The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 43 God King Zeus!The Wrath of the Ancestral Spirits!

Chapter 43 God King Zeus!The Wrath of the Ancestral Spirits!
"Brothers, these guys are all impotent, get up and fuck them to death!"

Those strong people of the Great Xia who stood on top of the corpse watched Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran easily deal with the seemingly leader of both sides in the blink of an eye.

One by one, as if taking drugs, they excitedly rushed towards the invading gods.

With the entry of the powerful people of the Great Xia Human Race, these gods, whose physical strength was not even a single one due to the influence of the ancestral spirits to protect the country, rushed towards them one after another.

The war that had just ended had started again in the skies above the Great Xia border.

It's just that these western gods and Nordic gods who came to invade Great Xia are not opponents of the Great Xia human race at all because of the suppression of the ancestral spirit protection array.

Every one of the Daxia human race turned into a peerless master, and slaughtered these Western gods who were originally extremely arrogant.

The strong people of the Great Xia race rushed into the battlefield, like tigers entering a herd of sheep, slashing and killing the gods, like chopping melons and firewood, very easily.

Originally, when the gods from the West and Northern Europe invaded Great Xia, they did not lead too many people over.

Together, the two sides can only talk about tens of thousands of people.

On Daxia's side, there were hundreds of thousands of strong men who came to support and survived the brutal war before.

Moreover, among these strong men who survived that war, which one is not the top generation.

Therefore, this war, as the two sides fought together, ended in less than three breaths.

All the gods who invaded were all beheaded.

As for Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran who made a move at the beginning, seeing their compatriots join in, they didn't make a move except to deal with the powerful gods in the West and Northern Europe.

This human-god war seemed to be over before it even started.

"Haha, trash, come again!"

The powerful people of the Great Xia race stepped on the corpses of the Western birdmen and the Nordic gods, laughing wildly.

Mu Yanran and Lu Baiyi, who were standing in the air, looked at the excited dancing people below, and smiled at each other.

"Finally. It's over."

Mu Yanran looked at Lu Baiyi and sighed heavily.

Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Lu Baiyi took a deep breath, nodded solemnly, his face was full of sadness: "Yes, it's over."

"Get out of the way!"

As soon as Lu Baiyi finished saying this, he pushed Mu Yanran away from his side with his left hand, and with his right hand held the three-foot green sharp edge with a crack in the middle of the sword, and slashed fiercely in front of him.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the three-foot green blade held by Lu Baiyi's right hand broke directly from the crack.

But Lu Baiyi saw a cold light flashing in front of his eyes, and his right arm holding the three-foot green blade was directly cut off by the cold light.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and moved his body to the left, the cold light might have severed not his right arm, but his entire body.

"White clothes!!!"

Mu Yanran, who was withdrawn by Lu Baiyi, saw that Lu Baiyi's arm was chopped off by that cold light, her eyes were full of guilt.

If it wasn't for saving her, Bai Yi would not have lost his right arm at all.

That, but he has been using the sword arm.

Thinking of this, the guilt in Mu Yanran's eyes became deeper, she came to Lu Baiyi's side, looked at Lu Baiyi's severed arm that was bleeding profusely, in addition to guilt, there was also heartache and concern in her eyes.


Looking at Mu Yanran beside him, Lu Baiyi waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

Then, he stretched out his left hand and sucked at the broken sword that fell from the air.

The three-foot green peak cut off by the cold light flew back into Lu Baiyi's left hand.

"As expected of the strongest human arrogance here, they were able to escape this king's attack!"

When Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran looked at the sneak attacking Han Mang, a voice appeared out of thin air.

With the appearance of the voice, the cold light of the sneak attack revealed its true colors.

It was a scepter made of branches, and a faint green light was still emitting from the body of the scepter.

"You bastard, watch me burn you to ashes right now!"

Mu Yanran looked at the green scepter floating in the air, her eyes were full of anger, black flames were burning in her hands, and she threw it directly at the floating scepter.

The two black flames thrown from Mu Yanran's hands merged into a black crow in the air and bombarded the scepter.

"Indigenous people will always be natives. With your flame, you still want to burn the scepter of the god king transformed from the core of the main pole of the World Tree?"

After the crow formed by the black fire landed on the scepter, the whole body of the branch scepter was ignited with black flames.

But the strange thing is that this broken scepter is clearly composed of branches.

Wood makes fire, and when the flames fall on the tree, they are sure to burn out quickly.

What's more, the Devouring Flame she released was originally the strongest divine fire besides the natal flame.

But if it falls on it, it can only burn on the surface of the scepter, and it can't hurt it at all.

"If it weren't for the help of that hateful ancestor spirit, this place would have already fallen into the hands of this king."

"And you are nothing but my king's slaves!"

This majestic voice sounded from the scepter again: "You natives beheaded my subordinates, and as punishment, I will send you off!"

"not good!!!"

As soon as the voice in the scepter fell, Mu Yanran and Lu Baiyi shouted in unison to remind everyone below.

It's a pity that even with their reminders, this scepter that appeared out of nowhere became a god of death who harvested lives.

Demonstrating the strong Daxia human race standing on the battlefield piled up with corpses, he was completely wiped out by this scepter in just one breath.

Just when the scepter aimed at Wang Ye and wanted to solve the biggest hidden danger, the angry voice of the spirit of the ancestral star sounded on the battlefield.

"Zeus, you are looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the scepter that had appeared in front of Wang Ye stopped instantly.

He wanted to move on, but an invisible barrier appeared between the scepter and Wang Ye.

The distance that is obviously close at hand seems to be far away.

"Ancestor Ling, you have paid such a high price to help these human races, you will soon fall into our hands."

"Originally, we had to wait thousands of years to enter this field. Now, with your help, within a thousand years, I will definitely come here and obliterate your consciousness!"


The scepter kept trembling in front of Wang Ye, and Zeus' extremely arrogant voice sounded on this battlefield.

"Let's wait until you bastards come in!"

As soon as the voice of the ancestor spirit fell, the scepter representing Zeus was held by a big golden hand.

With a "bang", the scepter completely dissipated.

As the scepter was destroyed, Zeus, who was far away in the western temple, was pale and vomited blood.

"very good!"

"Looks like I found something amazing."

That originally looked like a kind and amiable grandfather Zeus, but now his face was ferocious, and his eyes were full of resentment.

However, as Zeus's last sentence ended, there was excitement in the depths of Zeus' eyes full of resentment.

In a colorful space, the figure whose face cannot be seen clearly is the spirit of the ancestral star.

Because of this shot, he hurt Yuanyuan again, and his figure became dim.

(End of this chapter)

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