The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 39 This is a knife!Break cause and effect!

Chapter 39 This knife!Break cause and effect! (Please collect and ask for tickets!)

"With this broken body, you can still fight me for so long. It's interesting!"

"You guys are really interesting."

"It's surprising how powerful it is."

Nezha looked at Lu Baiyi who was barely supporting himself in front of him, and kept smiling.

"However, how long can you last like this?"

Nezha stabbed Lu Baiyi's shoulder with the fire-pointed spear in his hand, and asked with a smile.

"Persevere, drive all of you out of this land!"

As Lu Baiyi said, the right hand holding the three-foot green blade trembled slightly. Looking at the flaming spear piercing his shoulder, he blocked it with a sword.

"Really? Now, we still have a trump card that we haven't played yet!"

As Nezha said, the Hot Wheels under his feet moved, leading him and Lu Baiyi to quickly distance themselves.

Looking at Lu Baiyi who was standing in the air and breathing heavily, he blinked at him.

When Lu Baiyi heard Nezha's words, his eyes slightly frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Immediately, you will know!"

Hearing Lu Baiyi's question, Nezha laughed.

"By the way, if you want to solve your current state, you only need one move!"

"However, for an interesting person like you, it would be a pity to die like this!"

"I wish you all good luck!"

"Human Race!"

After Nezha said this, he disappeared in front of Lu Baiyi.

And Lu Baiyi looked at Nezha who disappeared in front of him, and frowned.

This Nezha and that Yang Jian are actually completely different from the gods who first appeared.

Moreover, this Nezha has always been neurotic, making it difficult for people to understand.

His previous fight with himself was simply teasing him, and he didn't use his full strength at all.

Otherwise, even if he didn't die, he would completely lose his fighting power.

Standing in the air, Lu Baiyi looked at Nezha who disappeared, took a deep breath, and then flew towards Chu Tianji.

He, and Tianji, are the youngest's last line of defense.

Now, the youngest has only 1 minute left to explode completely.

Lu Baiyi, who came to Chu Tianji, told him what Nezha said before he left.

Hearing Lu Baiyi's words, Chu Tianji raised his head and looked in the direction of Tianting, and said with a wry smile: "Now, don't worry about what he meant by that sentence."

"The answer is already here."

Chu Tianji and Lu Baiyi looked at the huge palm protruding from the heaven, and their pupils shrank together.

Even the people in Daxia who watched the battlefield through the sky, looked at the palm that descended from the sky and slowly pressed towards the battlefield, their eyes were full of shock and fear.

This palm that appeared from the heavenly court was a million meters in size and enveloped the entire battlefield.

"You lowly human race, you have completely aroused the anger of this emperor."

After the palm appeared, a majestic voice sounded in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Lu Baiyi seemed to think of the scene he saw before.

Although this huge palm is incomparable to that one, on this ancestral star and on this battlefield, for the human race, it is simply an irresistible disaster.

"Ancestral spirit, bring us down, this emperor will definitely refine you and erase your consciousness!"

The voice that appeared above was full of anger.

"Then wait until you can come!"

An indistinguishable male and female voice sounded after the Heavenly Emperor's voice.

"I have done everything I can do for you, and the rest is up to you!"

The spirit of the ancestral star looked at the palm that fell from the sky, as if it wanted to destroy all the territory under the palm.

After speaking to Lu Baiyi and others who were in the battlefield, the voice disappeared.

"Zu Ling, you bastard, how long are you going to stop me!"

"Even if you can stop me now, can those ants below stop this emperor's attack?"

"Dog, you don't care if they can resist!"

After the two voices disappeared, there was the sound of fighting in the heavenly court.

As for Chu Hanyan, looking at the falling palm, his eyes were full of determination.

"Your Majesty, I'm here to accompany you!"

After saying this, Chu Hanyan's body burst out with flames of blood again.

This time, with the burst of blood flames, Chu Hanyan's black hair became pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Chu Hanyan's appearance, like a fish falling into a wild goose, is also aging at a frightening speed.

"This gun is called - Jue Lian!"

With the sound of Chu Hanyan's unrequited love, Chu Hanyan's body began to spontaneously ignite.

This time, the blood-like flame erupted from Chu Hanyan's body, and with the spear that Chu Hanyan stabbed at his palm, his body also burned slowly into ashes along with the flame.

With a sound of "boom", Chu Hanyan was completely burned by the blood flames in the air.

The spear shot by Chu Hanyan turned into a crimson dragon of more than 50 meters long, entrenched in the air.

The giant dragon raised its head slowly, looked at the huge palm falling from the sky, raised its head, and let out a dragon chant that resounded throughout the world.

In the dragon's chant, it was full of anger.


After the dragon chant, the giant dragon entangled in the air circled in the air and rushed towards the palm fiercely.

Following the impact of the giant dragon, a blood-red dragon-head spear that can wrap the whole body of the dragon appeared outside the body of the giant dragon.

With a "boom", the dragon and the palm collided together.


The giant dragon in the spear looked at the hand that was close at hand, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and he roared angrily.

After only a few seconds of stalemate, the spear head on the dragon's head pierced the palm.

As the palm was pierced by the dragon's spear, the huge palm suddenly clenched.

The spear that had just pierced through the palm of the hand shattered in the pinching of the giant hand, turning into a little bit of starlight and dissipating with the wind.

And that palm, after crushing the dragon, turned into a fist and continued to press towards Wang Ye.

"Really, is there any other way?"

After this palm appeared, those heavenly soldiers and generals and a group of gods all disappeared on this battlefield.

The powerful people of the Great Xia who were fighting these gods, saw this palm, and then understood why those heavenly soldiers and generals who were fighting with them, as well as the extremely powerful gods, disappeared one after another.

Seeing that the spear that Chu Hanyan stabbed, although it pierced through this palm, Chu Hanyan worked hard together, and the spear that burned the price of life was easily crushed by that palm.

At this moment, who else can save them.

Is Daxia's hope really cut off like this?
As everyone looked at the huge fist that landed, the eyes of the Daxia people were completely replaced by despair.

And Chu Tianji, who was guarding Wang Ye's side, only clenched his fist, and his clenched fist was trembling slightly.

I don't know if it's because of anger, or because of unwillingness.

And Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran, who were standing beside Chu Tianji, were ready to sacrifice themselves to fight for Wang Ye's last chance of survival.

"For me, get out of Daxia!"

When Lu Baiyi, Chu Yanran, and Chu Tianji heard this voice, their eyes were filled with surprise, and they turned to look at the person in the beam of light that reached the sky.

Wang Ye, who has always been in the beam of light and received the power given by the spirit of the ancestral star, can only watch compatriots die in this cruel battlefield in this beam of inheritance light.

Looking at the corpses that had piled up like a mountain in that place, looking around, there was no end in sight.

Wang Ye, who was surrounded by the beam of light, gradually became colder and colder from the initial anger and unwillingness.

Looking at the fist that was already thousands of meters above his head, Wang Ye held the black Tang knife in both hands, and slashed at the huge fist fiercely.

With a "boom", the knife came out.

A huge knife mark millions of meters long appeared in the sky above the head out of thin air, and then the space above the ancestor star gradually shattered.

As Wang Ye's saber fell, a black saber aura millions of meters long was cut out by Wang Ye.

The saber qi slashed by Wang Ye slashed at the huge fist with a "boom".

One slash, just one slash, the blow released by the Heavenly Emperor was directly cut in two by Wang Ye's slash.

"Boom" Another huge explosion sounded, and this explosion was the huge fist that exploded out of thin air after being cut open by Wang Ye, turning into a rain of golden blood that rained down from the sky.

The golden rain of blood drenched Wang Ye all over.

Wang Ye's eyes looking at the heaven were full of chills.

"Master, this knife will surpass what you gave me."

"This knife combines my vitality and spirit, and the power given to me by the spirit of the ancestral star."

"Just let this knife give me Daxia a bright future!"




As the last word fell, Wang Ye, who was standing on the ground, bent back, and the tip of the black Tang knife held in both hands touched the ground.

As Wang Ye got up, he stepped forward with his right foot, and slashed towards the heaven with a knife.


When Wang Ye slashed out, both the sky and the ground were split open.

An incomparably pitch black saber aura that was tens of millions of meters long slashed towards the heavenly court.

The black saber energy flew obliquely from the ground, thinking of the heaven.

Wherever the sword qi passed, the space collapsed.

The black saber energy that was slowly slashing towards the heavens moved slowly in the air at a very slow speed.

And Wang Ye, who cut out the sword, supported his body with the blade, half kneeling on the ground.

Blood spit out from the mouth continuously, his face was already pale to the point where there was no trace of blood.

And he raised his head, his eyes only staring at the knife he made.

After three breaths, the saber qi cut out by Wang Ye has only flown a kilometer away, and it is still ten thousand meters away from the position of the heavenly court.

However, in the blink of an eye, this huge black saber aura disappeared out of thin air.

It reappeared, and it has already slammed into the heaven.

There was a loud "boom", and the seemingly unshakable Heavenly Court was hit by Wang Ye's knife.

This explosion can be heard in every corner of the ancestor planet.

"Damn ants, we will come, and you will perish!"

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven, full of anger and unwillingness, came from the heavenly court.

(End of this chapter)

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