The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 8 Respective battlefields! All 4 heavenly kings enter the arena!

Chapter 8 Respective battlefields!The four heavenly kings all enter the arena! (two)

"Let me introduce myself, old man, Lord Huodexing."

"Girl doll, would you like to be the old man's disciple?"

The kind old man standing in front of Mu Yanran looked at Mu Yanran sincerely.

"You are all invaders!"

Mu Yanran opened her slightly squinted eyes, and looked at Huode Xingjun standing in front of her with a frosty face: "The hundreds of years of my Great Xia human race, in the eyes of you so-called gods, are no different Pig dog."

"For you to drive and have fun."

"That is a living life, in the eyes of you gods, it is not even as good as some flowers and plants."

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

After Mu Yanran finished speaking, the flames that danced around her had turned back into miniature phoenixes and uttered their phoenix cries again.

And Mu Yanran, riding the fire phoenix hundreds of meters in size, looked at Huode Xingjun: "Kill!"

Huode Xingjun looked at Mu Yanran who was full of murderous looks, and said with a smile: "It seems that we can't agree!"

Speaking of this, Huode Xingjun shook his head helplessly, and then looked at Mu Yanran with a fierce look in his eyes: "Since you don't want Huairou's methods, then don't blame this Xingjun for being cruel!"

"How can a mere ants deserve to have such a magic fire!"

Accompanied by Huode Xingjun's roar, he, who was originally kind, turned into a humanoid magma monster.

The reason why it is called a monster is that Huode Xingjun, who has transformed into tens of feet, has hundreds of tentacles emerging from his magma-like body, flying around him.

But Mu Yanran, who was facing Huode Xingjun, looked at Huode Xingjun who turned into a monster in front of him, with deep disgust in his eyes.

"Sure enough, you gods are so ugly and disgusting."

"Burn him up!"

Mu Yanran, who was riding on the golden blue fire phoenix, watched the magma tentacles growing from the back of Huode Xingjun reach out to her.

Mu Yanran with a frosty face waved her jade hand at the magma tentacles that were rushing towards her, and after the fire phoenix she was riding blew, a blue-golden light shot directly at those tentacles.

After the blue-golden light spewed out from the mouth of the fire phoenix, in less than a blink of an eye, it instantly turned into a blue-golden pillar of flame tens of meters thick, rushing towards the magma tentacles.

With a "boom", the magma tentacles pierced by the blue-gold fire pillar were actually burned to ashes by the fire pillar.

And Huode Xingjun, looking at the magma tentacles that instantly annihilated and appeared from his body, there was no panic in those huge pupils, but they were full of greed.

"Such divine fire should belong to me!"

Huode Xingjun roared sickly, and opened his arms to the pillar of fire that was coming straight at his body, as if hugging, allowing the blue-gold pillar of fire to penetrate his body.

On the other side, when the strong people of the Great Xia were fighting with those heavenly soldiers and generals.

As long as someone on the human side is injured, their injuries will recover.

As far as the heavenly soldiers and generals fighting these human races are concerned, as long as they are not killed in one blow, no matter how much these strong human races are injured, they will all recover as before.

If you want to know, there is no one who dares to resist them who is really weak.

For heavenly soldiers and generals like them, it is impossible to even think about beheading these powerful human beings in one blow.

Unless those few adults took action, otherwise, with them, the little gods at the lowest level in the heaven, facing these powerful human races, they would not be able to kill them with one blow.

Before the battle, facing these ants from the lower realm, they didn't take it seriously at all.

For the gods who have been controlling and playing with the fate of these human races, even if they belong to the lowest level of small gods in the heavenly court, when facing these human races, they are the gods who are superior.

Their life and death are only in their mind.

If you want them to live, let them live, if you want them to die, they have to die, and no one dares to resist.

Because the consequence of resistance is that life is worse than death.

But now, these ants who raised their butcher knives at them were surprisingly powerful and terrifying.

"If the fight continues like this, our entire army will be wiped out. If we don't deal with that woman, these people won't be able to kill them at all!"

Among these celestial soldiers and generals, a celestial soldier who was resisting the opponent escaped a blow from the strong Daxia human race, and quickly stepped back to open the distance between the two sides. Looking at the strong man of the Daxia human race whose wounds were constantly healing in front of him, his face was full of resentment He looked at Liu Ruyan who was hiding behind the battlefield and releasing healing.

"Just relying on you bastards, you still want to hurt our holy hand?"

"Let's not talk about Wugouhua Empress, you bastards, you don't even have a chance to break through us and attack the holy hand!"

The strong man of the Great Xia human race who had just recovered from his injuries grinned when he heard Tianbing's words: "So, you bastards, die for me!"

As he said that, the strong man raised the big knife in his hand, and rushed towards the heavenly soldier in front of him recklessly, exchanging his injury for his life.

Because, they knew that no matter how many injuries they suffered while fighting in front, they would be recovered by the fairy-like woman standing behind them.

"If we are really killed by these guys, then we must be the ones who suffer the most!"

"Life for life, kill them!"

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals looked at the strong men of the Daxia Human Race who were not afraid of death and charged towards them, and they also started to work hard one by one.


After the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals and the strong men of the Daxia Human Race were killed, the two sides began to fight desperately.

And Liu Ruyan, who had been protecting everyone all the time, looked at the sudden change in the battlefield, and sighed slightly, and the healing light released from his body began to increase its power.

"You ant, you really make me hate you!"

With this voice, Hua Xiaodie, who had been guarding Liu Ruyan's side all the time, stared at the god who appeared in front of them in green armor.

"If it weren't for you, an annoying guy, that group of ants would have died out long ago."

"Remember, this god, the Guangmu Heavenly King Mo Lishou, is here to kill you!"

This appeared out of thin air in front of Hua Xiaodie and Liu Ruyan, a strong man in green armor, holding a purple gold dragon cable, glaring at him.

"Stupid guy, you're not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big!"

"Grandma is here, don't even think about hurting a single hair of Sister Ruyan!"

Standing in front of Liu Ruyan, Hua Xiaodie waved her jade hand, and tens of thousands of butterflies appeared in front of her, dancing around her and Liu Ruyan, extremely beautiful.

And Mo Lishou, who came to intercept Liu Ruyan, looked at the butterfly protecting the second daughter with disdain on his face.

"Fancy show, give it to me!"

Mo Lishou scolded angrily, and the Zijin Longsuo held in his hand suddenly shot at Hua Xiaodie and Liu Ruyan.

During the flight, this purple gold dragon rope turned into a purple gold dragon with a size of several thousand meters, and swallowed the butterfly protecting Hua Xiaodie and Liu Ruyan, as well as Hua Xiaodie's two daughters, in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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