The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 20 I have $1!Can cut everything!

Chapter 20 I Have a Knife!Can cut everything!
Yang Jian looked at the performance of the Xiaotian dog, and there was a smile on his expressionless face. He squatted down, reached out and stroked the small head of the Xiaotian dog, and said softly to the Xiaotian dog: "Xiao Tiangou God, well done."

"Wang! Wang!"

Xiao Tiangou felt Yang Jian's touch, and when he heard Yang Jian's words, he barked twice.

While Chu Kuangren, Lu Baiyi and the others looked around, there were only ten of them in this battlefield.

This time, the partners who came to rebel against the gods have been wiped out.

At this moment, the proud and proud Tianjiao looked at Yang Jian who was stroking the roaring dog, and their eyes were full of disappointment.

Come here, a total of 13 people.

Up to now, except for their ten accidents, all the companions have died.

More than 2 people, more than 2 people.

As soon as that vicious dog opened its mouth, everything was swallowed up.

Those people, without making a sound, just disappeared into the belly of the vicious dog.

"Now, the annoying ants have been dealt with."

"I'll ask you one last time, do you surrender?"

After Yang Jian touched Xiao Xiao Tiangou, he stood up and looked coldly at Lu Baiyi and other Tianjiao.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill that poor dog of yours to avenge them!"

When Xiang Wanghou and Chu Kuangren heard Yang Jian's words, their eyes turned red, and the anger in their eyes had already become substantial.

After the two finished speaking, they rushed directly to Yang Jian.

"Fight to the death, don't retreat!"

Lu Baiyi and Liu Wushang watched as Li Jing, the four heavenly kings, the three star kings and the giant spirit general rushed out, attacking Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou.

The two followed directly behind, clearing the way for both of them.

"Little brother, if you want it, hurry up."

Chu Hanyan looked at Chu Tianji who had been sitting cross-legged at the rear, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Then, he turned his head to look at the four fools who had already fought with several great gods, and rushed up with the red spear in his hand.

"Hey, I like it the most, killing!"

Hua Xiaodie's eyes full of scarlet locked on the heavenly soldiers and generals standing in the rear, and with a flash, she appeared among the group of heavenly soldiers and generals, and grinned at those slightly dazed heavenly soldiers and generals: " Hunting, let's begin!"

As soon as Hua Xiaodie finished speaking, a bright red flower appeared on the exposed arm.

The flowers are incomparably beautiful and coquettish.

After Hua Xiaodie swept across with a sickle, the heavenly soldiers and generals who surrounded her were cut off by the ring-shaped bloody blades cut by Hua Xiaodie.

With just this blow, hundreds of heavenly soldiers and generals were beheaded.

And these heavenly soldiers and generals who were beheaded by Hua Xiaodie bloomed beautiful and coquettish red flowers from their bodies.

"The other shore flower?"

Yang Jian, who had been standing still, turned his attention to Hua Xiaodie's side as soon as the flowers bloomed.

He didn't expect that here, he could actually see the owner of the Bianhua.

It seems that it was a good choice for the Emperor of Heaven to let him take them all as slaves and train them.

However, when Yang Jian saw the Bianhua flowers in full bloom, I was just a little taken aback.

Although it is said that the Bianhua is extremely strange and powerful, the person who owns the Bianhua now is not very strong.

Moreover, the blooming Bianhua is also very immature, and it is not at all as terrifying as he has seen the strong Bianhua he had seen back then.

After taking a look, Yang Jian put his eyes on Chu Kuangren, Xiang Wanghou and others.

Chu madman Xiang Wanghou, Liu Wushang, and Lu Baiyi were not at a disadvantage in the face of the nine gods. In addition, the two daughters of Chu Hanyan and Mu Yanran who joined the battlefield later were still fighting against the four of them. The nine heavenly gods who hold on are feeling the pressure.

Li Jing and the nine of them are also ranked first in the fighting power in the heavenly court, but now, the nine of them are actually facing the other six, and they are still at a disadvantage.

It is estimated that in a short time, nine of them will be defeated by those six.

Yang Jian didn't care at all whether they would be beheaded by these mortals again.

Because, as long as he is still here, these people will not be able to turn the sky.

Therefore, Yang Jian stood where he was, wanting to see the potential of these people who were favored by the Emperor of Heaven.

Just when Wang Ye was about to rush up, Chu Tianji, who had been sitting there cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, appeared beside Wang Ye, and grabbed Wang Ye's shoulder.


Wang Ye turned around and looked at Chu Tianji who grabbed him, his eyes were full of doubts, and he was about to ask why.

Seeing Chu Tianji with a pale face and no light in his eyes, he spat out a mouthful of painstaking effort.


Chu Tianji looked at the anxiety in Wang Ye's eyes, and smiled slightly at Wang Ye.

"These guys, no matter how many times we kill them, they won't die."

"Because these are just their avatars."

"Their real bodies can't enter this space at all now, so they can only let the clone come here first."

Hearing Chu Tianji's words, Wang Ye frowned.

"And I found a way to live."

Speaking of this, Chu Tianji's eyes were full of hope, looked at Wang Ye and said, "The hope that can completely expel them from the ancestral star is to smash the heaven hanging over the border of Great Xia."

"As long as their supreme artifact is destroyed, their avatars will not be able to come to the ancestral star."

"And the opportunity to split this heaven lies with you."

"This is what the spirit of the ancestor star told me."

"As for what the reason is, the spirit of the ancestor star did not say."

Hearing Chu Tianji's words, Wang Ye laughed.

"Isn't it just to smash that broken heaven? Leave it to me."

"Look at me, chop it!"

Wang Ye said, holding a black Tang knife in his right hand, pointing the knife at the heaven.

"Holy hand, take away the secret."

Wang Ye looked at Chu Tianji who was already extremely weak beside him, and called out to Liu Ruyan.

When Liu Ruyan heard Wang Ye's call, her small nose wrinkled slightly, and she came to Chutian's fuselage, took Chutianji away from Wang Ye, and began to recover from the injuries on Chutian's fuselage.

"I have a knife that can cut everything."

Wang Ye held the black Tang knife in both hands, closed his eyes, and whispered softly.

When Wang Ye opened his eyes, a surge of arrogance burst from Wang Ye's body.

At this moment, the sky began to change color because of the arrogance erupting from Wang Ye.


After Wang Ye erupted this shocking arrogance, his interest was deeply hooked by Wang Ye.

"Break me!"

As Wang Ye said, he slashed at Tianting fiercely with his knife.

The knife was only halfway through, and the sky above his head was already split into two halves.

When Wang Ye slashed out with this knife, the black knife energy with a length of hundreds of thousands of meters slashed fiercely towards the heaven.

 I feel a little uncomfortable today, so I can only maintain the basic two shifts. Tomorrow, I will recover my body, look for my condition, and do a little more.

  I would like to say sorry to everyone here, I am really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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