Chapter 14
Facing Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang's courtship, Qin Ziyu was noncommittal.Because I still don't understand the specific situation of the two parties, I am a casual cultivator living in someone else's cultivator's family, not to mention the degree of freedom, even the degree of safety is not guaranteed.Or be free on your own!
"Thank you Fairy Ye, Brother Shao for your kindness, but Qin is used to being free and easy, so I don't want to disturb your residence anymore. Just use the sound transmission talisman to let me know if something happens!"

"Alright, Brother Qin, take care!" "Take care of yourself!"

Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang had no choice but to give up!
"Take care, both of you, there will be a period later."

When approaching Naraku City, Qin Ziyu and two fellow Taoists parted ways!

Naraku City is worthy of being a big city with a population of tens of millions. There are many people coming and going on the streets, various shops and shops are everywhere, wine and flags are flying, and the hawking of vendors is coming and going, and it will never stop!
Qin Yu found a high-end inn called Piaomiao Inn. There is a separate small courtyard in the inn as a guest room, but it is ridiculously expensive. It costs one or two silver for a day's stay, but the service is considerate, and meals can be delivered directly to the courtyard.

Qin Ziyu is fine with other things now, the most indispensable thing is probably silver and other yellow and white things!There were a total of 800 taels of silver in those storage bags.

After being in contact with Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang of the Xiuxian family, Qin Ziyu finally knew that there are seven sects coexisting in the Great Han Kingdom, and it is recognized that the largest sect is Lingyunzong, and Lingyunzong is a thousand miles northwest of Nailuo City. , the strength of the other six sects is comparable, namely Shenyimen, Yunugong, Xuanyinjiao, Lingbao Pavilion, Qingfengmen, and Tianshadian.

Among them, the Jade Girl Palace is full of female disciples, and the Xuanyin Sect and the Tiansha Temple practice magic and other magic arts. There is no balance between good and evil. The decent cultivating sect often fights wits with the two demons, as well as monsters in the Monster Mountain. No wonder!It's just that the two parties agreed not to disturb the mortal world.

And the Xiuxian Sect has a detailed division of the realm of cultivating immortals!
Like Qin Ziyu, Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang, they are in the Qi training period for the beginning of immortal cultivation. They can live for more than 150 years.

After that is the foundation-building period, which is divided into early, middle and late foundation-building periods. The foundation-building period can be said to be more than 350 years old, can live without food, can fly with the sword for a long time, and doubles the spiritual consciousness.However, after entering the late stage of foundation building and reaching the peak of Dzogchen, theoretically, one can enter the Golden Core stage if one is more diligent. Unfortunately, only one in a thousand people in the world of cultivating immortals actually enters the Golden Core stage.

The golden elixir period is divided into the early stage, the middle stage and the late golden elixir stage. The lifespan can reach up to more than [-] years old, and it can fly in the light of light, with huge mana.

And above the Golden Core Stage is the Nascent Soul Stage, and the Nascent Soul Stage is also divided into the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage of the Nascent Soul. It can fly away from the light, and the Nascent Soul can teleport when it is broken. The magic power is boundless, and the lifespan can reach 500. How old!

It's just the existence above the Nascent Soul Stage, not to mention the Great Han Kingdom, even the entire Xingyue Continent has never heard of it.I don't know what went wrong.

Qin Ziyu sorted out the information he inquired today in his mind, and felt that he was still practicing honestly, and practiced a lot of various talismans so that he could exchange for more things he needed at the Immortal Cultivation Fair next month!

After Qin Ziyu thought about it, he calmed down, spread out the blank talisman paper, adjusted his breath and exhaled, stood with irregular footsteps and slightly bent, and entered the state of meditation. After a stick of incense, Qin Ziyu's Langhao brush began to move!
 Thank you brothers and sisters for your recommendation and collection!

(End of this chapter)

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