Chapter 16
Qin Ziyu took out all the talismans that were going to be sold, and the supply soon exceeded the demand. Even though they were more expensive than others, most of the cultivators who came to buy talismans had good eyesight.

A total of more than [-] spirit stones were sold, and Qin Ziyu made a small fortune.

"Brother Qin, you are richer than us now."

Shao Xiaopang cracked his mouth and laughed.Even they only have a few hundred pieces of Lingshi to spend.

"Brother Qin can use Lingshi to buy some things you need!"

Ye Bingrui smiled delicately!

Qin Ziyu happily replied, "Let's take a look first!"

The three of them visited several stalls together, and Ye Bingrui bought several kinds of herbal medicines for nourishing yin and beautifying her daughter's family. Sure enough, her daughter's family was more concerned about these.

Shao Xiaopang has a special love for fans, and he is very coquettish. He took a fancy to a Qinglian enchanting fan. Made from the skin of the Phantom Fox, a peak third-rank monster.

When facing an enemy, throwing a slap at the opponent will cause hallucinations for those whose cultivation level is lower than your own, while those with the same cultivation level or a little higher will be stunned for a moment, but it is useless against opponents who are obviously higher than yourself.

This Qinglian Fascinating Soul Fan is a middle-grade low-level magic weapon, and it costs a hundred spirit stones, but it is worth it for Shao Xiaopang, the fan lover, so he took out the spirit stones and bought it without hesitation.I can't put it down in my hand.

The three of them each bought something they needed. Qin Ziyu came to the booth of a yellow-faced man and saw a black shield. It happened that what he lacked was a defensive magic weapon, so he picked it up, tasted it, and entered a purple shield. The real energy of the Mansion Divine Art entered the shield, and the purple and golden light suddenly radiated. Qin Ziyu immediately felt that something was wrong inside, as if some hidden attribute had been activated.

Qin Ziyu immediately stopped the input of spiritual power, and the black shield immediately turned black again, like scrap iron.

But the yellow-faced man still noticed the abnormal purple and golden light, but he was not sure, rubbed his eyes and said, "It can't be the heaven-level magic art, Zifu magic art, how is it possible."

Then he shook his head and said: "This is a shield made of the tortoise shell of a mysterious tortoise and a strange beast. It is a low-grade and high-level magic weapon, but it can only activate the defense once a day. If you want to buy it, you can sell it to you with ninety spirit stones. "

Qin Ziyu was shocked at this time, knowing that this thing is definitely not just a low-grade magic weapon, and the yellow-faced man just knows that this shield has hidden attributes, so he sells it so expensively, but no one can have heaven-level skills like Qin Ziyu Magic can unlock the hidden attributes, so you are willing to spend 90 yuan of spirit stones to buy a low-grade defensive magic weapon, and the defense can only be activated once a day.

Qin Ziyu tried to bargain: "This shield can only be activated once a day. If you sell it for 90 yuan, it's no wonder no one wants it. I think it's worth 40 yuan at most. Whether you can sell it or not."

"I only sell this thing to destined people. If you think it's worth it, take the 80 yuan spirit stone. If it's 40 yuan, I'll sell it long ago. It's your turn." The yellow-faced man said dissatisfied.

Having said this, Qin Ziyu said without hesitation, "Okay, eighty is eighty!"

Waiting to take out the spirit stone from the storage bag and deliver it.Suddenly someone said: "I'm out of [-], I want this shield!"

Looking back, who else is it?There were a few people beside him who seemed to be with him.

This is on the pole, Qin Ziyu thought in his heart!
 Signed, thanks to brothers and sisters for their great support.I hope everyone will continue to support!
(End of this chapter)

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