Wang Ling's daily life

Chapter 34 Grandpa Sun's Attitude

Chapter 34 Grandpa Sun's Attitude
Shuiliandong Villa is another high-end brand hotel under Huaguo Shuilian Group.

The specifications are very high.

It was originally used to receive international-level foreign guests and bigwigs who are well-known at home and abroad in the cultivation world.

For example, Long Yun, the master of the Internet of Comprehension who has established a huge online magic weapon transaction transmission system in the realm of cultivation.

For example, Shi Lingteng, a leader in the comprehension game circle who builds a virtual network space and uses virtual technology combined with games to allow comprehension practitioners to realize "cloud cultivation".

For example, just a few months ago, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal also came here.

It is to celebrate the successful start of the universe business plan of Zhanzong and Huaguo Water Curtain Group.

On that day, Zhanzong cooperated with Huaguo Water Curtain Group to set up branches of Zhanzong in Shenyu, Yaojie and Shendao respectively, and sent hero posts to the whole universe to collect internal and external disciples.

Even alien creatures can join the Zhanzong!

This is stronger than internationalization... It belongs to the sect that has truly embarked on the path of cosmicization.

Zhan Zong was the first one.

Today's Shuiliandong Villa is extremely lively.

Zhuangzi has hundreds of busy staff members, but there is only one person who actually receives him.

Even the old people who have worked in Zhuangzi for decades have never seen such specifications and treatment.

But now, these old people have become foremen, and they are all trustworthy people who have been screened by Mr. Sun.

Sun Yiyuan knew that Wang Lingxi kept a low profile and didn't like being too public.

Such standard treatment will inevitably attract the attention of some media.

Therefore, all the idlers outside Zhuangzi have been cleared away, and there is a ray of martial law.

As for Zhuangzi's internal affairs, the benefits that Mr. Sun has given to everyone are also unimaginable. The overtime pay of twenty times the basic monthly salary honestly silenced everyone.

Make sure no one talks about it.

Even if there is, there are old people who are the foreman beating and admonishing.

Yes, rich.

You can do whatever you want...

"Master, who are the people here this time? Zhuangzi has never been so busy as it is today."

A young man followed an old man with a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables on his back.

All the vegetables are picked fresh in the shed, picked within 30 minutes before making the dishes, and then quickly delivered to the back kitchen for processing.

Every process has a full sense of ritual.

The old man didn't speak, and the figure walking forward paused for a while, then quickly turned around and hit the young man behind him on the head: "Look, I forgot what I said to you again, Master?"

The young man lowered his head and muttered helplessly: "Do your own thing, complete the task, don't talk too much, don't ask too much."

"There are some things that you and I cannot know at this level. If you want to go out of the world here, as long as you are honest, you will definitely have a lot to do in the future." The old man reminded.

"Master too?"


The old man nodded: "This is the measure I have accumulated under the hands of Mr. Sun for 68 years. This manor is just the tip of the iceberg of Mr. Sun's property. The inside information is far more complicated than you think."

After finishing speaking, the master-student duo who delivered the fresh vegetables fell into a brief silence.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, they all understand the truth...

It's just that [-] top pastry chefs were specially hired to make crispy noodles. It's outrageous to start from the wheat planting process.

Moreover, in order to grow the superb wheat for making flour, Mr. Sun also spent a lot of money to buy a catty of Zhangtian Spiritual Liquid.

It is said that it was something left by the old devil Han in the cultivation world back then, and it has the magical effect of quickly ripening vegetation, improving quality, and strengthening the potency of medicine.

What kind of person can attract the old man's attention.

In fact, all the staff in Zhuangzi are very curious.

But they are professional, no matter how curious they are, they will not ask more questions.

After all, they all understand why curiosity killed the cat.


In order to meet Wang Ling, Sun Yiyuan had indeed made a lot of preparations.

All the places he could think of were arranged according to Wang Ling's preferences.

After all the affairs in the Zhuangzi were arranged in a unified manner, Mr. Sun, wearing a Tang suit with his hands behind his back, looked at the door.

He has been looking forward to this meeting for a long time, and he has also been looking forward to it for a long time.

In a daze, Sun Yiyuan also recalled a question that Lin Butler asked him a long time ago.

Lao Lin asked him what was so good about Wang Ling.

Sun Yiyuan remained silent on this question for a long time, not because he couldn't think of anything good about Wang Ling, but because he felt that Wang Ling's qualities in all aspects were too good... It was difficult to express clearly in words for a while.

At such a young age, he was accepted as a disciple by Odd Zhuo.

Then, even Zhan Zong and the others rushed to curry favor...

Could it be an ordinary person?

As for the issue of the right family, Mr. Sun investigated it a long time ago.

He knew the situation of Wang's father and Wang's mother clearly, and naturally he also knew the relationship between the head of state and Wang's father.

The key is that Lian Yuan capital approves of this marriage!

In private before, I told him many times about Wang Ling's good things, and I heard Mr. Sun feel that he couldn't count them on his fingers.

Sum it up in two words.

That is: good match!

No matter what other people think.

At least in Grandpa Sun's heart, he had long recognized Wang Ling.

This "future grandson-in-law" was recognized.

At this moment.

Grandpa Sun thought of Wang Ling and Sun Rong.

The thoughts in my heart are also full of emotions.

"I think the old man wants to hug his great-grandson."

At this time, the old owner of the village suddenly said jokingly.

"Is it obvious?" Mr. Sun suppressed the corner of his mouth that rose slightly.

"Obviously." The owner nodded and smiled wryly.

no way……

Thinking about Wang Ling and Sun Rong.

He can't help but smile.

He was actually paying attention to the progress between the two children silently.

Although so far.

His grandson-in-law hasn't shown up yet...

But at least now, there has been clear progress!

Regarding the junior's previous relationship issues, even though he, an old man, was a little anxious, he didn't want to push the progress clearly.

"However, I think this matter, the old man did the right thing. There are very few parents who can handle the emotional matters of the younger generation as calmly as the old man." The owner said.

After hearing this, Grandpa Sun was immediately amused, and immediately waved his hand: "Ha, I'm not as calm as my grandson-in-law."

"But now that the stubborn tree is blooming, it finally bears fruit."

Grandpa Sun smiled noncommittally.

Is it blooming?
Maybe, it's just sprouting...

At this time, a reminder from the manor security office sounded in the owner's mind.

Immediately began to report the situation on the side: "Master, people have come."

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Grandpa Sun couldn't bear it anymore.

He paced out, feeling his thighs trembling...

I don't know whether to be nervous or excited.

(End of this chapter)

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