

The music became restless, and the dances of the girls became more and more exciting.

"Fortunately, Qianzhuang has a good parking space."

Ai Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, but still underestimated the atmosphere of the bar, and didn't look directly at the bar before leaving, feeling that the hot girls dancing on stage made people blush and heartbeat.

"Either you come and drive?"

"I don't have a driver's license, you can."

Wu Yaoyang's affirmative gaze made Ai Qianqian feel guilty.Berry usually drives, and her total driving time is less than [-] hours.

Tracking by car is a technical job, not to mention it is night, and the other party is still taking a taxi.

The taxi drivers are all experienced drivers, and their ability to cross the streets is first-rate.

In less than 5 minutes, Ai Qianqian was lost.Fortunately, I did my homework in advance and knew that Lin Xuanya's second performance was in an old bar in the west of the city.

The bar is hidden in an area of ​​overseas Chinese villas, there is not much decoration at the entrance, there are small lights twinkling with stars hanging on the green trees, and a square wooden sign is inlaid with the word "Mei Bar" with LED lights.

The nearest car park to the bar is a 5 minute walk.Worried that Lin Xuanya would get lost after she came out, Ai Qianqian wanted to stay in the car and wait for Wu Yaoyang to inform her that she could drive over immediately.

"Okay, I'll go in and see her inside, then come out to watch at the intersection."

Wu Yaoyang stopped at the entrance of the bar and looked back at Ai Qianqian. Ai Qianqian's back was stretched very long by the street lights.

If I hadn't met her, I don't know what would happen now...

Wu Yaoyang pressed his heart.

When Ai Qianqian turned her head, she saw Wu Yaoyang walking into the bar and quickly disappeared.

I hope Lin Xuanya is here, otherwise tonight would be useless.

A bar transformed from a two-story old-fashioned villa. In the open hall, there are several gondolas decorated as moon boats and floats.

On the moon hanging basket, a woman in the shape of a white gauze flower fairy is singing and dancing.

The woman on the float basket was dressed like an elf, and when she saw the guests beckoning, she immediately leaned over and swayed to pour wine...

Lighting, music, decoration, wine and fruit plate, everything looks dreamy and beautiful.

Wu Yaoyang found a corner to sit down, thinking that Lin Xuanya might not have started performing yet, took the ice water brought by the waiter, just about to say thank you, the waiter pointed to the hammock in the sky and explained that he could wave the elf over to pour the wine at any time , the theme of the bar tonight is "Fantasy Forest", and there will be more exciting programs after twelve o'clock.

Wu Yaoyang glanced at the time, it was already 11:30, he stopped the waiter and asked:
"What time is Lin Xuanya performing?"

Seeing the waiter touching his head in a daze, he immediately changed his words:
"Yaya sings."

"that is not?"

Following the direction of the waiter's finger, Wu Yaoyang was stunned. It turned out that the woman singing and dancing on the moon boat was Lin Xuanya.

With a gorgeous transition, Lin Xuanya slowly loosened the white gauze skirt on her body, her eyes wandered provocatively in the crowd, the white gauze in her hand fluttered like a white feather on the head of the guests.

The men's hearts were itching to tease her, and they all raised their arms towards her.

Lin Xuanya smiled, hesitated, and finally threw the white gauze to an uncle who was sitting still.

The uncle didn't pick up the white gauze that fell in front of him. Immediately, a waiter went over to talk in his ear, and then the uncle stood up and followed the waiter to the second floor.

The moonship slowly rose and slid into the exit on the second floor.

The music in the bar quickly turned into a crazy mode, and the men's discussions were drowned out.

But Wu Yaoyang already understood, Lin Xuanya went to the box on the second floor to perform alone for the selected guests.

(End of this chapter)

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