Star Sea: Explorer's Notes

Chapter 19 Excited Noah

Chapter 19 Excited Noah
The two stared at each other for a long time, but it was Frege who was the first to grab the man, and decisively twisted his neck before he could utter a cry for help.

After doing all this, he couldn't help complaining in the communication channel: "Mr. Nuoya, why didn't you remind me earlier?"

Nuoya was also relatively embarrassed at the moment. She hesitated and explained, "This person doesn't have a signal radar on him, and the surveillance along the way just didn't see should be fishing."

Frege didn't react at the beginning, he almost put the opponent to death instantly out of instinct, equipped with a mechanical exoskeleton, his strength has already surpassed the C level, killing an unsuspecting ordinary star thief It was no problem for him.

If you have to say that you have difficulties, it may still be the next level in your heart.

He stared at the star thief who was thrown by him at the top of the stairs for a long time, and suddenly couldn't help retching.

If he didn't have a full stomach before coming here, and he was worried that the vomit would pollute the inner space of the exoskeleton, he would probably have vomited it out.

"Calm down, Frege," Nuoya comforted softly in the communication, "This person is a genuine star thief, I will transfer his information to you..."

"No need," Frege stood up slowly with one hand supporting the wall, "Whether he is a star thief or not, I have already killed someone just now."

"I don't need to use those reasons to deceive myself, and at the same time, I don't want you to see me so fragile, Mr. Nuoya," he smiled on his face covered by the exoskeleton mask, "He is evil , I am also guilty."

"If you must confess, then wait until the day I die."

Nuoya was stunned for a moment, and then quickly smiled, "Well, you are doing well."

"I always feel uncomfortable when you praise me." Frege hid the man's body in a corner that was not easy to find. "In short, let's discuss which warehouse to go to next."

"Just now I retrieved a large amount of data and found that the three dirty warehouses of the Black Wolf Army have no unique rules, and it is completely impossible to judge based on value, so it can be said to be random at present."

"According to the route, I suggest you go to the warehouse located in the south. Although it is the farthest away from you at present, based on the analysis, the probability of finding the target in the second warehouse is the highest. At the same time, among the several optimal routes for this The most convenient return routes for either possibility are also south, east, and west, or south, west, and east."

"No problem," Frege pretended to smile relaxedly, "By the way, why don't you think I can find it the first time?"

"I hope so," Nuoya also joked, "Then you just say that there are medicines in these three warehouses."

"Eh? There is indeed such a possibility..."

"Maybe what is possible, let's go!"


Frege arrived at the southernmost warehouse without any risk, which was the farthest from where they landed.

The star port of the Black Wolf Legion was made according to the model of the starship fortress, so naturally the fewer entrances and exits the better, if not only the entrance in the north can directly enter, they would not choose to land in the farthest place.

"Looks like there is a password?"

Frege stood in the corridor, looking at the alloy door in front of him, lost in thought.

"without password."

"But here is a combination lock..."

"I said, the password is 'meiyoumima'," Nuoya explained, "Hurry up and open the door, someone will pass by here soon."

"Oh..." Frege realized immediately, "This star thief will set up such a password?"

"Of course not," Nuoya stuck out her tongue, "I made Guard No. [-] change it."


Frege suddenly felt a chill, Noah's point of interest is really different.

"They all use physical and high-precision special identification systems, and generally only designated personnel can enter," Nuoya quickly explained after Frege opened the door, "but they installed a coded lock on the outside. It gave us a chance to take a shortcut, as long as the—”


The moment the door behind him was closed, a red light suddenly lit up in the warehouse, and annoying sirens sounded everywhere, Frege was at a loss for what to do.

"How did this happen? Teacher Nuoya," he hurriedly sought Nuoya's help in the communication, "Hello? Can you hear me?!"

Communications have been lost.

Frege was just about to turn back and smash the warehouse door to leave, when he raised his leg, he suddenly remembered Noah's instructions before leaving.

"Don't act rashly..."

He frowned and glanced at the alarm in the corner, finally sighed and stopped his movements, quietly waiting for the response of the two intelligent bodies on the Amrodia.

"Can you hear me, Frege?"

After a while, Nuoya's voice sounded again, and Frege quickly responded, "I'm here, Teacher Nuoya!"

"Huh..." Nuoya let out a long breath on the other end of the communication, "It's just as long as you're fine."

"What happened just now?"

Frege noticed that the surrounding alarms had been extinguished, and the green light on the door behind him also showed that he could leave here at any time.

"I have some good news for you," Noah continued, "The alarm just now was blocked by us, and the other party did not receive any news."

"There is one more bad news to tell you," she said here with a helpless sigh, "The warehouse in the southern district is fake, I have obtained detailed monitoring information after you went inside, and there is nothing there. "


Frege was also a little speechless for a moment, he didn't expect these star thieves to play such tricks.

"The medicine must be in the remaining two warehouses. I can't give you any advice. The distance is the same. Choose according to your intuition."

"I've always had good luck since I was a child," Frege said with a smile, "I choose the west side."

"Then I wish you good luck," Nuoya replied with a smile. "The route will be planned soon. You go out from the main entrance and walk to the end along the corridor on the left."

"There are no patrols on this road, you are safe for the time being."

Frege was still cautiously moving towards the West Warehouse. He was disturbed by the alarm and the fake warehouse just now, and he still has lingering fears in retrospect.

He walked to the door of the West Warehouse, and Noah reported the time to him in the communication.

An hour and a half had passed since he landed, and the duration of the Amrodia's invisibility was less than half.

"Hope you're in there..."

Frege was also praying non-stop, and also entered "meiyoumima" on the combination lock at the door.


The door opened.

Frege stepped into the door cautiously, and this time there was no exaggerated alarm sound from inside.

The connection with the Amrodia in the communication in the ear is also maintained normally, and everything looks so beautiful.

The rest is the gene awakening potion...

Frege looked at the countless rows of shelves of different sizes in the warehouse, silently waiting for the analysis results given by Noah.

Nuoya sighed softly in his ear, "I don't know whether to say you are lucky or not."

Frege suddenly "thumped" in his heart.

He knew that since Nuoya had given such an answer, there probably wasn't what he wanted in it.

"The Gene Awakening Potion is not here," she said, and paused. "Go to the 17th cabinet from the left, and the second column above is 6 spaces inward."

Frege did as soon as he heard the words, and he heard the faint excitement in Noah's voice.

What made that intelligent body behave like this must be something more precious than the gene awakening potion.

There is still time now, and he doesn't mind spending a little more time here.

"Open it."

The moment Frege took out the box, Noah urgently urged in his ear, "Open it quickly, I want to confirm it with my own eyes!"

"This is……"

Frege's mechanical arm quickly destroyed the sealing cover at the top, and there were a total of four azure blue cone-shaped gemstones inside, shining brightly together in the dark warehouse.

"It's a crystal!"

Nuoya couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart. In the main control room, she put her hands on the main console and shouted a little while watching the picture on the screen.

"4-01 sequence, power crystal, four, level... third class!"

(End of this chapter)

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