Soon, after hours of trekking, the black car pulled up in front of Lane's London residence just as the sun was about to set.

"Mr. Black, here we are."

In the driver's seat, after Peng Peng stopped the car skillfully, he turned his head and reminded Charlie in a low voice.


Charlie, who had been resting with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes. After a slight nod in response, he turned his eyes sideways to the outside of the car window and poked out his sight.

His gaze slowly swept across the neighborhood filled with the smell of fireworks not far away, and he finally raised his eyebrows and showed a somewhat curious look until he took in all the subtleties of every corner from far to near.

To be honest, this is the first time Charlie saw Ryan's residence.

Although the two have always maintained a relatively stable relationship.

However, due to the particularity of Ryan's identity, Charlie has always adopted an attitude of ignoring his private life as much as possible.

In addition to his daily work, Ryan will not mention his private life to Charlie for no reason.It can be said that at least in this matter, a subtle tacit understanding has been reached between the two.

Originally, Charlie thought that with Ryan's personality and identity, the place where he lived would probably be a special rich community or a single-family villa, but he never thought that in the end, the car came to the address according to the address he gave. A street that couldn't be simpler.

Looking at the warm yellow lights lit up in the slightly old wooden houses around, and the cheerful figures of the children and the Christmas tree reflected behind the curtains, although he didn't speak, the corners of Charlie's mouth still hung a little bit inexplicably. smile.

There was no silence for too long. After about a minute or two, he looked back at Peng Peng in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the ring on the fingertips flickered, and he put the wand into his hand.

With a sound of "shua", the magic wand suddenly lit up and wrapped Peng Peng's body.

The rays of light are mixed with a huge amount of magic power as thin as hair, gently attached to the thin torso of the elf.

In a burst of warm, caressing contact, his muscles were reshaped, his bones changed, and every bit of him from inside to outside was transformed into a human according to his intention.

Gradually, amidst the ray of light, Peng Peng's body began to swell, and in just three to four seconds, he turned into a strong man with a beard and a height of 1.8 meters!Even the suit of clothes on his body, which was specially prepared for Mr. Black's driving, was swollen to the full, showing the surging figure in it.

After everything gradually dissipated, the magic involved gradually stopped, and the light shrank, Peng Peng couldn't help but opened his closed eyes, and looked at the current appearance through the rearview mirror.

"Oh my god!!!..."

He couldn't help exclaiming, and then seemed to be unable to believe it, and quickly lowered his head, looking at his completely different body, and an excited smile filled his face uncontrollably.

"This is amazing! Mr. Black! Look at me! I look like a human being... no, I should say, I am a human being! Now I am a living human being! My God!!"

After all, it was the first time he had experienced such an experience that could subvert cognition, and Peng Peng's mood suddenly became more excited. If it wasn't for the fact that his body was too large and not as flexible as before, he even wanted to jump directly to the back seat. Give Mr. Black a big hug.

And Peng Peng's reaction, obviously, was also expected by Charlie. He just smiled, then took back his wand, then pointed to the house with the No.14 house number on it, and said

"Okay, let's go knock on the door. Our time is very tight. After calling Ryan, we have to go to another place."

"No problem! Mr. Black!"

Hearing Charlie's order, Peng Peng, who was still twisting his body curiously, immediately realized what was going on, nodded quickly, then pushed open the car door, got off the driver's seat, and walked towards the door……


After standing still at the door, Peng Peng tentatively knocked on the door.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang bang"

However, the sound of knocking on the door lasted for about a minute or two, but there was no response in the room.

"Huh? What's going on, fell asleep?"

Seeing that no one opened the door, Peng Peng could not help but stop knocking, stroked the lush beard on his chin, and murmured to himself.

Just when he interrupted and went back to the car to talk to Mr. Black, a cautious voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Excuse me, are you here to see Mr. White?"

Peng Peng was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and saw that the door next door, which was originally lit, suddenly opened the door.

At this moment, a rather refined woman with glasses was standing at the door, frowning slightly, and looked warily at Peng Peng, who had turned into a rough and strong man in front of her.

Obviously, in the eyes of others, his vicious appearance this time can't be related to a good person no matter how you look at it.

"Wh... Mr. White?"

Being asked this question out of the blue, Peng Peng didn't react for a while, subconsciously repeated the other party's words, and then shook his head hastily.

"No, no, it's not Mr. White, I'm here to find..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Charlie, who got out of the car at some point, interrupted him.

I saw him calmly smiling and nodding to the woman at the door next door, and said calmly

"Ryan White! Yes, we are here to find him... But he doesn't seem to be at home now? Do you know where Ryan is?"

It wasn't until this moment that Peng Peng realized that the Ryan that Mr. Black had been calling was actually called Ryan White in full.So he closed his mouth immediately, trotted back behind Charlie, and stopped talking.

Sometimes, you have to admit that the first impression definitely has a key impact on a person's favorability.

The woman who was wary before, when she saw Charlie getting out of the car, the frown disappeared a bit, and the guard on her face also subsided a lot.

"Excuse me?"

But even so, out of careful consideration, she still didn't tell Charlie Ryan's whereabouts immediately, but asked about his identity.

Charlie didn't hesitate at all either. After calmly leaning his upper body forward slightly to signal, he replied softly.
"I'm his brother...Charlie White."

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