Pluto's consciousness almost escaped, but was sucked back by the magic circle.

"Ah! God damn devil! Today you ransacked my ghost world, and you will suffer retribution in the future!"

Xia Siqin said indifferently: "Well, when the retribution comes, I can just take revenge."

Tiandao beat the street to Yin her, if she didn't take revenge, her surname would not be Xia!
In addition, they have old grudges.

Following the change in appearance just now, she regained a memory.

It turns out that a long time ago, these masters were free, there was no association to control them, and everyone had no intersection.

Then one day, the former Tiandao was also the mother of the current Tiandao, and a large number of demons appeared in the continent she was in charge of.

She couldn't handle it by herself, and then contacted Tiandao on the next continent.

At that time, each continent had its own way of heaven, and those who broke through to become masters left their mother continent to open up a world of their own.

Tiandao next door said that it is okay to help, but there is a fee, and she is required to contribute half of the mainland's resources every year.

Xia Siqin came across the border to meet the devil.

Xia Siqin: "What are you looking for?"

At the moment of their union, the personal experiences of the demon boss appeared in Xia Siqin's mind.

The devil was attracted by her smile.

The devil: "We just want a place to settle down, I know you can't tolerate us, so I want to find you.

The devil pricked his finger and gave a drop of red blood, which he sent forward.

Xia Siqin: "It's a joke, you and the Dao Demon are at odds, why should I help you?"

"We can make three rules, abide by the rules, and not destroy the balance of the six realms."

After begging for a while, someone finally helped her for free.

Xia Siqin, dressed in red and white snow, was equally stunning.

That person is Xia Siqin.

But the person the other party wanted to talk to was not her, but Xia Siqin.

There is such a beautiful picture in the world...

Xia Siqin sent people over to help, and soon drove away the demons to the very last.

You are recognized as the most fair leader in the universe, and I believe you can treat us fairly. "

She quietly eavesdropped on their conversation from behind.

The former Tiandao accepted the negotiation and turned down to talk to him.

The head of the demon asked to negotiate with them.

At that time, the continent ruled by Lord Xia was called Shenyu.

The other party asked for too much, but she didn't agree, so she went to ask for the way of heaven in other continents.

The former Tiandao was amazed by his appearance, she didn't expect a demon to be so good-looking.

The red blood slowly flew to the side of the golden blood, circled around it, and then melted into it.

Xia Siqin frowned and smiled: "My fairness is only for Taoist cultivators, what has it to do with demons?"

Xia Siqin raised his hand and showed a drop of golden blood, "If that's the case, you sign a blood contract with me. If you violate it, you will be destroyed."

The former Tiandao had no choice but to invite Xia Siqin over.

She kind of envied them.

One party overlord.

The devil: "I want you to help me."

The devil waited for her and showed his real body.

The demon clan he leads is also different, unlike other demons who are harming the world everywhere, they farm the fields honestly and live an ordinary life.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, their territory was occupied by other demons, and they suffered heavy casualties.The demon leader only had time to save the demons in front of him, and led them all the way to escape here.

But when he came here, he was killed by Immortal Dao.

They really couldn't stand the storm, so the demon leader asked for negotiations to find a chance for the living demons.

Xia Siqin raised his dark golden eyes to look at him, opened his lips and called out: "Sheng Tianyang."

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