Demon Hunting Demon Cultivation Road

Chapter 1 is here, so be safe!

Chapter 1 is here, so be safe!
In the early morning, after Qin Yu finished practicing her internal strength, she poured two taps of cold water into the well to wash away the sweat all over her body. Looking at her 15-year-old, 1.7-meter-long body, she couldn't help sighing!
It has been five years since the earth came to this world, and it is indescribably uncomfortable to wear it on a ten-year-old child with the same name and surname.Even sometimes his thoughts and actions become more and more like a young boy!

I still remember that in my previous life, I have passed away, I have experienced all the ups and downs, I don’t want to get drunk but catch up with the tide of crossing, life is really like a dream, dream is like life!In the previous life, her parents have passed away, and although a woman has had many lives, she has never married, and she has nothing to worry about.No matter how much you think about it, let’s cherish this rebirth!

This world is like the ancient times in the previous life, and now it is divided into three big countries: Dahan Kingdom, Mingyue Kingdom, and Chuxiong Kingdom, and countless other small countries are attached to these three superpowers.

The former Qin Yu lived in Liang Mansion, Yunyang County, Han Dynasty. In fact, Qin Yu was an orphan since he was a child. During the war, he was picked up and brought up by his adoptive father Qin Mingyuan, so he was surnamed Qin!
In the past, his adoptive father said that he was only a second-rate boxer, and he had already taught everything he could teach. If he wanted to learn advanced martial arts in the future, it would depend on his chance.But there was one thing Qin Yu couldn't figure out at the beginning, the second-rate boxer was already very good, okay, why didn't he go to the rivers and lakes and work as a nursing home for a wealthy family?It's a pity that there is no place to ask if I want to ask now. The adoptive father died three months ago due to the previous secret injury. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid he has a very powerful enemy and doesn't want to expose it!
It's just that if it is possible to avenge the adoptive father in the future, now I think the adoptive father did not tell Qin Yu because he was afraid that he would make a mistake. After all, the adoptive father raised Qin Yu as his own son, and I only hope that he can live his life in peace!

"Ha, isn't Qin Yu going to Yihong Court today if he's off duty?"

"Hee hee, brother Wang likes to joke, I'm only old, I just go out for a stroll"

When Qin Yu came out, he ran into the two guards who were on duty at the door!
After all, Duliang Mansion is a mansion city, and there are many shops on the street, and the wine and flags are flying!
"Steamed buns, fragrant and big buns cost three cents each!"

"Fresh pheasant and hare, some are quick and some are slow!"

"Young master, this is where the young master is, come and play! Hee hee..."

Before Qin Yu could react, he saw a fragrant handkerchief floating down from his head, covering his face with a sullen head and face.It turned out that I passed by Yihong Courtyard downstairs!

"Ah poof", "ah poof".

Qin Yu's nose itched and sneezed twice: "I can't enjoy the blessing of Miss Sister!" After saying that, he let the handkerchief float on the ground, hurry up and take a walk!The main reason is that the bones of the body are not fully grown yet!

Qin Yu crossed a few streets from the north of the city to Qingmu Street. There is a big gang in the house, the Black Tiger Gang, who controls many brothels in the north of the city, and collects protection fees from many businesses. Life is fun!

Qin Yu has been in this world for five years, but by chance, he will play with Qian Yong, the youngest son of the vice-leader of the Black Tiger Gang. The five-year friendship is like a child!
The helpers at the door also recognized Qin Yu, so they didn't need to inform, they just said hello and went in to find Qian Yong.I saw Qian Yong, who is black and strong, with a tiger head and a tiger brain, practicing martial arts in the martial arts field.

Qin Yu also secretly learns kung fu from time to time, perhaps because of the benefits of time travel, Qin Yu is very sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth, and most people can't feel the aura of heaven and earth in their lifetime, and Qin Yu learns all kinds of kung fu very quickly. There are ten levels of exercises in Zifu Neizhuan Gongfa Book, and Qin Yu has already practiced to the fifth level.

At the beginning, the adoptive father had repeatedly confessed that this inner strength should not be revealed in front of others, and that it could only be used to protect his life when his life was in danger. The adoptive father Qin Mingyuan had practiced Zifu Neizhuan Gong, but it was a pity that he could not feel it at all after practicing for a long time. The adoptive father said that he got this book The inner strength method is the greatest opportunity in his life, the process is very dangerous, but he just refuses to tell the truth of the year!I don't know the reason, but I only know that this exercise is very powerful!

"Look at the trick", with a shout, Qian Yong hit the black tiger with his heart out at Qin Yu who was in a daze and contemplation. The wild inner strength rushed towards him. Qin Yu used his body skills, shook his body to avoid the fist, and turned back Kicking Qian Yong's ass, he lay down on the ground in a flat sand falling wild goose pose!

"I won't come, I won't come, Brother Yu, you are getting better and better." Qian Yong said with a smile.Qin Yu Daqianyong for two months!
"It's not that I'm good. Who told you to fish for three days and hang nets for two days. If you don't advance in kung fu, you will fall back. You need to persevere every day!" Qin Yu said helplessly.It's good to be friendly, but it's just very lazy!
Qian Yong shouted: "If you practice like this every day, you won't die from exhaustion. If you don't practice, go play with me after I take a shower!"

Qin Yu said: "Where are you going to play?"

Qian Yongshen said mysteriously: "I heard that there is a new Qing Pavilion in the Emerald Academy called Miss Feifei, who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, go and see it!"

Jade Courtyard is one of the best Yihong Courtyards in Duliang Mansion!

"Tch, I believe you are a ghost. Returning the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, I'm afraid it's not because I heard that the parents are beautiful, so go and smell it!" Qin Yu said angrily!

"Hee hee, wait for me to get off, go change clothes", Qian Yong quickly ran to take a shower and change clothes!
Two young boys walked shoulder to shoulder on the street. Near noon, the two ate something casually on the road, and walked through a few streets to Taohua Hutong. The Jade Courtyard was in the alley!
Although they are in the sphere of influence of the Black Tiger Gang, the two brothers still don't want people to know that they are visiting such places at this age!

So Qian Yong gave his mother five taels of silver, and his mother smiled from ear to ear and called two little girls, Xiaoyu and Xiaohong, to accompany them. They found a good seat in the lobby and sat down. In a small building, on the balconies of the second and third floors, there are many ladies and sisters coming and going, very lively.

Xiaoyu and Xiaohong have beautiful features, one is wearing a lotus green dress, the other is wearing a pink skirt, Qin Yu is not very sexually interested at only thirteen or fourteen years old.But the two little girls didn't let him go.

"Yo, the young master is so new, I'm afraid it's the first time we come here."

"That's right, in the future, when the young master comes here, he will just say he's looking for Xiaoyu."

Xiaohong and Xiaoyu are vying to please Dao first!

Qian Yong turned his mouth away: "It's true that my sister likes to be pretty, and I like the little boy, but I'm afraid you two little hoofs have no chance, my brother is still a baby."

Xiaohong hugged Qin Yu's arm happily and acted like a baby, "That's great, Nunu will give you a big red envelope later. Hee hee...!"

Both Qian Yong and Xiaoyu laughed together, making Qin Yu speechless and asking the sky!
While enjoying Xiaohong whispering in his ear, he waited for today's protagonist to show up.

Suddenly the hall became quiet, and I saw a woman in a blue dress walking out with a little girl. Maybe women of this profession usually sleep until noon and wake up naturally. One is Yangliujiao blown by the wind.

When you take a closer look, you can see the curved willow eyebrows, the plum-hanging nose, and the delicate and charming cherry lips!A neck as pink as white jade, and long legs.Even if Qin Yu was well-informed in his previous life, he couldn't secretly praise the beauty of the world!
 Brothers and sisters please collect newcomers and new books!grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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