Chapter 3 Under Mutation

After all, the headaches did not reach the two of them. Qian Yong took Qin Yu to dinner and drank two glasses of wine to congratulate the brothers for joining the gang.But Qin Yu still used the reason that the gang is troubled now, and he only had two drinks with Qian Yong and was not allowed to drink!

The two were planning to go to rest, only to hear "Kang Bang Dang Dang"

"bang bang"

The siren rang through the sky, and in an instant, flames shot up into the sky, screams and angry reprimands were heard everywhere, and many people lit torches, and there were silhouettes of people, accompanied by swords, lights and swords, flickering, and there was a panic.

A large number of people poured in from the direction of the Black Tiger Gang's meeting hall. It turned out that Shen Yuntao led the two deputy gang leaders of the Black Tiger Gang, the eight major guardian elders, and the three major priests rushed over.

In the middle is the leader of the gang, Shen Yuntao. Shen Yuntao is over 50 years old, and his Black Tiger Spirit King Fist is rarely rivaled in the Liang Mansion in Yunyang County.On the left is Qian Desheng, the leader of the left gang, on the right is Ye Shaoqi, the deputy leader of the right, and behind him are the three major offerings: Duan Zhanhong, the bloody hand and iron fist, the invincible Zuo Qingjiang with two swords, and Li Yixuan, who is invincible with the golden gun.

I heard that the three major priests were all villains in the Jianghu back then. Because they offended the Qiushui Sword Sect, the number one sect in the Han Dynasty, they could not stand. They were enshrined in the gang by the Black Tiger Gang at a high price. Duan Zhanhong, the blood-handed iron fist, wears a pair of thin gloves like iron and gold when fighting, and is invincible with his profound internal strength.

"Report: Yiyi League, Commoner Gang, Da Dao Hui and several small gangs are besieging our gang!" A small leader saw everyone staggering over to report!
The leader of the gang, Guo Jincheng, looked around calmly, only to see shadows of people, I am afraid that the gang is in danger today!Looking up at the three major priests: "When the gang is in crisis, I hope the three major priests will work hard to protect it."

The three priests looked at each other and discussed in a low voice.Duan Zhanhong, the bloodiest chasing soul with the highest martial arts, raised his head and said, "Okay, today I will fight back their cooperation with all my might, but there is one condition."

"But it doesn't matter." The leader of the Black Tiger Gang, Shen Yuntao, said!

"We need to refer to that bag for a while afterwards!" the priest Duan Zhanhong said solemnly!
The head of the Black Tiger Gang said without hesitation: "Okay! Let's do it like this!"

The leader of the Black Tiger Clan looked around and said: "This is a battle for the life and death of our gang, I hope you all will fight the enemy bravely together! Kill with me!"

Immediately leading the crowd to kill, Qin Yu had no choice but to follow Qian Yong to go forward, because the other party came prepared, there were many people lighting torches in the dark night, and the light was the same as in the day, they were catching and killing each other everywhere, and new life was born With the addition of power, it suddenly became chaotic!
The first to bear the brunt was Sun Shun, the head of the Black Wood Hall, who slashed at Huashan with a sword, and slashed towards a tall and thin Toutuo. Staggering, Sun Shun, the head of the Black Wood Hall, was about to step forward to make a stab, when the opposing camp stretched out an iron gun to block it.

Qian Yong was fighting with a man in gray, and Qin Yu was about to help, when two men in black jumped over. Because it was night, these men had a piece of white cloth wrapped around their left hands, so they could be seen as enemies rather than friends.

Qin Yu used the Nine Suns Sword Technique to slash two men in black obliquely with a stance of wind and rain. The two men in black dropped their weapons in response, and the tiger's mouth split open. Qin Yu scratched the neck of a man in black with a backhand. Clutching his neck and screaming, he fell to the ground, another man in black turned around and ran, Qin Yu lured the snake out of the hole with one move, the knife entered from the back, and came out from the chest!

He stepped forward and killed Qian Yong's enemies two-on-one.Qin Yu found that the more he fought, the better he became!

Enshrining Duan Zhanhong's highest martial arts, I saw Duan Zhanhong rushing from left to right, and there was no enemy in his men.

Another large number of enemies arrived, and finally Liu Hengfeng, the leader of the Commoner Gang, Zhao Lifu, the leader of the Sorcerer Alliance, and Wang Fuduan, the leader of the Great Sword Society, led their men to rush over in person, shouting and killing.

Although the number of members of the Black Tiger Gang is small, all of them are brave and fearless, and they have the three major priests with high martial arts skills. Even the commoner gang and the Yiyi League have a few priests to come to kill them!
The leader of the sworn alliance, Zhao Lifu, is known as ghosts, because he has a lot of ghost ideas, and he is also anxious at this time, and he doesn't know when the master of cultivating immortals will make a move.
At this moment, there was a Taoist priest wearing green clothes, a leather bag made of unknown material hanging from his waist, a sword in his back, and a three-legged beard.This Taoist is called Gongsun Hao.

It turns out that this Taoist priest instigated the three major gangs to kill the Black Tiger Gang. This Taoist priest is called Gongsun Hao.He was an outsider disciple of the Immortal Cultivation Sect, and it was no coincidence that the insider of the Black Tiger Gang, who was planted by the Yiyi League, found out that there were some immortal cultivators fighting outside the effect and died together. They left behind two storage bags, but the Taoist priest heard about it. !
It was the storage bag that caused the disaster, because there must be something in the storage bag left by the two immortal cultivators, but Gongsun Hao was afraid that he would directly kill people to seize the treasure and attract interested people to spy on him, which would lead to death.Then he appeared in front of Zhao Lifu, the leader of the sworn alliance, showing off two small spells, and said that after the Black Tiger Gang is taken down, he doesn't want territory, money or women, just give him two storage bags!
As for the most difficult members of the Black Tiger Gang, just leave them to him to deal with!
There is no reason for Zhao Lifu to disagree with such a ghost, so he connected several gangs to divide the territory together!

At this time, Gongsun Hao was like a ghost, using an invisibility talisman to hide his body, and when he came to the battle scene, he saw the Black Tiger Gang desperately fighting, and the kill was inextricable.

Gongsun Hao made a move, and the few remaining talismans in the storage bag appeared in his hands. He lowered his head and hesitated, and left another talisman in the storage bag!
The palm of the hand was cut, and there was a word in the mouth. After a few breaths, the curse was completed, and with a finger, a few golden lights flashed into the three priests with the highest martial arts and the two guardian elders of the Black Tiger Gang. The elder protector was as motionless as a stone.

Gongsun Hao hurriedly used voice transmission to enter the secret and the leader of the alliance, Zhao Lifu, said: "I don't dare to do it yet, I only have ten breaths. Remember to look for the storage bag."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the gate of the Black Tiger Gang. He was also a master who only wanted benefits, and didn't want to get involved in any karma!

Zhao Lifu came to his senses in an instant, his face flushed with excitement: "They can't move anymore, kill them for me!"

As he spoke, he slashed at the neck of Duan Zhanhong, Gong Feng of the Black Tiger Gang, and only heard a "pop", Duan Zhanhong's head fell to the ground!
The Yiyi League, the Great Sword Society, the Commoner Gang and several small gangs immediately rushed over like chicken blood. The three major priests and two elder guardians of the Black Tiger Gang were killed, and the situation suddenly turned one-sided!
At this moment, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang who is in charge of the gang is also a person with a long history. If such weird things happen, I am afraid that it will be useless to surrender at this time.
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(End of this chapter)

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