The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 35 Heroic!You are not alone! 4!

Chapter 35 Heroic!You are not alone!Four! ([-]-character chapter!)
"It's in Lao Tzu's hands, do you still want to go back?"

Kuangren Chu looked at the gold brick that was constantly struggling in his hands, and blood burst out directly on his body.

The blood energy erupting from Madman Chu's body even wrapped the gold brick in his hand.

"Small sample, in Lao Tzu's hands, it's not your decision!"

After Madman Chu finished speaking, the color of the golden bricks wrapped in blood gradually changed from golden to bloody.

It was very slow at first, but after three breaths, the surface turned into a light red gold brick, and in less than one breath, it completely turned blood red.

Madman Chu looked at the blood-red gold brick in his hand, ah no, it should be called a brick at this moment.

The blood-colored brick was placed in the hand of Chu Kuangren and turned upside down: "The weight is not bad!"

When Nezha, who was besieged by Mu Yanran and Hua Xiaodie, saw this scene, he yelled angrily, "What a robber and bandit, you actually stole my magic weapon and turned it into your own."

"Young master, I'm so mad!"

Nezha threw the Jiulong Lihuo Hood in his hand directly at Madman Chu.

In the blink of an eye, Nine Dragons engulfed Madman Chu in it, and the flames rising inside kept burning Madman Chu's body.

"Your little flame is far worse than your father!"

In the hands of Madman Chu, the blood-colored brick in his right hand was wrapped in blood energy, and he smashed it hard at the wall of the Nine Dragons Fire Hood.

With a "boom", the Nine Dragons Lihuo Hood was actually smashed apart by the brick of Madman Chu.


"My Nine Dragons Fire Shield!"

Nezha watched his magic weapon being shattered by the Chu madman, and felt extremely sorry: "You barbarian! I'm angry, sir!"

As Nezha said, he took back the Nine Dragons Lihuo Hood that had trapped Madman Chu.

"Go back!"

After Nezha put away the Jiulongli fire cover, Mu Yanran felt a throbbing from the flames on Nezha, and hurriedly reminded Chu Kuangren and Hua Xiaodie.

When the two heard Mu Yanran's words, they moved away from Nezha.

"I want to kill you all!"

With Nezha's roar, endless flames erupted from Nezha's body.

"Go back again!"

"I don't know why, but I can't control the flames erupting from his body now!"

Mu Yanran looked at the sea of ​​flames erupting from Nezha's body, and led Chu Kuangren and Hua Xiaodie back to Chu Tianji's side.

And Chu Tianji looked at the three people who had retreated to his side, his hands were constantly lighting up in front of him.

As Chu Tianji's last finger fell, Chu Tianji shouted: "Kun character, trapped mountain prison!"

With a sound of "Boom", a huge earthen wall appeared in front of Chu Tianji, wrapping around the rushing flames.

In the blink of an eye, the earth wall that appeared out of thin air has formed a large ball with a radius of one kilometer, sealing Nezha inside.

"Now, you are all going to die!"

Just after the earth wall sealed Nezha inside, Nezha's voice came from the huge ball.

With a loud "boom", the soil ball shattered, and a pillar of fire burst out from Nezha's body.

At this time, Nezha is no longer that superficial.

His hair was condensed with fire, and his eyes were burning with fire.

The circle of heaven and earth on his chest, and Huntianling kept flying behind him.

The gun body of the fire-pointed gun in his hand also ignited golden flames.

"Dry characters Fengtiansuo!"

Chu Tianji squeezed a Jue with both hands, and pointed at Nezha.

In the space around Nezha, hundreds of chains condensed by runes appeared out of thin air, locking Nezha tightly in the air.

"Now, attack!"

Seeing Nezha being blocked by him, Chu Tianji yelled.

"Eat me with a brick!"

Madman Chu disappeared in place and reappeared, already behind Nezha who was blocked by Chu Tianji, and slapped Nezha hard on the back of the head with a brick!

With a loud "boom", Nezha was hit solidly on the back of the head by Chu's blow.

"Is this the only strength?"

Nezha's voice reached Madman Chu's ears, causing Madman Chu's expression to change.

"Soul Eater!"

Hua Xiaodie unexpectedly appeared in front of Nezha, holding a bloody death scythe with scarlet light in her hand, and slashed at Nezha's head fiercely.

With a sound of "噗嗤", Nezha was torn apart by Hua Xiaodie.

"I don't believe it, you're still alive!"

Hua Xiaodie looked at Nezha's head that had been chopped off by him, and said viciously.

"There's something wrong with it."

Mu Yanran, who was about to launch an attack, grabbed Chu Kuangren and Hua Xiaodie across the air, and grabbed them in front of him.

Just after Chu Kuangren and Hua Xiaodie were taken away by Mu Yanran, Nezha, whose head was separated, floated in the air, showing a piercing smile at Mu Yanran and others.

"Now, the good show has just begun!"

After Nezha finished speaking, Nezha broke free from the rune chains that bound him.

His head slowly floated on his neck and healed again.

"The direction seems to be reversed."

As Nezha said, he snapped his upside-down head with his hand and turned it back.

Looking at Chu Tianji, Chu Kuangren and others, he slowly opened the corners of his mouth, revealing an incomparably piercing and ferocious smile, and said, "In your impression, the true colors of us gods should be like this, right? ?”

Nezha said, tilting his head and showing a weird smile.

"Haha, teasing you guys, I'm tired from playing today, so I'm going back!"

Just when the few people were extremely nervous, Nezha suddenly returned to normal, laughed at the four of them, and swiped the pointed gun in his hand in front of him: "This little trick can't trap me."

"I'm tired of playing, and I don't have much energy."

"I hope you guys can survive."

"But please, don't die!"

After Nezha finished speaking, he plunged into the space cut by him in front of him, and disappeared in front of Chu Kuangren and others.

"What the hell is this?"

Madman Chu looked at Nezha who disappeared in front of them, and looked at each other.

They originally thought that there would be a life-and-death battle, but in the end, this guy ran away as soon as he said it.

"Now is not the time to be in a daze, hurry up and see how the battle on Han Yan's side is going."

Kuangren Chu looked at the stunned people and reminded them.


Chu Tianji heard Chu Kuangren's words and led several people away from his space formation.

"Where's Yang Jian?"

When Chu Tianji brought Chu Kuangren and others to Lu Baiyi's battlefield, he saw Chu Hanyan and Xiang Wanghou supporting each other, and Yang Jian also pierced a wound on Xiang Wanghou's chest. Although it stopped, Xiang Wanghou's face was extremely pale and he looked very weak.

Lu Baiyi stood beside Xiang Wanghou and Chu Hanyan slightly cold, his eyes full of confusion.

"Have you solved it over there?"

Lu Baiyi heard Chu Kuangren's words and looked at them and asked.

"No, that guy Nezha left in the middle of the beating, and left suddenly, so he stopped beating."

"Is this also the case here?"

Hearing the madman Chu's question, Lu Baiyi nodded, looked at Prince Xiang and Chu Hanyan and said, "After Hanyan and the prince were swallowed by the Roaring Dog, I summoned Jiejianshan and Yang Jian were fighting Together."

"Afterwards, Han Yan and Wang Hou rushed out of Yang Jian's body, and Yang Jian seemed to be seriously injured."

"Just when we were about to beat the dog in the water, this guy Yang Jian seemed to be on drugs. He became alive and well, and his strength was even stronger than before."

"Just when we couldn't resist and prepared to go all out, this guy said a few inexplicable words and left."

Hearing Lu Baiyi's words, Chu Tianji showed a hint of eagerness on his face, and asked, "Is it true, I hope you can survive and don't die?"

"Hmm, that's the sentence, how do you know?"

"Let's go out quickly and see what's going on with the youngest."

After receiving Lu Baiyi's answer, Chu Tianji led several people away from this space and came to Wang Ye's side.

"Youngest, how long will it take?"

Wang Ye, who was burning with raging flames, suddenly heard Chu Tianji's voice, turned to Chu Tianji and said, "Maybe, except for a little situation, it will take a long time."

"Status? What's the situation?"

"When I was burning my soul and vitality to stimulate my potential and strength, a guy who claimed to be the spirit of the ancestor star suddenly appeared in my mind. He can help me increase my strength by a hundred times, and has the strength to absolutely cut through the heavens. "

"Okay, how long will it take?"

Just after Wang Ye finished speaking, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals walked out of the heavenly court.

The leader is Yang Jian, Nezha, Li Jing, and three others.

Behind them, there are four heavenly kings and 28 constellations.

This time, Tianting's appearance was very luxurious.

Chu Tianji looked at the enemies walking out of the heaven, his eyes were full of solemnity, and asked Wang Ye.

"Need, one hour."

Wang Ye also saw these enemies walking out of the heaven, he knew that even with him now.

Even if the ten of them were at their peak, they couldn't stop each other.

"Okay, unless we are all dead, otherwise, no one will be able to approach you within this hour!"

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Chu Tianji looked at these enemies walking out of the heaven, his eyes were full of firmness.

"It's a shame, because of that fool's promise, I actually put my life on the line."

Hua Xiaodie, who was standing on the side, listened to the conversation between Wang Ye and Chu Tianji, looked at the enemies standing opposite, and kept saying that it was a loss, but in her eyes, she did not flinch or regret at all.

"You bastard!"

Listening to Hua Xiaodie's words, Chu Kuangren put his blood-stained hand on the top of Hua Xiaodie's head and rubbed it lightly.

"Take it away, it's dirty."

Although Hua Xiaodie's voice was full of disgust, she didn't move to remove Madman Chu's big hand from her little head.

"You are truly strong."

"However, this time, you will not have any chance."

Yang Jian, who reappeared in front of everyone, looked down at Kuangren Chu and the others, and said, "Let you really feel the horror of the gods, and our background!"

"Heaven-Sealing Jedi Formation Knot!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, his hands were formed into simple shapes, and he touched his temples, and a golden beam of light shot out from Yang Jian's eyebrows and sky eyes.

With this beam of light shooting into the air, the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals standing behind Yang Jian and the others raised their weapons and stabbed at the sky.

Along with their thorns, streaks of golden light shot into the sky.

Following Li Jing, Nezha and others also shot, finally, the golden rays emanating from their bodies merged with the golden beam of light shot out from between Yang Jian's eyebrows, forming a huge golden light curtain in the sky.

After the light curtain appeared, all the gods standing in the air were sent to the ground by a mysterious force.

Even Chu Kuangren, Chu Tianji and others were shrouded in the golden light emitted by this golden light curtain.

They stood in the beam of light together, and Wang Ye, who was constantly absorbing power, was controlled by a mysterious force and sent to the ground.

"What exactly is going on?"

After Chu Kuangren and others were sent to the ground by this mysterious power, he felt the power surging in his body, and was sealed by that mysterious power.

They not only lost the ability to control the sky and teleport.

Even the power in their bodies was blocked because of this.

As soon as Chu Kuangren said this, even Lu Baiyi, Xiang Wanghou and others turned their heads to look at Chu Tianji.

As for Chu Tianji, looking at the doubts in everyone's eyes, he said helplessly, "The other party used some kind of powerful sealing formation to make us like this."

"I think that the other party chose to fight on the ground because of this, and they also lost the divine power in their bodies."

"If this is the case, if you lose all the strength in your body and become ordinary people, let alone a minute, I am afraid that the other party will drown us without using a single mouthful of spit."

When Lu Baiyi heard what you Chu Tianji said, he stretched out his hands helplessly.

Afterwards, Lu Baiyi punched Chu Tianji on the shoulder, and said angrily, "So, our Grand Formation Master, do you have any way to solve our predicament?"

"You bastard!"

Chu Tianji rubbed his shoulders, looked at the few people standing beside him, and said solemnly and seriously, "The me I am now can't solve our current predicament at all."

"However, there is a force that will help me to weaken the suppression of this formation on us."

"It's just getting weaker, and it won't allow us to restore our full strength."

"Just tell me how much you can recover?"

Madman Chu asked angrily when he heard his little brother babbling on.

"It can restore one percent of our strength, and it cannot fly in the air."

While Chu Tianji was talking, he stretched out his hand and touched the eyebrows of several people.

Following Chu Tianji's point, Chu Kuangren, Xiang Wanghou and others felt that the strength in their bodies had recovered a little.

"These forces, although they can't completely solve those bastards."

"However, it shouldn't be a problem to protect the youngest for an hour!"

As Madman Chu said, standing in front of the crowd, he moved his body, and he padded the blood-colored brick in his hand: "This thing, it's really time to grab it."

"Otherwise, it's really a bit of a headache!"

"Uncle, you bastard!"

Xiang Wanghou stood beside the Chu madman, looking at the heavenly soldiers and generals who were slowly approaching them, with a faint smile on his face.

"Youngest, don't worry, as long as you don't fall down, no one can cross this line!"

Lu Baiyi walked ten meters in front of Wang Ye, and the three-foot green peak in his hand had returned to its original appearance.

However, a crack appeared in the middle of the three-foot green peak.

Lu Baiyi, who was talking, swung a sword behind him, and a sword mark appeared behind Lu Baiyi.

And Lu Baiyi stood there.

"It's a big loss, if you don't drink more blood, how can you be right with me!"

Hua Xiaodie, who has been talking about the big loss all the time, looked at the heavenly soldiers and generals who were slowly approaching, turned into a red streamer, and rushed up to those heavenly soldiers and generals with the bloody death scythe.

"Sister, if you don't fall down, no one can hurt you!"

Chu Hanyan, who was standing not far from Wang Ye, saw that Hua Xiaodie had rushed out first, raised the Chilong Spear in his hand, and followed.

"You big men, you lose the chain every time you write a real chapter!"

As Mu Yanran said, a red long whip unexpectedly appeared in her hand at some point.

Flames ignited on her body, and even the fiery red whip in her hand was wrapped in flames, and she rushed towards the opposite army.

"At this time, if that brat Wushang was around, he would definitely say, I'm going, I'm playing so wildly, and there's still a little leather whip, haha!"

Xiang Wanghou said, and laughed.

Smiling and laughing, tears flowed down more than once.

"Don't worry, let's help him kill the uninjured one!"

Madman Chu looked at the tearful Xiang Wanghou, stretched out his hand and patted Xiang Wanghou's shoulder lightly, and his whole body was full of blood: "Don't let these girls look down on us!"


Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou rushed towards the opposite army.

And Chu Tianji guarded Liu Ruyan and Wang Ye and became the last front.

Lu Baiyi's whole body turned into a sword energy, rushing towards the army of millions of heavenly soldiers.

And this scene, as early as when everyone was fighting against the gods, the spirit of the ancestral star used power to silently transmit this scene to every corner of Daxia.

Let these people watch, these nameless heroes who silently paid for Great Xia.

They are never alone.

Let their backbone and arrogance be passed on to everyone in Daxia.

"Is this fake?"

"Unexpectedly, someone really raised a butcher's knife to these gods!"

"This time, can we really restore the light?"

As the battlefield and time passed, the people of Daxia saw these strong men who resisted the gods, and they actually killed all the gods.

Seeing this scene, they roared and were happy from the bottom of their hearts. They danced happily on the street, at home, and in the shopping mall.

However, before everyone was excited for too long, those gods who were clearly beheaded walked out of the Nantianmen all at once.

The eyes of everyone who learned the truth were once again filled with despair.

However, the more desperate the period, the more heroes will stand up.

Those who watched the war through the sky did not see the despair in the eyes of those who attacked the gods like Chu Kuangren.

All they have is endless fighting spirit and determination.

There are countless ordinary people who have never seen such a battle in their life.

Many ordinary people dare not even think about the powerful attack that can open the sky.

And these powerful attacks came from their companions one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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