The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 37 Great Summer!He is the master of this land! 1!

Chapter 37 Great Summer!He is the master of this land!one! ([-]-character chapter!)

"This battle must be won!"

Chu Tianji was full of confidence in his eyes as he looked at the comrades who had come forward to support the battlefield without fear of death.

The battlefield at this moment has become more and more intense.

Hundreds of thousands of gods and humans died on this cruel battlefield every second.

For these heavenly soldiers, death is not terrible.

The scary thing is that if you fail this time, the punishment you will face is the most terrifying.

The consequence of failure is simply that life is worse than death.

Moreover, it is not their current avatars, but the punishment that the main body is facing in the depths of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

As far as their power is concerned, there are countless miscellaneous soldiers like them.

The number of millions in this area is just a drop in the bucket.

It doesn't matter if you lose them.

Thinking about the punishment they would face if they failed, these heavenly soldiers watched as they continued to rush forward, bravely rushing forward and choosing to perish with them in the human race.

After these heavenly soldiers thought of their own failure, they also imitated the human race's appearance of not being brave and fearless, and rushed towards the human race one after another.

It's a pity that they don't have any divine power in their bodies, otherwise, they could also learn from these human races who rushed up to perform suicide attacks, and blew themselves up with them, choosing to die together.

However, although they cannot self-destruct, they can crush them in numbers to suppress them.

Are you going to blow yourself up?Then we will use the rear archers to isolate those of you with strange weapons and huge explosive energy from your body directly.

The heavenly soldiers who were at the forefront using long spears looked at the people rushing forward with explosives on their bodies, and threw the long spears in their hands directly at them one by one.

"Puchi" "Puchi"

The sound of long spears piercing the body continued to sound, and those ordinary people who had only rushed halfway were pierced by the long spears thrown by these heavenly soldiers and generals, and nailed to the corpses under their feet.

"Kill me!"

"Drive these bastards out of this land!"

"The dead bird faces up, and it will not die for thousands of years!"

"20 years later, I will still be a good man!"

The people who rushed towards the heavenly soldiers untied the explosives on the bodies of those who had been nailed to the corpses by the spears, picked up the explosive packs, and rushed towards the heavenly soldiers.

"Blow me up and kill me more, just go ahead, I will serve as a meat shield for you!"

Look at the people who pick up the dynamite and use it as a human bomb.

People who did not carry explosives rushed in front of these people to help them resist the thrown spears and arrows.

"The alloy explosion-proof shield is here!"

Some people dressed in armor and holding pale golden shields in both hands came to the battlefield one after another, rushing to the front line.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

With the help of these people, the person carrying the explosive pack finally rushed in front of the heavenly soldiers, ignited the explosive and blew himself up.

Hundreds of explosions sounded, and the heavenly soldiers were reduced by [-] to [-] in an instant.

There were originally millions of heavenly soldiers, but after more than half an hour of fighting, only a mere million remained.

Perhaps, the number of heavenly soldiers who descended at the beginning was about 200 million.

But now, in half an hour, half of them had already been killed.

The blood on this battlefield was as high as two meters deep, corpses were everywhere, and the mountain of corpses was even more numerous.

The heavenly soldiers lost millions, and the human race also left millions of corpses on this battlefield.

The golden blood of the gods and the red blood of the human race converged into a river of golden red blood.

The soil under his feet has long been infiltrated and stained by this blood.

With a "poof", Hua Xiaodie, who had been frantically hunting down the heavenly soldiers at the front, was attacked by a heavenly soldier, and a shot pierced through her shoulder.

"Come on, this guy's reaction has slowed down!"

As soon as the sky soldier who had just succeeded in the sneak attack finished his sentence, Hua Xiaodie cut off his head with a blood-colored death scythe covered in golden blood in Hua Xiaodie's hand.

"hurts a little!"

Hua Xiaodie held the spear that had pierced her left shoulder with her left hand, and the Death Scythe with her right hand to cut off the spear, and then pulled out the spear head that pierced her shoulder with her hand.

"The reaction and speed of these monsters have slowed down, and the energy in their bodies is about to run out!"

"Kill them!"

Chu Kuangren, Lu Baiyi and others who were deeply trapped in the army also began to show injuries, and the energy in their bodies was almost exhausted.

These heavenly soldiers and generals, who were still afraid of King Xiang and the others, saw the injuries on their bodies, cheered up one by one, and launched an attack on them frantically.

"Come on! As many as you come, I will kill as many as you want!"

Standing on the mountain of corpses, Prince Xiang looked at the heavenly soldiers who were constantly climbing the mountain of corpses and rushed towards him, frantically waving the Overlord's Halberd in their hands, beheading one enemy after another.

"As expected of Xiang Yu's descendants, let me see you off for the last time!"

Yang Jian, who was standing behind the army, looked at Prince Xiang who stood on the mountain of corpses like a god of war, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

This is, a real man.

The best respect for the enemy is not to let them die in the hands of these miscellaneous soldiers.

So, give him a ride in person.

After saying this, Yang Jian took out a golden curved bow out of nowhere, and put a red golden arrow on the bowstring, aiming at Prince Xiang's heart.


As soon as the words fell, Yang Jian shot an arrow.


With a "poof", the moment Yang Jian aimed at Prince Xiang, he felt the danger.

Turning his body slightly, the arrow that was supposed to hit his heart pierced through his left shoulder.

Xiang Wanghou ignored the arrow that pierced his shoulder, held the Overlord Halberd in his right hand and swept in a circle, beheading all the enemies who rushed towards him.

Xiang Wanghou turned his head to look at Yang Jian who was standing behind the army and shot the arrow at him, pulled out the arrow pierced into his shoulder, and made a gesture of wiping his neck to Yang Jian.

Afterwards, Xiang Wanghou slammed the arrow drawn from his shoulder aside.

The arrow thrown by King Xiang pierced through the body of the unknown heavenly soldier and sank into the corpses piled on the ground.


Yang Jian looked at Prince Xiang's provocation and was not angry at all.

"Shen Bow Battalion, shoot the arrows with all your might!"

Following Yang Jian's order, the heavenly archers who had been attacking the human army began to release the arrows behind them with all their strength.

This time, they didn't aim at all, they shot directly at a 45-degree angle, drew the bow, released the arrow, and drew the bow.

For a while, the pressure on the Great Xia Human Race doubled, and golden arrows flooded the sky.

In just two rounds of attacks, more than 30 human corpses fell on the battlefield.

"Playing shady, grass!"

"Why haven't the fighter cannons appeared yet?"

"I can't bring anything with me!"

"Grass, if it can drive over, it will crush them to death."

Looking at the golden arrows coming down from the sky again, the people holding the alloy explosion-proof shields gathered together, raised the shields above their heads, and with difficulty resisted the arrow's attack.

"All arrows are fired at that woman!"

Yang Jian looked at Chu Hanyan who was like a goddess of war among the heavenly soldiers. Although her body was full of scars, she was like a killing machine that was not only tired, constantly hunting down the lives of the heavenly soldiers.

Her gun is fast, accurate, and ruthless.

Standing not far from Yang Jian, the [-] archers of the Divine Bow Battalion at the rear aimed their arrows at Chu Hanyan, who was standing on the mountain of corpses, and kept strangling the heavenly soldiers.

With a sound of "嗖", ten thousand arrows were fired, and tens of thousands of golden arrows fell in the direction of Chu Hanyan.

And Chu Hanyan, who was strangling the heavenly soldiers, also saw this scene, looking at the arrows that filled the sky, there was no fear in his eyes.

Holding the red dragon gun in both hands, he danced quickly in front of him, forming a big windmill.

The sound of "ding ding ding" kept ringing in Chu Hanyan's ears, and only two or three of the arrows shot at her pierced her body through her defense.

And the location of the stabbing is not a fatal place.

The remaining arrows killed thousands of heavenly soldiers who besieged Chu Hanyan.

After a wave of attacks, there was no one within a hundred meters of Chu Hanyan, only golden arrows and corpses.

"This kind of attack, you can have a few more rounds."

Chu Hanyan pulled out all the arrows that pierced her thigh, shoulder and calf, looked in the direction of the Shenbow Camp, and said with disdain.

And the moment Prince Xiang, who was not far from Chu Hanyan, saw the arrow, he frantically rushed towards Chu Hanyan.

After Chu Hanyan resisted a round of arrow attacks, Xiang Wanghou also rushed to Chu Hanyan's side.

Looking at Chu Hanyan who was covered in scars, Xiang Wanghou's eyes were full of regret: "How is it? Can you hold on?"

Chu Hanyan looked at Prince Xiang who was rushing to him, looked at the concern and heartache in the other person's eyes, stretched out his hand to pick Prince Xiang's chin, and said with an evil smile: "Hold on? Stronger than you!"


Upon hearing this, Xiang Wanghou laughed loudly as he looked at the bloody beauty in front of him.

"Then next time, you have to be on top!"

As King Xiang said, he stretched out his hand and pulled Chu Hanyan directly behind him, holding the Overlord's Halberd in both hands, and turning it quickly in front of him.

This time, all the archers of the Divine Bow Battalion turned their attack direction to Chu Hanyan and Xiang Wanghou.

In this round of attacks, there were more than 30 arrows, reaching a true sense of overwhelming.

The physical strength in Chu Hanyan's body was exhausted, so he was dragged by Xiang Wanghou and sat down directly behind Xiang Wanghou.

Looking up at the man standing in front of her, resisting the overwhelming attack, Chu Hanyan laughed.

The running water couldn't stop staying there, with a trembling voice, he said with a smile, "Okay, I'll be on top next time."

Looking at the indestructible mountain-like body standing in front of her, Chu Hanyan smiled and shed tears.

The arrows fell, and all the heavenly soldiers and generals within a few thousand meters around them, as well as the Daxia people, were stabbed to death by the arrows.

The body of the stalwart standing in front of her protecting her was also pierced by the golden arrow. More than ten arrows pierced the body.

And she, who was protected by him behind her, was not harmed at all.

After this round of arrow attacks, not a single arrow shot from behind Prince Xiang.

And Xiang Wanghou was hit by dozens of arrows.

"Leave the last blow to me."

Yang Jian looked at the standing body standing on the mountain of corpses, and aimed an arrow at Xiang Wanghou's heart.

The red-golden arrow flew out, piercing straight into Prince Xiang's heart, piercing it.


Chu Hanyan stood up and ran to Prince Xiang, looking at the pierced body, his lips trembled, not knowing what to say.

And Yang Jian, who was standing behind the army, saw this scene and knew that Xiang Wanghou had been killed by his own arrow. Looking at Chu Hanyan who was in a daze, he waved his hand.

"All arrows fired at once!"

"Swish, swish," the sound of arrows piercing through the air sounded again.

But Xiang Wanghou, who stood in front of Chu Hanyan, whose heart was pierced, his pupils gradually collapsed, and his spirit lost, suddenly turned around.

Pushing Chu Hanyan to the ground, he stretched out his arms, turned his back to the arrows, and firmly protected Chu Hanyan.

"don't want!!!"

Chu Hanyan looked at the falling arrow, and shot Xiang Wanghou's body into a hedgehog, and an extremely shrill roar sounded on the battlefield.


Yang Jian looked at Xiang Wanghou, who had obviously lost his vitality, and turned around to protect Chu Hanyan with his body at this last moment, his eyes were full of admiration and regret.

His pity was not only a pity that he admired Prince Xiang for his death, but also a pity that this round of attack did not kill Chu Hanyan.

"These bastards, kill them all!"

Chu Kuangren and Lu Baiyi had also noticed Chu Hanyan's side a long time ago. After Xiang Wanghou rushed away, they tried their best to kill the surrounding heavenly soldiers.

Just to reduce casualties on the Daxia Human Race side.

After all, having a prince is enough.

But now, after the uninjured death, even the prince was sacrificed.

Their partners and brothers who had been with each other for so long were shot into hedgehogs by those heavenly soldiers.

After seeing this scene, the two of them went mad one after another, exploding with the last remaining strength in their bodies.

Lu Baiyi swung his sword, and directly cut out a sword aura hundreds of meters long.

Wherever the sword qi passed, all the heavenly soldiers and generals were chopped off by Lu Baiyi's sword.

This sword completely killed tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals.

After swinging this sword, Lu Baiyi saw no enemy standing within a few thousand meters in front of him.

Lu Baiyi supported his body with the three-foot green peak in his hand, knelt on the ground on one knee, panting continuously.

"That guy has no strength, kill him!"

Seeing Lu Baiyi who had no strength, the heavenly soldiers rushed up madly one by one, trying to kill Lu Baiyi.

"Is there no one in Daxia who bullies me!"

The Daxia people, who kept pouring into the battlefield, saw the heavenly soldiers and generals rushing towards Lu Baiyi, and frantically rushed forward one by one to protect Lu Baiyi.

As for Madman Chu, the remaining strength and blood energy in his body erupted together, causing a powerful aura to erupt in his body.

This momentum pushed away all the heavenly soldiers rushing towards him.

"Lao Tzu, let the Gods of you gods know!"

"Big Xia! Is the master of this land!!!"

"Give me all to die!!!"

With the last roar of Madman Chu, all the blood within a hundred meters of Madman Chu rose up and gathered towards Madman Chu.

In less than a few breaths, the blood that rushed to Madman Chu's body wrapped Madman Chu in it, forming a huge blood cell.

There was a loud "boom", and the blood cells exploded, turning into blood mist all over the sky.


An angry dragon cry came out from the blood mist, and as the blood mist dispersed, a blood dragon hundreds of meters long appeared in front of the world.

"This is Lao Tzu, the last sound!"

"Blood Dragon Soul Devourer!"


The blood dragon opened its huge mouth, and after the last roar of the Crying Madman came out, a thick blood flowed from the blood dragon's body.

And the originally normal eyes of the blood dragon became extremely scarlet with the sound of the dragon's roar.

With a sound of "嗖", the blood dragon turned into a red glow and disappeared on the spot, rushing towards the rear of the army of heavenly soldiers and generals.

Where the blood dragon passed, all the heavenly soldiers and generals were devoured by the blood dragon and turned into a pile of dead bones.

Madman Chu uses himself as a medium, at the cost of his soul, and with the blood of the gods and the people of Great Xia as the driving force to move forward, and explodes with amazing abilities.

If there is no such great seal, his move can easily devour millions of heavenly soldiers and generals.

The blood dragon transformed by Madman Chu moved forward, gliding tens of thousands of meters, and stopped thousands of meters in front of Yang Jian and others.

Where the blood dragon passed by, there were dense white bones piled up on the ground.

With a "bang", Chu Kuangren's body fell from the air to the ground with the disappearance of the blood dragon.

As soon as Chu Kuangren's body touched the ground, it turned into specks of starlight and dissipated in the air.

His blow surprised everyone present.

Both our own side and the enemy's side were shocked by Chu Kuangren's blow.

With him alone, this blow reduced more than 30 heavenly soldiers and generals, making the victory of this war tilted towards Daxia.

This blow gave all the people of Great Xia rushing to the battlefield to breathe.


Seeing Chu Kuangren's final utterance completely boosted Daxia's morale, each of them was desperate to die, but now, they became even crazier.

The Heavenly Soldiers, who had resisted with difficulty, were retreating steadily at this time.

"Kill kill kill!"

Hua Xiaodie's body has already been pierced by seven spears, which are inserted into her body.

The tails of all the spears were cut off by Hua Xiaodie with the death sickle in her hand. With her tired body, she waved the death sickle in her hand, and slashed at the heavenly soldiers and generals who rushed towards her.

"This guy is dead, kill this monster!"

With a "bang", Hua Xiaodie's body fell to the ground, looking at the heavenly soldiers and generals rushing towards her, she murmured blankly: "I have done my best."

"Really, it's a big loss."

"Death and withering!"

Following Hua Xiaodie's death and withering, she fell on the ground, and her body turned into red flowers of the other side, swaying in the wind.

And these heavenly soldiers and generals who rushed up to kill Hua Xiaodie were all swallowed by the blooming Bana flowers in Hua Xiaodie's body.

In an instant, within a radius of hundreds of meters, a huge Bana flower bloomed.

As for the heavenly soldiers and generals who were involved by the Bana flower, all their bones were gone.

"Little Butterfly!"

Mu Yanran watched Xiang Wanghou and Hua Xiaodie sacrifice one after another, and watched Hua Xiaodie not far away from her bloom into the other shore flower, her face was full of tears.

The last attack released by Hua Xiaodie and Madman Chu reduced 50 heavenly soldiers.

Coupled with the celestial soldiers and human races who sacrificed all the time on the battlefield, at this moment, there are only more than 20 celestial soldiers left.

"Kill these bastards for me!"

From the vortex of space, people of Great Xia continued to emerge.

The enemy eliminated and we increased, coupled with the anger of the people of Daxia, in less than a cup of tea, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals were wiped out.

And in this battlefield, only Yang Jian and others are still standing on this battlefield.

Looking at the human race, whose eyes were full of hatred and anger, Yang Jian and the others did not show any fear in their eyes.

"We, see you soon!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, Yang Jian, Li Jing, Nezha and other gods committed suicide one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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