Great Power Ship

Chapter 115 Luxury

Chapter 115 Luxury
The Marine Corps Amphibious Reconnaissance Brigade can be called the elite of the elite. Because of this, the related training and assessment are also extremely cruel and harsh.

Although Tang Jianshe was recruited into the amphibious reconnaissance brigade after the recruit training camp, which was a shortcut, but there were no shortcuts in training and assessment. If he failed to pass the training, he would also be kicked out of the amphibious reconnaissance brigade.

In the words of No. [-] of their amphibious reconnaissance brigade: "My men don't raise bad soldiers!"

Since you are not a bad soldier, you must be an elite soldier; since you are an elite soldier, you have to survive and fight in any harsh environment.

So Tang Jianshe, the group of recruits who had just been selected into the amphibious reconnaissance brigade, was sent to this uninhabited desert island for a week-long armed field survival assessment.

Those who pass can stay in the amphibious reconnaissance brigade and participate in subsequent training.

If you can't make it through, then I'm sorry, you can go back wherever you came from, because the amphibious reconnaissance brigade doesn't keep bad soldiers!
So the new recruits who just landed on the island are all like little tigers. You are so happy, after all, no one wants to be regarded as a bad soldier.

However, in just three days, more than half of the 128 people who landed on the island had no choice but to withdraw.

There was no way, it was the number one who made these subjects too perverted, and it was not easy to survive in the wild without supplies. As a result, there were veterans from the amphibious reconnaissance brigade on the island.

These guys lurk, set traps, and play sneak attacks on the island, turning a good armed survival assessment for new recruits into a confrontation between old and new soldiers.

The new recruits who were caught by surprise naturally suffered a lot, but even if they reacted, it didn't change much. After all, the overall quality of the veterans is there.

Therefore, the recruits on the entire island can only be described as miserable.

Tang Jianshe persisted for three days in such an environment.

At this moment, his team was being rounded up by a group of veterans of the amphibious reconnaissance brigade, crawling in the wet rainforest, Tang Jianshe pursed his lips, and looked at the surrounding situation through the gaps in the grass with dark eyes.

"Continuing like this is not an option!" Tang Jianshe glanced at the communicator that had already run out of power, and looked up at the veterans who had formed a semi-encircled situation, and said to a companion named Lu Hong beside him.

Lu Hong nodded: "It's better for someone to rush out, the nearest team is here!"

As he said that, Lu Hong showed Tang Jianshe a corner of the map: "As long as we find them, we will work together inside and outside to kill these bastards!"

"Let's go!" As soon as Lu Hong finished speaking, an old-looking soldier behind him volunteered, and Lu Hong glanced behind him: "There is the sea behind us, and at least we have to swim 1.5 kilometers armed to get around the encirclement. It may not be safe to go ashore like this, you Kong Lingce's swimming performance is already at the bottom of the class, so you are still here to cover with Tang Jianshe, I will go!"

Speaking of Lu Hong was about to leave, he was stopped by Tang Jianshe who was beside him: "Let me go, the swimming results of the few of you are not as good as mine, not to mention that it is impossible for those old guys not to arrange things in the water, I may not be able to defeat them in land combat, but they may not be able to defeat me underwater!"

Lu Hong was taken aback when he heard the words, and wanted to persist. Seeing Tang Jianshe's confident and firm eyes, Lu Hong pursed his lips and nodded with difficulty: "Okay, you go, we will try our best to buy time with you!"

Tang Jianshe said "En~~", then quietly moved his body backwards, and moved to the edge of the woods after a while, quickly glanced at the surrounding situation, and found that there was nothing unusual, so he jumped into the slightly undulating sea water ...

However, Tang Jianshe's unnoticed actions were clearly seen by the chief of the Navy on a frigate not far away, and he immediately put down the binoculars in his hand and looked at the Marine Corps amphibious reconnaissance team next to him. No. [-] of the brigade said with a smile: "It seems that the recruits are in a hurry, and the veterans are probably about to drink a pot."

"Not necessarily..." No. [-] shook his head, then pointed to the one not far away and said, "Look, Chief..."

Hearing this, the chief of the navy quickly picked up the binoculars, and forgot to look in the direction of the number one finger. He saw two frogmen leaning on the reef. Seeing recruits going into the sea from the island, they immediately flipped into the sea like swimming fish. Then disappeared in the stray flowers.

Seeing this scene, the chief of the navy put down his binoculars again and looked at No. [-] next to him: "I really didn't expect you to even use the only two sets of diving equipment. It's really costly. Are you not afraid of damage?"

No wonder the head of the navy said that, now the amphibious reconnaissance brigade is equipped with only two sets of professional diving suits imported from Germany. The price can only be described as expensive.

Not to mention the core components such as scuba lungs and oxygen tanks, the matching pressure gauge alone costs more than 2400 US dollars, and the entire set of equipment exceeds 6 US dollars.

There is no way that this flexible and convenient dry suit suitable for any climate and marine environment cannot be produced in China at all. Since it cannot be produced, it can only be sold at a high price.

Other units are better, using the bulky old-fashioned diving suits like biochemical men in the 70s and [-]s can still cope with the current work, but the Navy can't.

After all, the navy has combat readiness and duty tasks, especially when a ship is on an emergency voyage, the inspection and preparation on the water surface is okay, but it is troublesome underwater.

In particular, the submarine force must conduct a comprehensive inspection of the underwater part of the submarine before leaving the post to ensure safety before leaving the port.

It used to take four people a day's work to do an underwater inspection of a boat in bulky old-fashioned diving suits.

However, foreign countries use lighter, more personal dry diving equipment with scuba, and two people can complete the underwater inspection of the submarine in less than 4 hours.

Thereby greatly improving the deployment efficiency and overall flexibility of the submarine.

At present, there are many surface ships in China but not strong, and they still follow the five-60s air, submarine, and fast equipment development ideas, so the status of submarines has become very prominent. Since there are auxiliary equipment that can speed up deployment efficiency and improve flexibility, it is natural Take it and use it.

So after some inspections in Europe, the Navy ordered 12 sets of the most advanced dry diving equipment from West Germany, of which 10 sets were allocated to the submarine force, and 2 sets were given to the Marine Corps for the training and training of frogmen in the amphibious reconnaissance brigade. train.

The entire navy only has these 12 sets, so it is conceivable whether they are rare or not.

But it is such a rare thing, but No. [-] is used to train recruits, not to mention wasteful, it is really a bit extravagant.

But No. [-] replied unmoved: "I can't let my soldiers live in the greenhouse. Only by letting them know how cruel the battlefield is, can they become qualified soldiers!"

The head of the navy nodded when he heard the words, and just about to say something, two waves suddenly appeared on the sea not far away, and soon two black round and black heads came out. frogman.

The head of the Navy immediately frowned, and No. [-] hurriedly shouted through the walkie-talkie: "What's going on?"

"That kid got a diving knife from somewhere, and it's excellent in water, almost scratched our diving suit, and we damaged the equipment, so... so... let him run away..."

A frogman reported truthfully, and the head of the Navy who heard the call frowned and snorted: "It's kind of interesting..."

 ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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