Demon Hunting Demon Cultivation Road

Chapter 5 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 5
Gongsun Hao used the flying talisman to fly against the wind while exploring with his divine sense.

Gongsun Hao felt unlucky when he thought about it. He originally thought that the commoner gang and the Yiyi League would keep an eye on the top leaders of the Black Tiger Gang, but who would have expected two little salted fish to break out of the siege and take away the storage bag.

Although almost all high-level masters of the Black Tiger Gang were eradicated, it was of no use to Gongsun Hao, and it was a troublesome matter instead!It's good to get a storage bag, otherwise it will be a big loss!Also took a risk!
After searching, there was no one present. Just as he was not sure what was going on, the guards at the back door of the backyard came to report that two boys broke out from the back door.When asked about the fact that the son of a gang leader ran away, and a traitor confessed that he saw the gang leader gave a package to Qian Yong, then there is no doubt about it!
Gongsun Hao hurriedly traced to the Qingsongling Mountains, passing Qin Yu and Qian Yong's hiding caves without knowing it.It turns out that the magnetic field of the Qingsongling Mountains will be chaotic every time the moon is full, and Gongsun Hao's consciousness is seriously affected, so he just passed by.

The next day, Qin Yu carefully checked the entrance of the cave and walked out of the cave with Qian Yong after confirming that there was no danger.

What a beautiful day, clear skies!
Qin Yu and Qian Yong found a small stream to wash up briefly.Continue along the Pine Ridge Mountains.

Last night, Qin Yu and the two discussed it, and they are going to find the sect of cultivating immortals to learn how to practice.Qian Yong couldn't help but burst into tears because he estimated that the high-level officials of the Black Tiger Gang would be more dangerous than good, and vowed to enter the Xiuxian sect and learn the powerful method, and he would definitely come back to avenge his blood hatred!
The Qingsongling mountain range stretches for eight hundred miles, spanning the territory of several counties!

The two climbed mountains and waded all the way to sleep in the wild.Hunt game when hungry, eat wild fruit and drink mountain spring when thirsty.On this day, they saw a huge city on the right side of the front on the mountain peak. Both of them were very happy. After wandering in the barren mountains for seven or eight days, a bird faded out of their mouths. Finally, they can comfort the Wu Zang Temple!
After going down the mountain and walking fifteen or six miles to the bottom of the city, I saw that the city wall was five or six feet high, and the city gate was engraved with the words "Xuanwu City"!
The city gate was guarded by soldiers, and when they entered the city, they paid a little bit of silver like everyone else.

The city of Xuanwu is bustling and bustling, the streets are lined with shops, and people are coming and going, so lively!

The two walked around a few streets and saw a sign that said Dragon and Tiger Inn. They couldn't help saying with a sigh of relief, this is the one!

The two paid money and asked for an upper room. Fortunately, Qin Yu had more than ten taels of silver with him on the day of the accident, and Qian Yong also had more than ten taels of silver with him!Too hungry to die, the two went down the stairs to the lobby!This inn is a hotel accommodation together.

Although it wasn't time for dinner, there were still two or three tables, so I came to an empty table and sat down.

"What do you want, guest officer?" A seventeen or eighteen-year-old shop waiter with a youthful bean on his face immediately ran over!
Qian Yong said: "What special dishes do you have in this shop?"

"The specialty dishes of this shop are: yellow stuffed beef, five-spice roast chicken, sauced lamb, stewed jackdaw, full moon, dragon and phoenix, step by step..."

"Stop, stop, stop, what's the mess?" Qin Yu immediately yelled to stop without waiting for the waiter to take a breath.

The waiter in the shop seemed to be full of ideas.

"How about this, just order two catties of yellow stuffed beef, one five-spice roast chicken, two catties of sauced mutton, and something else that will make the moon go round, so that you can get better every step of the way!" Qin Yu said.

"Okay, wait a moment, guest officer."The waiter just stepped back!
After half a stick of incense, the food came up one after another, and I ordered another pot of red wine for my daughter, and started to gobble it up. After eating, I had a full moon and climbed up every step of the way.It turns out that Huahaoyueyuan is scrambled eggs with shrimps, but step by step is wonderful pork ribs with bamboo shoots. I really can't laugh or cry.

Finally satiated.It took more than two taels of silver, and I didn't mention it since I went to wash and sleep peacefully!
After sleeping until night fell, the two got up and ordered some food to eat.

The daily practice is unstoppable. Qin Yu has also taught Qian Yong the Zifu Neizhuan Kungfu these days, but it is a pity that this Zifu Kungfu is not something that anyone can learn. Qian Yong’s feelings in the past few days told him , this exercise is not suitable for him, but any exercise that suits you will feel a little bit after practicing for a few days, and if you don't feel it at all, it means it is not suitable for you. No matter how powerful the exercise is, it is useless!

Qian Yong sat cross-legged to practice his black tiger mentality.

Qin Yu closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the other bed, turning around the little Zhou Tian in Zifu, and fell into tranquility!

At this time, Zhao Yifu, leader of the Allied Alliance in Duliang Mansion of Yunyang County, Liu Hengfeng, leader of the Commoner Gang, and others were grimacing.

It turned out that Gongsun Hao, a cultivator of immortality, searched for several days in the Qingsongling Mountains but found nothing.I found them again and asked for portraits of Qin Yu and Qian Yong.Zhao Yifu, Liu Hengfeng and the others did not dare to be negligent, so they immediately went to invite a painter, and also someone who was familiar with Qin Yu and Qian Yong's appearance before!
"Master Immortal, please go into the room to rest for a while, and make sure to finish the portraits of those two boys tonight!"

Zhao Yifu and Liu Hengfeng nodded and bowed their heads and said!

"Tomorrow morning at the latest, the portrait must be done! It's free to go to the house to rest. There is still something you need to explain. You must keep silent about the death of my two comrades outside the work. Do you have an order?"

Gongsun Haodao in a yellow Taoist robe.

"Definitely, definitely, I have already ordered it to go down! Please rest assured, Immortal Elder!"

Zhao Lifu said immediately!

Of medium build, with a horse face, triangular eyes with sinister flashes from time to time, a goatee on his chin, and Gongsun Hao pretending to be a fairy with a dust whisk in his hand, he escaped from the yard with his birth method!In fact, he was afraid that this incident would attract the attention of the master cultivators, so he dared not rest here!

This Gongsun Hao is actually an outer disciple of the Red Blood Sect of the middle cultivating sect.Greedy and insidious!The storage bags for two comrades are also sinister and vicious!

In Xuanwu City, Qin Yu and Qian Yong wandered around the city after breakfast. By the way, they inquired on the sidelines, asking if there was any news about immortal cultivators or sects of cultivating immortals.

Near noon, the two bought a few bunches of candied haws and were eating and walking when they suddenly felt colder. When they looked up, they saw a Taoist priest with a horse face and triangular eyes looking at him and sneered at him at the entrance of the alley. , His face turned pale.

The two turned around and left, squeezed towards crowded places, turned a few streets without getting rid of it, couldn't bear it any longer, Qin Yu used Chasing the Stars and Chasing the Moon to pull Qian Yong out like an arrow, turning around and turning around At the end of the string, I couldn't tell where it was, and I couldn't see it when I turned around.

The two discussed it, and felt that this immortal cultivator was the enemy, and he must have obtained the portraits of the two of them.You must not stay in the city, hurry out of the city and take the mountain road!

The two of them didn't dare to hold back when they left the city, they flew towards the mountain like flying, when they were approaching the foot of the mountain, Qin Yu looked back, and there was a figure flying with a sword in the distant sky.

"Let's go", Qin Yu turned around and took Qian Yong's hand, and led him into the woods as if flying!

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(End of this chapter)

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