Wang Ling's daily life

Chapter 26 Love Chronicle of Zhanmen Winter Camp

Chapter 26 Love Chronicle of Zhanmen Winter Camp ([-])
Another instinctive reaction for no apparent reason.

Ever since he put on the "Amulet of Eternity", Wang Ling himself found that many emotions that he had never had before had been liberated one by one.

He found that he would blush and his heart beat faster...

And now when he saw the girl's hands that were red from the cold, Wang Ling found that his heart would twist together like a twist.

This feeling made Wang Ling feel a little happy.

At the same time, there is also some fear.

He is happy that he is not the freak and cold-blooded animal that some people used to say.

It turns out that even he can have the same emotions and emotional ups and downs as normal people.

And the reason for the panic is because after turning on the switch of "emotion".

Such a sudden feeling made Wang Ling feel strange.

He didn't know whether his reaction was right or wrong, let alone why his body made these seemingly natural instinctive reactions...

"I'm fine, Wang Ling."

Seeing the boy holding his hand, he showed a serious expression as if he was blowing out a candle.

Sun Rong's first shot should be naturally delighted.

Ever since Wang Ling recovered, she never got tired of watching all kinds of interesting reactions.

Obviously already a college student in his 20s.

Every inch of expression on his face is like a teenager in love, so cute that people want to hug him tightly.

For this reason, Sun Rong sincerely thanked Wang Ming for developing the Eternal Talisman.

Because that's really critical.

If there is no symbol of eternity.

There is no "big plan" that she and Wang Nuan are planning together to break through the prison.

And if Wang Ling's strength is not suppressed...

Even if they end up together, it's useless.

For example, like just now, the old plots that appear in all love works, simply holding hands and taking a breath, may not be able to be realized.

Others hold hands together and exhale to keep warm.

Wang Ling clasped his hands and exhaled that it was a nuclear bomb...

There is no word for the Talisman of Eternity.

This time, my own people may be gone.

And every time she thinks of this, Sun Rong can't help feeling that the Chinese culture is profound.

Other people's love is vigorous.

The love between her and Wang Ling, if there is no eternal talisman, seems to be "vigorous"...


In the evening, Zhou Ziyi proposed to play script killing.

Wang Ling realized that the board game had changed this year.

In the past, he was actually very unaccustomed to this kind of group board game, but now with the experience of participating in the winter camp for the past two years.

The unaccustomed feeling at the beginning has long since vanished.

This kind of "script killing" board game is very popular now.

To put it bluntly, it is an advanced version of "Werewolf Killing".

Everyone is in a different script setting, and everyone will play a different role.

Then have a complete timeline of the day of the incident.

It is necessary to finally deduce who is the mastermind and murderer based on the cause, process, and result of the script, as well as the second and third rounds of evidence collection.

If you can also deduce that there is an accomplice, you can get extra points.

The script killing props were prepared by Zhou Ziyi in advance.

All the scripts have been pre-recorded in multiple crystal balls the size of ping-pong balls.

Sun Rong was sitting next to Wang Ling by the bonfire. She took out a character crystal ball from Zhou Ziyi's bag, and watched Wang Ling eagerly take one from the bag.

The whole drawing process is random, no one knows what character they will get.

But looking at Zhou Ziyi's eyes, Sun Rong always felt that this little guy seemed to be planning something...

Take last year as an example.

They were playing "Perverted Version Three Kingdoms".

The so-called abnormal version means that the base card library has 1 cards.

Then each person can hold a hand card that is more than 10 times their blood volume in each round.

Wang Ling drew [Lord] and the character [Cao Cao].

Then Lotus Sun drew [Loyal Minister], the character [Hua Tuo].

At that time, Sun Rong had a clear feeling that she was arranged by Zhou Ziyi...

Because those [treacherous ministers] and [rebels] will kill [lord].

When Wang Ling kept draining blood, Sun Rong could only use the cards in her hand to feed Wang Ling with cards to replenish blood.

Sun Rong remembered that the game seemed to be fruitless in the end.

Because these [traitors] and [thieves] knew that they were [loyal], none of them attacked her.

As a result, Sun Rong used character skills and item cards to feed Wang Ling more than [-] peaches in that game...

After the game that year was over, Zhou Ziyi originally thought that with such an assist, even a piece of wood should blossom.

But Wang Ling didn't think so.

He was addicted to the card game in his hand, and Shengsheng and a group of people spent until dawn...

At that time, even Zhou Ziyi was in despair.

So this year, Zhou Ziyi decided to change the game.

"Script Kill"!
All of these characters are designed.

And the script was also personally selected by Zhou Ziyi, a love-killing script...

This year, Zhou Ziyi still doesn't believe it, and his teacher is still indifferent!

Of course, as for the assigned roles, Zhou Ziyi did something in advance.

The roles played by Wang Ling and Sun Rong in "Script Killing" seemed to be chosen at random.

But in fact, he chose it himself...


Since many people were playing this game for the first time, Zhou Ziyi volunteered to be a guide.

"There is no God in this game, but many people here are playing it for the first time. So, let me guide everyone to play the game first."

Zhou Ziyi sat cross-legged in front of the bonfire and said earnestly: "First of all, please read carefully the characters you have received in the character crystal ball. Understand the characters' backgrounds and relationships with other characters, and read the case carefully. If it is the murderer, please hide yourself as much as possible and prove your innocence."

"If it's not the murderer, please use other players' statements to distinguish the truth from the falsehood, and combine the evidence to find the real murderer."

"Of course, the most important point is to assume the role. And during the game, please don't say anything like this paragraph that is not mentioned by XXX in my script, understand?"


The crowd nodded.


After less than 20 minutes, everyone has finished watching the crystal ball of their characters and recorded them deeply in their minds.

"Then next, please briefly introduce your roles one by one."

Zhou Ziyi said: "Let's go counterclockwise. Senior sister Sun Rong will start first, then senior Wang Ling."

Hearing these words, Sun Rong was taken aback for a moment.

She didn't expect that she would be the first one.

Think carefully about the script you just saw.

Sun Rong took a deep breath and said, "My name is Wang Rong. I am 33 years old this year. I am a sales manager. Let me talk about this first... is it okay?"


Zhou Ziyi smiled and looked at Wang Ling: "So, where is the senior?"

He knew that a good show was about to begin.

I saw Wang Ling recall the script, and then said: "My name is Sun Cun, I am 36 years old, and I am a wealthy businessman."

Zhou Ziyi: "No more?"

Wang Ling: "En."

Zhou Ziyi: "It's not okay for the senior to just say these things."


Wang Ling slowly issued a question mark.

You didn't just say that...

Helpless, Wang Ling had no choice but to add a key piece of information.

He said calmly, "Wang Rong, it's me, my wife."

After saying this, the corners of the mouths of the audience couldn't help but crazily raised...

(End of this chapter)

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