The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 27 Death without Regrets! 1!

Chapter 27 Although a hundred deaths have no regrets!one!

"Good good!"

"You ants have successfully aroused my anger!"


Yang Jian looked at Lu Baiyi and the others who surrounded him, and when he heard what Lu Baiyi and the others said, he laughed angrily, and a bloody red beam of light burst out from his body.

"God-killing Heavenly Eye!"


With Yang Jian's opening, Yang Jian's third eye, which was originally opened, closed between his eyebrows.

Yang Jian formed sword fingers with his hands and crossed them in front of him.

As the sword fingers slowly separated from the front, the sword fingers formed by both hands touched his temples.


At this point, Yang Jian's third eye, which had just been closed between the brows, opened again.

This time, the third eye that opened between the brows was no longer the normal black and white pupil.

At this moment, the white of Yang Jian's third eye opened between his eyebrows turned blood red, and the eyeball was actually a black word "kill".

With the opening of the third eye, Yang Jian's soaring aura once again climbed geometrically.

The aura erupting from Yang Jian's body directly pushed Lu Baiyi and the others away viciously.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

Wang Ye, who was in the black and white beam of light, looked at Liu Ruyan, who had already reached a height of a thousand meters and was still motionless, his eyes were full of anxiety.


As soon as Wang Ye finished speaking, the black and white beam of light that had shrunk to a few meters wide shrank into a thin line in an instant, sinking into Wang Ye's body.

With the black and white light beams sinking into his body, Wang Ye felt that his body had regained control.

Looking at Liu Ruyan who was less than [-] meters away from the ground, Wang Ye disappeared on the spot with a "whoosh".

"Sister Ruyan, are you alright?"

Liu Ruyan had already closed her eyes and waited to die. The result of falling into the mud she imagined did not appear.

Feeling being held in someone's arms, and listening to that caring and extremely gentle voice, Liu Ruyan opened her eyes and looked at the person who was holding her.

"Little devil, after it's over, can you call me again, Sister Ruyan?"

Wang Ye, who was hugging Liu Ruyan, laughed when he heard Liu Ruyan's words.

"it is good!"

As Wang Ye said, he slowly placed Liu Ruyan on the lawn.

"This time, I will expel you from Great Xia!!!"

After Wang Ye put Liu Ruyan away, the person suddenly disappeared beside Liu Ruyan, and then reappeared, standing thousands of meters in front of the Nantian Gate.

"Master, I hope you will survive this knife, and your disciple will not embarrass you!"



Standing in the air, Wang Ye closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

As he inhaled, Wang Ye's mind reappeared, what his master taught him when he was a child.

Utilize the power of every muscle in the whole body to condense, gather the whole body, condense on the arms, and then cut out.

No matter what is in front of you, you must have an invincible heart before you can cut everything.

Even if you hold a wooden knife, you can cut through steel.

Wang Ye's chest also exploded due to Wang Ye's continuous inhalation.

As he exhaled the breath in his chest, Wang Ye's closed eyes opened.

"Broken! Wan! Thing!"

Following Wang Ye's sound of breaking everything, he held the black Tang knife in his hands, and a black beam of light burst out from his body.

As Wang Ye held the black Tang Dao in both hands and slowly raised it over his head, the black beam of light erupting from Wang Ye's body completely sank into the blade of the black Tang Dao.

"Open it for me!"

With the sound of opening, the veins on Wang Ye's face popped up, and his eyes were full of will that everything was invincible.

With a sound of "Boom", Wang Ye's knife had just cut halfway through, when bursts of thunder came from the sky above the court that day.

When Wang Ye's sword cut halfway through, the black cloud that originally appeared above the heavenly court suddenly shattered.

Cracks continued to appear in the space above the heavenly court.

It looked like a crack appeared on a piece of glass, and then continued to spread around.

With a sound of "boom", Wang Ye's knife finally slashed towards the heaven.

And just after Wang Ye slashed out with the knife, there was an extremely angry voice in the heavenly court: "Dare you!"

"Zu Ling, you really have lived enough!"

The sound of this voice was heard by the whole Zu Xing.

A man sitting on the throne in the west with a scepter in his hand and a golden crown on his head was shocked and gloated when he heard this voice.

"It seems that the group of mortals in the east actually angered this old guy."

"Fun, interesting."

"Even with the help of the ancestral spirits, this group of aborigines has only experienced 400 years. How could there be an existence that can shake our clones?"

Having said this, he waved the scepter in his hand, and a mirror appeared in front of him.

And under the throne where he sat, stood countless people with wings.

After Wang Ye slashed the knife, a black knife aura that was so dark that it could swallow the surrounding light slashed towards the heaven that had shrouded Daxia for more than 400 years.

This knife slashed out a huge knife aura that was a million meters long.

As the knife qi slashed, all the spaces that were slashed by the knife qi collapsed and shattered, and countless turbulent voids flew out of the shattered space.

When the void flying out of the void rushed a hundred meters in front of Wang Ye, they were all offset by the invisible sword energy.

On the Heavenly Court side, countless heavenly soldiers and generals rushed out of the Nantianmen.

Even Li Jing and other gods came out to resist Wang Ye's knife.

Densely packed, countless heavenly soldiers and generals looked at the black saber aura that was coming, and attacked the saber aura one by one.

It's a pity that before their attacks hit the black saber aura, they were all strangled to death by an invisible saber aura tens of meters in front of the black saber aura.

Even Li Jing, the four heavenly kings and the great star kings attacked and sacrificed magic weapons, and they couldn't stop Wang Ye's knife in the slightest.

The gods who came out of the Nantianmen could only watch helplessly as the black saber energy struck towards them.

The saber qi is already less than 300 meters away from the Nantian Gate, and those gods who walked out of the Nantian Gate have not waited to get close to the [-] meters of the saber qi.

Those heavenly soldiers and generals who were hundreds of meters away from the black saber aura were strangled into blood mist by the invisible saber aura outside the black saber aura.

This process seems to be extremely slow, but in fact it only takes two breaths.

With a sound of "boom", Wang Ye's knife cut all the gods who appeared from the Nantian Gate into a bloody mist.

This knife finally hit the Nantian Gate.

A loud sound resounded through the heaven and earth, and the resplendent and resplendent Nantian Gate shattered under Wang Ye's saber.

After smashing the Nantian Gate, the knife finally hit the Heavenly Court.

There was another explosion that resounded through the heavens and the earth. This time, when the black saber energy slashed at the heavenly court, a huge energy shock wave erupted.

This powerful shock wave quickly spread to the surroundings, completely smashing the originally broken space around.

 Thank you for the 100000 starting coins that I don’t know Ziqing!
  Thank you for the 100 starting coins that I have rewarded for the three-year agreement with Lu Lu!
  Thank you for your great support and company, thank you!
  Today's third update is equivalent to the number of words in the fourth update.

  Next, update these words at least every day!

  Finally, please collect and recommend!I beg all readers of the starting point, don’t keep books, thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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