Chapter 121 New ideas (seeking first order)

In fact, the head of the Navy has long wanted to go to Zhujiang Factory to take a look. After all, it is a pilot unit for cooperation between the Marine Corps and the local government. He, the head of the Navy, naturally needs to pay attention to it, so as to provide valuable reference for similar reforms in the future.

It’s just that due to various reasons, the trip has never been made. Let’s take the last time as an example. He had already arrived in Zhujiang, but before he set off, he received an order from the Navy Headquarters to return him to the Navy Headquarters immediately.

The head of the navy had no choice but to cancel the investigation of the Zhujiang factory.

This time, the chief of the navy went south to investigate and investigate the various units. The itinerary is still very ample. He was planning to visit several companies after the end, but he was not sure which one to visit. In the end, he listened to the introduction of the amphibious reconnaissance brigade No. [-] , The chief of the navy aroused his interest in the Zhujiang factory, so he simply stopped by to have a look as it was not far away.

There is no way, many national defense and military units are taking the initiative to get rid of military production one by one these days, thinking that this thing is a shackle and should be broken; but Zhujiang Factory has sharpened its head and drilled in, that's all, the key is to take the initiative to undertake research and development expenses.

In the eyes of the chief of the navy, this is no longer abnormal, but completely different.

As the saying goes, there must be a demon if something goes wrong, so the chief of the navy should go over to see what kind of medicine is bought in this Zhujiang factory!


The chief of the navy is eagerly preparing to come to the Zhujiang factory to find out, but Wen Dawei, who has been in the Zhujiang factory's one-acre three-point land, does not have this kind of leisure.

Although it fought a good battle in the razor business, while regaining the market, it also harvested enough profits and foreign exchange.

It can be called a textbook business model.

However, what no one knows is that Wen Dawei would not do such a desperate job if there was another possibility. There is no way, there will never be a second such one-shot deal.

So, that's how much you get this time, and if you want to get a big ticket, you don't have a chance, but the chance is infinitely close to zero.

Because since then, foreign razors have once again been dominated by the American Gillette company, and "high-end" razors can only be shrunk back to China, and continue to involve with other domestic brands.

Export business is not impossible, but it can only be used as an OEM for Gillette, not to mention the low price, and the profit is even more pitiful.

But knowing that there would be such consequences, Wen Dawei had no choice but to do so.

At the very least, the food problem for more than 2000 people in the Zhujiang factory has been temporarily solved; at least the progress in the maintenance, transportation, and commissioning of the set of mining equipment obtained from the naval warehouse is gradually accelerating; Confidence in the Zhujiang factory continued to soar, and the support for him, Wen Dawei, naturally no longer remained.

Of course, the most critical thing is that his American partner has a problem. Although Weinberg has great ambitions, he always wants to overthrow Gillette and become his own consortium.

However, after so many years of business as a technology broker, Weinberg had a suspicious and stingy character, so he was ready to throw off his arms and go it alone, taking the familiar path of taking both ends.

However, Weinberg’s cousin Epstein thinks that it should be accepted as soon as it is good. After all, there is a century-old brand like Gillette. If people don’t pay attention to manual razors, that’s all. It is a gold mine that can continue to be mined, and of course it will turn around and compete with you.

One is small and the other is a top consortium, how can they compete?
Therefore, Epstein advocated taking a step back. According to Gillette's suggestion, the two joined Gillette and got a purchase fee first.

But the ambitious Weinberg quit and insisted on taking both sides. Epstein had no choice but to kill his relatives righteously, and put Weinberg to death first.

And this is also the fundamental reason why the vacuum coating machine of the Zhujiang factory can be successfully packaged into the Emo brand. Otherwise, with Wen Dawei still busy stabilizing the situation of the Zhujiang factory, how can he have the time to deploy overseas?
If there is another choice, Wen Dawei would rather choose a third party, because neither Weinberg nor Epstein are good people.

The problem is that there is no choice now, so we can only choose the lesser of two evils. Although Epstein is not authentic, at least he is willing to give up profits to Zhujiang Factory; The domestic market has also been swallowed.

After such a comparison, Wen Dawei's choice was very clear. He could only say sorry to Weinberg silently, and then raised his sword...

For this reason, the Zhujiang factory received 1500 million US dollars in foreign exchange, was allowed to open overseas offices on Hong Kong Island, and obtained a low-interest loan of 4800 million yuan from the China Development Bank under the guarantee of Yongjiang Province.

Overall there is no loss.

But on the business line, it fell apart. After all, the export of "high-end" razors is hopeless. Even if the profits from this ticket and the low-interest loans from China Development Bank can last for a while, it is not a long-term solution.

You must know that Wen Dawei's reorganized high-end aluminum industry is about to go into production. After this large sector is added, the stall will not be as big as usual.

Far from being able to support a small razor business.

More importantly, the cost of aluminum refined by the high-end aluminum industry is too high, at least one-third higher than that of aluminum products in other parts of the country, which is really uncompetitive.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the high-end finished product route of finishing, so as to dilute the high cost caused by the unqualified mining and smelting technology.

However, the domestic demand for high-end aluminum products is not large, and the export end faces competition from many foreign friends, especially aluminum products from Japan and Western Europe, which almost monopolize half of the high-end aluminum products in the international market.

They don't have enough points themselves, how could it be possible for your little Zhujiang factory to run out to cut cakes?

But if the product line of aluminum products cannot be opened up, it means that the transformation of Zhujiang factory has failed, and the burden of Zhujiang before has completely become the burden of Zhujiang factory.

Now relying on government loans, the razor business can still barely support, but once the policy changes, the Zhujiang factory will inevitably repeat the mistakes of the Huangtong factory.

Because of this, even though Wen Dawei despised Epstein, he still invited Weinberg to come to China for a walk after getting rid of him.

He said he came here to relax, but in fact Wen Dawei just took the opportunity to sell several aluminum products produced by Zhujiang Factory to him.

Even though Epstein joined Gillette, it does not mean that other businesses cannot be done. On the contrary, since he got a bonus from the Zhujiang factory's razor, Epstein also wanted to continue to cooperate. The products are cost-effective and very competitive in the European and American markets.

Of course, the premise is to avoid the power of those big consortia and big chaebols, otherwise Weinberg will be a lesson from the past.

Therefore, I am not disgusted with Wen Dawei's opportunity to sell, but the problem is that the products Wen Dawei puts out are really lacking in innovation, which makes Epstein a little disappointed.

On this day, after Epstein watched the samples of aluminum alloy doors and windows brought by Wen Dawei, Epstein still shook his head helplessly:
"My dear Wen, your products can't impress me at all, let alone impress those picky consumers. I want new ideas, do you understand? Just like a beautiful girl, you have to learn how to make up and dress up, so that you The man's eyes lit up, this is something new..."

(End of this chapter)

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