Great Power Ship

Chapter 110 The Return of the King

Chapter 110 The Return of the King

Wen Dawei is going to let the bullets fly for a while, but Chen Danian from Double Star City is going to use their "Huangtong" brand razors to continue to attack the city.

Since the completion of the Emo-pro production line and the blessing of the Emo-250B vacuum coating machine, Chen Danian did not stop there. Instead, he remodeled the other three workshops and added three production lines for ordinary razors. So far

Huangtong Factory has ushered in the brightest moment since its transformation into civilian products.


At the same time, the export of coated razors is also very gratifying. In three months, a total of 420 million pieces have been delivered to the Lin Group in Hong Kong Island through the trading service company under the bureau.

Book realized domestic profit of RMB 540 million and foreign exchange earning of USD 127 million.

With the sudden increase in performance, various honors followed. The Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau awarded Huangtong Factory the honorary titles of "Advanced Collective" and "Advanced Unit". The title is also inevitable.

The Double Star City even piled up such honorary titles on the Huangtong Factory for free.

You must know that the whole country is publicizing the advanced deeds of Bu Factory Manager these days. Yongjiang is not the only place where you want to find an advanced person like Bu Factory Manager to set up a model and show that you are inclined to reform. Double Star City is also very eager.

As a result, I was looking for it hard here, and Chen Danian arrived so magnificently with his Huangtong Factory.

Not only has the factory turned losses into profits, but what is even more difficult and valuable is that it has actually earned foreign exchange, which is even better than the factory manager Bu, plus the buff bonus of the transformation of the national defense and military enterprises, no matter how you look at it, Chen Danian They are all advanced among the advanced and typical among the typical.

So before and after the May [-]st Labor Day of this year, Comrade Chen Danian almost won all the honors that Double Star City could get, and the major media newspapers in Double Star City even publicized Chen Danian's advanced deeds.

At the beginning, it was very low-key, saying that "there is a person who looks like a factory director in Double Star City"; but it didn't take long before the tone started to rise, and the whole article said "there is a factory director in the eastern region, and we have a factory director in the western region". , It is obvious that the courts have resisted.

After Chen Danian won the grand slam of various honors on the May [-]st Labor Day in Double Star City, the media in Double Star City immediately exploded, saying that "Double Star City has a director Chen", as if preparing to promote Chen Danian to the whole country.

When all the honors were softened, and the media's praises and praises were flying all over the sky, Chen Danian finally couldn't hold it back and started to drift.

First, regardless of the reality of the Huangtong factory, they continued to expand the production line of razors, and then felt that this was not enough, and proposed to build Double Star City into the capital of razors in China and even the world.

At the same time, a huge sales force is set up to go to the whole country in order to completely occupy the national market.

The heroic slogans were one after another, and the generous actions were even more overwhelming. The locals, media and ordinary people in Double Star City were even more impressed by Chen Danian's majestic spirit, so that his reputation reached the peak of his career.

The units that invited Chen Danian to give reports were like crucian carp across the river, and even some factory workers pulled out banners saying "I beseech Comrade Chen Danian to be our factory director" to express their respect for Chen Danian.

And the letters from the enthusiastic people are packed in sacks, and there are many young girls who are in love, expressing their love and admiration for Chen Danian, a bad old man in the letters, every time Chen Danian sees his heart surging, almost sprouting new shoots on the old tree Son.

On this day, Chen Danian was still dressed very decently, standing in front of the mirror in the office, looking left and right, adjusting the neckline and skirt of Zhenliang's short sleeves from time to time, trying to achieve 100% perfection.

This has been an unshakable habit of Chen Danian during this time, daily deed reports, experience sharing, media interviews and leadership receptions, so he must pay special attention to his own image.

For example, today, the leaders of Double Star City and the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau are going to visit Huangtong Factory. Leaders exchange experiences.

Share how you turned the Huangtong Factory into a profit, and how you turned a small razor into a big industry that benefits the people of Double Star City.

For this reason, Chen Danian prepared three genuine shirts today, and when he stood in front of the mirror, he took them off and on like a tsundere little princess.

It wasn't until the leaders were almost here that Chen Danian chose a white one. Of course, the other two were also white, but those two were second-hand, and without the new one on his body, they were not so pleasing to the eye.

Then I used a comb to comb the few hairs, and tried to gather the few remaining hairs to the blank area in the middle, so as to cover the increasingly shiny scalp.

After such a toss, he smiled confidently at himself in the mirror with satisfaction, and was ready to go out to meet the leader.

But before he could move, there was a knock on the office door, and Chen Danian shouted angrily: "Come in!"

Immediately the door of the office was opened, and Zhang Cong, the head of the sales department of Huangtong Factory, hurried in. When he saw Huang Danian, he cried and said, "Director, our razor has been returned!"

"Return? Where to return? Is it the capital city or Shanghai?" Chen Danian asked nonchalantly.

Zhang Cong's long face suddenly collapsed into a donkey's face: "Yes... yes... the No. [-] Department Store in Double Star City..."

"What did you say? The No. [-] Department Store in Double Star City? I held a report meeting with them a while ago, how could they return the goods?"

When Chen Danian heard this, his eyeballs immediately widened, and a roar followed. Due to the strong body resonance, the hair that he had carefully combed became messy again. However, what Zhang Cong said next made Chen Danian no longer in the mood to go. Forget about those hairs.

"Not only the first department store, but also the second department store, the third department store, the fourth department store... Only the fifth department store agreed to keep the shelves because the leaders thought about our old relationship, but they will not let us know how much they can sell. do not care!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bolt from the blue sky. You must know that Double Star City is his base, and it is the foundation of Chen Danian's dominance of the whole country. The entire Huangtong factory must be destroyed.

Now, Chen Danian didn't care about his appearance, he opened the neckline of Zhenliang's shirt, and walked around the office, letting his hot emotions radiate, and after a while he had an idea: "The leaders of the local government and the bureau will come over later, Let me tell them face to face, these department stores in Double Star City are really outrageous!"

Before he finished speaking, he greeted Zhang Cong: "Go, you go with me, and explain the situation to the leader clearly when the time comes!"

After speaking, he opened the door of the office and was about to go out, but at this moment a familiar figure slowly floated in front of him, Chen Danian was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to see Wang Huaiqing, the chief of the technical department, going to the factory meeting The person walking to the room narrowed his eyes: "Liu Chengzhi? What are you doing here?"

"The king is back!"

Looking at Chen Danian's gloomy old face with his round fat face, Liu Chengzhi smiled happily!
(End of this chapter)

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