The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 5 Growth Heavenly King Mo Liqing!

Chapter 5 Growth Heavenly King Mo Liqing! (The new book seeks investment!)
"As a saint without combat effectiveness, you should be careful."

"Don't rush so close."

Just when that ray of light was about to hit Liu Ruyan, the stern young man who had been standing beside Lu Baiyi, wearing black short sleeves and holding a black Tang saber, had appeared in front of Liu Ruyan at some point.

Facing the cyan streamer that was coming straight towards Liu Ruyan, he slashed out with a knife, stood in front of Liu Ruyan, and said without turning his head: "Woman, back off!"

Liu Ruyan looked at the handsome young man standing in front of her, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

She made a cute grimace at the boy standing in front of her, stuck out her tongue, and muttered softly, "I know, I know."

"It's obviously the youngest one, with a cold face every day, as if the whole world owes you money."

"It's a waste of this face!"

While speaking, Liu Ruyan retreated to the back of the battlefield.

As Liu Ruyan retreated to the back of the battlefield, Lu Baiyi, who had been standing on the top of the mountain, appeared beside Liu Ruyan, and said to the lovely girl in a floral dress who came to Liu Ruyan's side with him: " Xiaodie, Ruyan will leave it to you."

"We must not let Ruyan have an accident!"

"I know, I know, you can go at ease!"

Hua Xiaodie, who appeared beside Liu Ruyan, held Liu Ruyan's arm, and said playfully to Lu Baiyi: "With me here, no one can hurt Sister Ruyan."

"If you want to hurt Sister Ruyan, you must step on my body, Hua Xiaodie!"

Lu Baiyi nodded when he heard Hua Xiaodie's words.

Turning his head to look at the battlefield, there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Because, among the group of heavenly soldiers and generals, he felt several very powerful auras.

One of them was the guy who attacked Liu Ruyan and was blocked by Wang Ye.

The other powerful auras are rushing towards Xiang Wanghou and Liu Wushang.

As for the Heavenly King Tota who was punched into the ground by Madman Chu, for some unknown reason, he has not shown up until now.

No one would foolishly think that that guy was dealt with by Madman Chu with one punch.

As for him not showing up yet, he must be planning something.

This time the battle was far less relaxed and simple than it seemed now.

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how much they pay, they will expel this group of so-called gods from the sky above Daxia's head.

After all, they came here with the determination to die.

And Wang Ye, who blocked the blue streamer that attacked Liu Ruyan, looked coldly at the god who appeared in front of him.

This god is wearing a cyan battle armor, holding a cyan long sword in his hand and Wang Ye's black Tang sword confronting each other.

"Ant, do you have any strength?"

"However, do you think this king is those miscellaneous soldiers?"

Standing in front of Wang Ye, the general in blue battle armor lost his voice.The arm holding the cyan long sword burst into dazzling cyan light, followed by a burst of divine power from the god's arm, blasting into Wang Ye's body along the cyan long sword in his hand.

"Who do you think this king is?"

"This king is the Four Heavenly Kings! The Heavenly King of Growth -- Mo Liqing!"

Following Mo Liqing's roar, Wang Ye, who was still fighting against Mo Liqing's chamber, was directly smashed into the ground.

And Mo Liqing also took advantage of the situation to pursue, turning into a cyan streamer and chasing Wang Ye.

"Ants, you must have the consciousness to be an ant!"

"go to hell!"

Mo Liqing had already rushed ten meters in front of Wang Ye, and stabbed at Wang Ye with the blue long sword in his hand.

And Wang Ye, whose body kept falling, looked at Mo Liqing who was chasing him up, and looked at the hostility in the opponent's eyes, without any fluctuations in his eyes.

Holding the black Tang knife in both hands, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The moment he opened his eyes, an extremely domineering aura erupted from his body.

Because of this sudden burst of domineering, Mo Liqing, who was rushing towards Wang Ye, was stunned.


The black saber energy of tens of thousands of meters was slashed towards Mo Liqing by Wang Ye.

"Damn ants!!!"

"How can you have such power!"

Mo Liqing looked at the black saber energy coming straight towards the door, and he felt a very domineering aura on it.

After a roar, a dazzling cyan light erupted from Mo Liqing, who was originally only the size of a normal person.

In less than a blink of an eye, Mo Liqing's figure instantly became hundreds of meters in size.

Even so, Mo Liqing was still very small in the face of Wang Ye's knife.

"Break me!!!"

Following Mo Liqing's roar, Mo Liqing held a blue long sword and swept away at Wang Ye's sword qi.

There was a "boom" explosion, and the black saber energy cut by Mo Liqing and Wang Ye formed a confrontation, and for a while, there was a stalemate.

And Wang Ye also seized this opportunity, fell to the ground, and kicked his feet on the ground.

The ground stepped on by Wang Ye collapsed into a deep pit tens of meters in size, and then Wang Ye charged towards Mo Liqing again holding the black Tang knife in both hands.

It was another slash, and it was still a black knife aura tens of thousands of meters in size, which slashed at Mo Liqing.

When Mo Liqing saw Wang Ye strike such a terrifying blow again, his eyes were filled with horror.

The whole person withdrew his strength slightly, and was directly sent flying along with Wang Ye's knife.

This upside-down flight not only avoided Wang Ye's second slash.

Mo Liqing was also in the process of flying backwards, his arms exploded with divine power, and he directly blocked Wang Ye's knife and chopped it out.

The second blow that Mo Liqing dodged did not hit Mo Liqing, but the second knife Wang Ye slashed across the bodies of thousands of heavenly soldiers.

All of a sudden, the corpses of thousands of heavenly soldiers fell from the sky like dumplings.

"Ants, let you see, the wrath of God!!!"

Seeing this scene, Mo Liqing snarled angrily at Wang Ye with bruised veins on his face.

With this roar, Mo Liqing's body, which was hundreds of meters high, skyrocketed again.

This time, it had grown to the size of a kilometer before stopping its stature.

"Is this the limit?"

"However, it is enough to deal with this kind of ants."

Mo Liqing, who had soared a thousand meters, looked at his body and was slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, feeling the divine power surging in his body, he watched Wang Ye rushing towards him without knowing his life or death.

Mo Liqing waved the blue long sword in his hand, and smiled angrily: "Ant, not bad courage!"

"Facing this king at this moment, he still has the courage to charge forward."

"In that case, then I will let you feel the power of God."


After Mo Liqing finished speaking, he let out a loud shout.

A huge divine power erupted from Mo Liqing's body, directly pressing on Wang Ye.

"Ant, I hope, you can please me well!"

Mo Liqing said, holding the blue long sword in both hands, and slashed at Wang Ye.

With this sword slashed out, a cyan sword qi with a length of tens of thousands of meters directly slashed towards Wang Ye.

"The blow you use with all your strength is nothing more than a random blow from this king right now!"

"Ants, despair!!!"

 Thanks to Senluo Vientiane for the 10000 starting coins!
  Thanks to book friend 20220310193730391 for the 600 starting point coins!
  Thank you Xiaoyao Emperor himself for the 793 starting point coins!
  Thanks to book friend 20170424141650465 for the 1500 starting point coins!
  Thanks to book friend 20210325185732991 for the 10000 starting point coins!
  Thanks to book friend 20210407125426214 for the 100 starting point coins!
  Thanks to Wang Laowu surnamed Li Dada for the 100 starting coins!
  Thank you everyone for your support and love, Lulu will work harder!

  Finally, ask for collection, recommendation, investment, reward, anything! (hey-hey)
(End of this chapter)

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